Well.. The more I observe games in Far East, the least I am enthusiastic about the changes made. Here is a list of things that doesn't work properly:
- Ming is blobing northward.
- Japan often invades Manchuria.
- Jurchen AI are turning Solons and Nivkhs into vassals but are unable to annex them when they could.
- Jurchen AI are unable to declare easy wars over weak neighbors when they could (even with far better numbers and quality).
- Jurchen prefers to maintain fortresses rather than armies, Korea liked.
- Tributary states are helping Ming too much with its rebels, to the point they prefer to fight these peasants instead to win a war they have just declared (I saw you AI Haixi, declaring with 20k men and 1 mil tech ahead, against 4k Oïrat boys, but still losing because you prefer to fight Ming's rebels!).
- Mandate is skyrocketing after the Ming Dynasty Crisis starts. +5 Mandate events are raining to the point they are able to enact 2 or 3 reforms in a decade or so.
- The early released Shun TAG is far too big, it acts like an impassable dam for the Jurchens. Even worse, they love their threatening neighbor in Korea.
- Dali, Yue and Wu don't fight for their independance because they can't ally each others. Even with external support (they are evaluating their strength individually).
- The new Manchu/Korea event (which I suggested) is badly implemented.
- Tungning still isn't playable, and starts without any institution and far in tech (+ NI?).
Few ideas:
- Teach AI Ming to tributarise its neighbors without taking provinces which are not in the Chinese super region.
- Put Manchuria into terra incognita for Japan (except Sakhalin) in the early game.
- Teach AI Jurchen to annex its vassals.
- Teach AI Jurchen not to tributarise TAGs that have a province in the Manchuria region.
- Teach AI Jurchen tu unify Manchuria over everything else. (Why not creating a "Unify Manchuria" CB, just like the Chinese one, and give them a transitory government?)
- Grant Manchu the Unify China CB, or give them a special government as suggested
- When Shun is released, trigger an event to give back Liaoning to the Manchu or to the biggest AI Jurchen around.
- Also, when Shun revolts, Ming provinces which are no longer connected to the capital - and are out of North China Region - should be given back to their rightful owners (Mongols, Oïrats, Sarig Yogir, Chagatai, Qara Del, etc...). To prevent bordergore and Shun's powercreep.
- Or simply remove the ability to take any province with the "Force Tributary State" CB.
- Tributary states should no longer helps their overlords against rebels.
- Positive Mandate events should no longer triggers if Ming is facing a disaster, or a very few only.
- Releasing Dali, Yue and Wu as marches of Ming doesn't make sense now. I guess... They should be free. Or teach them to fight for their independence.
- Tungning should be playable, and start with all the institutions and techs known by Ming.
- Manchu/Korea event should fire if Manchu are big enough (300+ dev, like required to trigger the Unguarded Nomadic Frontier), and if Manchu are no longer a subject. Korea's provinces in Manchuria should also be given back to the new Manchu overlord (It's give-and-take). Korea may see its trust into Chinese Kingdoms and Ming being degraded frankly, and trust into the Manchu increase frankly.
- Chagatai doesn't exist in 1444...................................................................................................................
updated here