I have revised my timeconsuming method of creating the provinces in PSP, so that they are both easier to make and look better:
Step 1: Create a Vector layer. Draw the borders you would like on the map using a line 2 pixels wide in a dakr shade of grey (RGB value: 64). You can use the “point to point line” as a vector, which makes it easier to edit your borders later on.
Step 2: Then proceded to colour the backgroundlayer in the darkest shade of grey in the shading of the provinces (RGB value: 130).
Step 3: Selected each new province on the map with the "magic wand" (the thing that selects an area of the same colour) so that the borders are not selected. Then contract the selection 15 pixels.
Step 4: Floodfill each selection with the lightest shade of grey used in the shading of the map (RGB value: 190)
Step 5: Select all new provinces and use gaussian blur set to roughly 15 to smothen the shading.
J: Select all of the vectorselections on the map and copy them, and place them so they are excactly 2 pixels to the south and 1 pixel to the east of the old vector selections. Rigthclick and select properties: Change the colour to a light shade of grey (RGB value: 200). Rightclick again and select “arange” – “send to bottom”.
You should now have something that is pretty close to the paradox map.
This is an example of my old method. Notice that the shading does not resemble the paradox provinces (the ones with names).
This is an example of the new method.
This looks almost exactly like paradox provinces, and they are easier to make.
Don't know why I didn't think of just using Gausian blur befor