Well, King of Aragon, I will explain:
The English and French have constantly made insults towards the Polish nation, with no provocation. They claim that Krakow is a disease-ridden cess pit, that my wife used herbs to deny me sons, and on numerous ocassions referred to many members of the Polish race, including my own brothers, as stupid. The final straw was when he outright insulted me, saying that I speak in grunts and am uncivilized. Also, these men frequently speak of disrespecting their wives by bedding with others, and even when arranging marriage between the French heir and a daughter of England, the French king said, "Certainly she shall not be so strong as to deny my son other women?" These "kings" cannot call themselves true Catholics, and the English outrightly practice pagan arts and daily they insult the Almighty.
Therefore, because of these insults, I shall war soon with these heretics. France is not so insulting nor is it as outright heretical as the Kingdom of England. Therefore, I offer the olive branch to France, under one condition: That they stay neutral or side with Poland in this war. They have nothing to gain from harming Poland. They have quite a lot to gain from a weak England. Also, I call all true Catholics to aid me, Germany especially, for the English have even dared to insult Dobronega, my daughter and your wife. So, son-in-law, I wish for you to help me fight these heretics. I also ask for the aid, if it is needed, of the Hungarians, my erstwhile ally.
Hopefully now France, Aragon, Germany, Italy, and Hungary know where they stand, for this is a war of honor for Poland, and we shall make the English suffer for their insults.