1913 steel production (millions of tons)
US - 31.8
GB - 7.7
Germany - 17.6
France - 4.6
Austria-Hungary - 2.6
Russia - 4.8
Japan - .25
Italy - .93
Looks like Germany should be a formidable steel producer, even more impressive than Britain.
However if you load up a German game you'll find its running a steel deficit - they need 300 ish but only produce 200 ish.
I propose boosting steel production in Strasbourg and Colmar, as well as Silesia where I believe iron mines existed.
US - 31.8
GB - 7.7
Germany - 17.6
France - 4.6
Austria-Hungary - 2.6
Russia - 4.8
Japan - .25
Italy - .93
Looks like Germany should be a formidable steel producer, even more impressive than Britain.
However if you load up a German game you'll find its running a steel deficit - they need 300 ish but only produce 200 ish.
I propose boosting steel production in Strasbourg and Colmar, as well as Silesia where I believe iron mines existed.