Originally posted by Fate
Have you discovered the location of this province or why it's not visible to the user?
There are 2 "provinces" which are not really provinces: the first in the list (province 0) and the last in the list (the one you quoted, 1614). In the boundbox file, they both have a boundbox that covers the whole map.
Province 0, the TI (or rather PTI) province, is probably used to catch the space where there are no other provinces defined. That way, they only have to specify one TI province instead of several small ones.
Originally posted by Fate
There are a few of these "filler" provinces... is it possible to create a province from them?
I don't know why they are there. There's no evidence of those provinces in the other files (or not that I have found). I should try removing them and see what happens.