That will be 459.
Bossemanden does have a good point. If we bring everything way down, we might have problems.
Bossemanden does have a good point. If we bring everything way down, we might have problems.
Originally posted by Gwalcmai
The best I've seen is the league of nations data, but I think that only has the budgets (but it has the 1913 ones, IIRC). Maybe a state budget = x% of GDP thing?
Expenditure on War ($ billion)
Total Per Year
Britain $38 $9.5 (4)
France $26 $6.5 (4)
USA $22 $11.0 (2)
Russia $15 $5.0 (3)
Italy $13 $4.3 (3)
Belgium $2 $0.5 (4)
Romania $2 $1.0 (2)
Portugal $2 $1.0 (2)
Serbia $2 $0.5 (4)
Japan $0.5 $0.1 (4)
Greece $0.5 $0.5 (1)
Germany $39 $9.8 (4)
Austria $21 $5.3 (4)
Turkey $2 $0.5 (4)
Bulgaria $1 $0.5 (3)
Figures for the smaller countries are guesswork - the source
actually said "Belgium, Roumania, Portugal, Jugo-slavia $8b;
Japan, Greece $1b" (combined, not each).
National Wealth 1913 ($ billion)
Italy $15
France $67
Germany $78
UK $85
USA $220
Originally posted by StephenT
This may be of some use (or not). Amounts are in 1919 US $.
Code:Expenditure on War ($ billion) Total Per Year Britain $38 $9.5 (4) France $26 $6.5 (4) USA $22 $11.0 (2) Russia $15 $5.0 (3) Italy $13 $4.3 (3) Belgium $2 $0.5 (4) Romania $2 $1.0 (2) Portugal $2 $1.0 (2) Serbia $2 $0.5 (4) Japan $0.5 $0.1 (4) Greece $0.5 $0.5 (1) Germany $39 $9.8 (4) Austria $21 $5.3 (4) Turkey $2 $0.5 (4) Bulgaria $1 $0.5 (3) Figures for the smaller countries are guesswork - the source actually said "Belgium, Roumania, Portugal, Jugo-slavia $8b; Japan, Greece $1b" (combined, not each). National Wealth 1913 ($ billion) Italy $15 France $67 Germany $78 UK $85 USA $220
Originally posted by StephenT
Some more data, which will be extremely useful if somebody can dig up population figures for the countries listed.
Originally posted by StephenT
Some more data, which will be extremely useful if somebody can dig up population figures for the countries listed.
Per capita GDP in 1913 - in 1990 US$
Australia 5505
USA 5307
New Zealand 5115
UK 5032
Canada 4213
Switzerland 4207
Belgium 4130
Netherlands 3950
Germany 3833
Denmark 3764
Austria 3488
France 3452
Sweden 3096
Ireland 2733
Italy 2507
Norway 2275
Spain 2255
Finland 2050
Greece 1621
Portugal 1354
Japan 1334
South Korea 948
Taiwan 794
Unfortunately, Russia isn't listedalthough I'd think that their per capita GDP was almost certainly less than that of Finland. Also, the source said "Austria" - not sure if they mean Austria-Hungary, or literally just those parts of the Monarchy which today form Austria (note that "Ireland" is listed separately from the UK also). I wouldn't be surprised if Hungary or Bosnia were much poorer than the region around Vienna.
Source: a book on economics which quoted as its source for this table, the following book: Britain's Relative Economic Decline 1870-1995 by N F R Crafts, 1997 Social Market Foundation. Anybody got access to a good university library?![]()
Afghanistan (1921) - 6.380.500
Albania (1921) - 1.400.000
Argentina (1 june 1914) - 7.885.237
Austria-Hungary - ca 52.000.000 (the Ö-volume (which A-H beginns with in Swedish, Österrike-Ungern) was published in 1922, so no exact number is given)
Belgium (1902, 1920) - 6.896.079, 7.684.272
Bhutan (no date publ. 1905) - ca 250.000
Bolivia (1900, 1915) - 1.734.000, 2.890.000
Brazil (1903, 1920) - ca 16.000.000, 30.635.605
Bulgaria (1900/1900, 1921) - 2.644.299/3.744.283, 4.861.439 (later 1900-number includes Eastern Rumelia)
Chile (1905, 1920) - ca 3.300.000, 3.754.723
China (1875, 1900, 1904, 1899-1901, 1906, 1924) - ca 350.000.000, ca 400.000.000, ca 270.000.000, 407.345.305, 432.214.000, 318.653.000 (the three first are estimated numbers, the two next are Chinese official numbers and the last is Statesman's year-book including Mongolia and Tibet)
Colombia (no date publ. 1906, 14 october 1918) - 3.917.000, 5.855.077/6.295.491 (two different numbers for the same date)
Costa Rica (1904, 31 december 1920) - 331.340, 468.373 + ca 3.500 "uncivilized indians"
Cuba (1899, 1919) - 1.572.797, 2.899.705
Denmark (1 february 1906, 1921) - 2.588.919 + 16.344 at Faeroe Islands + 11.900 Greenland (1901) + 31.500 Caribbean (1901), 3.267.831 including Sönderjylland/Schlesvig
Dominican Republic (no date publ. 1907, 1921) - ca 416.000, 897.405
Ecuador (1889, 1915) - 1.272.160, ca 2.000.000
El Salvador (1914) - 1.225.835
Ethiopia (no date publ. 1922) - ca 8.000.000
Finland (1905, 1910, 1921) - 2.892.088, 3.115.197, 3.402.593
France (1911, 1921) - 39.604.992, 37.500.017
Germany (1910, 16 june 1925) - 64.925.993, 62.365.478 (no colonies included in numbers)
Greece (1907, 1920) - 2.631.952, 5.536.375
(Mongolia (1924) - 1.800.000
Tibet (1924) - 2.000.000)
Guatemala (31 december 1903, 1920) - 1.842.134, 2.004.900
Haiti (no date publ. 1909, 1918-1919) - ca 1.900.000, 1.631.250
Honduras (1905, 1922) - 500.136, 662.422
Italy (1 january 1909, 1911) - 34.269.764, 37.276.738 (no colonies included in numbers)
Japan (31 december 1903, 1908, 1921) - 46.732.876 including Korea + 2.797.702 Taiwan + 54.759 Pescadores, 52.337.934 including Taiwan and Pescadores, 77.067.924 including all above + 667.382 Kwantung (good to know for German colonies)
Liberia (no date publ. 1912) - ca 1.500.000-2.100.000
Luxemburg (1910, 1922) - 259.891, 260.767
Mongolia (no date publ. 1913, 1924) - 1.850.000, ca 1.800.000
Montenegro (no date publ. 1913, 1921) - 285.000, 199.857 (latest number for the province M. in Yugoslavia)
Nepal (no date publ. 1913, no date publ. 1925) - ca 5.000.000, 5.600.000
Netherlands (1909, 1923) - 5.858.175, 7.086.913
Nicaragua (no date publ. 1913, 1920) - ca 600.000, 638.119
Norway (10 december 1910, 31 december 1912) - 2.391.784, 2.435.700
Oman (no date publ. 1914) - ca 402.600-1.000.000
Ottoman Empire (1914, no date publ. 1920) - 32.770.000, ca 19.991.000 (first number includes Egypt with 12.170.000, second number is probably also a pre-war number but without Egypt)
Panama (1910, 1920) - 337.142, 446.098
Paraguay (1911, 1917) - ca 800.000 ca 1.000.000 (second number probably to high)
Persia (1907, 1925) - ca 9.500.000, ca 10.000.000
Peru (1906, 1921) - ca 3.547.829, ca 5.500.000-7.000.000 (both numbers probably to high, probably closer to 3.000.000 for first number and 5.000.000 for second)
Portugal (1911, 1 december 1920) - 5.960.056, 6.032.991 (both including Azores and Madeira, no colonies)
Romania (19 december 1912, 1920) - 7.234.919 + 273.090 conquered from Bulgaria, 16.262.177/ca 10.000.000 (last number is 1920 number minus conquered parts, unsure)
Russia (1 january 1912) - 173.359.900 (including 12.776.100 Poland and 3.140.100 Finland)
Sanusia - no idea... Manpower should probably only allow one militia division to be raised (or no at all).
Serbia (1910, 1913) - 2.911.701, 4.574.992 (first number + conquered areas)
Spain (1910, 1920) - 19.950.817 +44.629 African colonies, 21.338.381
Sweden (1913, 1914, 31 december 1916) - 5.638.583, 5.679.607, 5.757.566
Switzerland (1 december 1910, 1 december 1920) - 3.753.293, 3.886.090
Tibet (1924) - ca 2.000.000
Uruguay (1908, 1917, 31 december 1924) - 861.464, 1.407.247, 1.640.214
USA (1910, 1920) - 91.972.266 + 7.635.426 Philippines, 117.823.165 (including Philippines and other "colonies")
Venezuela (1891, 1917, 1921) - 2.323.527, 2.844.618, 2.411.952 (second number probably to high)
Arabian states:
Hedjaz (no date publ. 1904) - ca 300.000
Yemen (no date publ. 1904) - ca 750.000
Oman (no date publ. 1904) - ca 1.000.000, check above
Nejd (no date publ. 1904) - ca 1.318.000
British Empire (1911) - 389.000.000 (not including UK and Ireland)
United Kingdom and Ireland (1911) - 45.370.530
Canada (1901) - 5.372.315
North America (1901) - 5.590.000 (including Canada),
India, Burma and Ceylon (1901, 1911) - 298.000.000, 315.000.00
Belize (1901) - 37.479
North Borneo (no date publ. 1905) - 200.000
Aden (no date publ. 1906) - ca 115.000
Somaliland (no date publ. 1905) - 154.000
East Africa (no date publ. 1905) - 5.000.000
South Africa (1911) - 5.973.394
Australia (1901) - 3.782.943
New Zealand (1911) 1.008.206 + 49.844 Maori
New Guinea (1911) - 272.000
Cyprus (1901) - 237.022
Guyana (1891) - 278.328
Dutch Colonies:
East India (1905) - 37.960.000 (all)
New Guinea (no date publ. 1914) - 200.000
Surinam (1905) - 92.000
German Colonies (1913) - 12.400.000:
New Guinea (no date publ. 1914) - 112.000
French Empire (1901) - 51.317.000 (not including France):
France (1906) - 39.252.267
Algeria (1901) - 4.801.475
Tunisia (1901) - 1.820.000
Sahara (1901) - 790.000
Madagascar (1904) - 2.644.672
Reunion (1897) - 173.192
Comores (1901) - 85.000
Guyana (1901) - 32.908
Guinea (no date publ. 1908) - 1.500.000
India (1901) - 273.185)
Indochina (1904, 1906) - 18.925.988, 15.858.514
Congo (no date publ. 1908) - 8.500.000
Somaliland (no date publ. 1908) - 50.000
West Africa (no date publ. 1908,) - 9.100.000/12.700.000 (including Guinea, two numbers)
America (1901) - 428.819 (including Guyana)
Pacific (1901) - 89.000