I've done all the basic edits already- made the german duchies Croatian, fixed Swedish techs, made the non-swedish duchies (like Finland) swedish, and put in some NPCs. I'm loathe to juggle around Duchies, but I have no problem switching out one ruler for another.
Sweden has six duchies, plus the two held by the Crown. The Crown rules the duchies of Uppland and Vastergotland. The other duchies are:
Ostergotland: Sodermanland, Ostergotland, Narke
Smaland: Finnveden, Smaland, Kalamar Lan, Oland
Norrland: Lappland, Vasterbotten, Angermenland, Medelpad, Halsingland, Gastrikland
Karelia: Kemi, Kajanaborg, Savolaks, Viborg
Finland: Nyland, Finland, Tavast, Satakuna, Osterbotten
Bergslagen: Dalarna, Varmland
The nobles of Sweden are as follows:
The King's Brother
Knut Brahe
Young Knut is an exceptionally good-looking young man. He could have any woman he wanted, were it not for his zealous devotion to Christian virtues. Knut is, however, an exceptionally religious individual, and would not willingly commit sin. Still, his good looks and charming personality make him one of the most well-liked nobles in the Kingdom of Sweden. The boundless energy with which he tackles every problem also earns him respect. While he nas none of his brother's martial talents, he is rather more clever than King Johan.
The King's Brothers-in-Law
Inge Hasthuvud
Inge is a lazy fop that relies solely on his charm and hansome face to get by. He is gullible, incompetent, and has no sense or subtility. Even so, he somehow managed to win the love of late King Sven's eldest daughter, and doting King Sven let his oldest marry for love rather than for politics. So I guess he isn't as dumb as he looks.
Birger Grip
Birger, head of the powerful Grip Clan, is perhaps the most well-respected nobleman in all of Sweden. He is clever, competent, and possesses a magnetic personality. He is also admired for his scrupulous nature. Birger understands the power of a favor, and often forgives slights against him. Of course, month or years later he may well call the favor of his kindness due, but one can hardly fault him for that.
Sigtrygg Lejon
Sigtrygg is the foremost religious thinker in all of Sweden. He is a rather well-rounded fellow, though he has no head for military matters. He claims it is because he is dedicated to the Christian ideal of peacefulness, but others suspect it is because he is cowardly in the extreme. Sigtrygg is a rather harsh fellow for one ostenably dedicated to peace, however, and has long advocated savage punishments for those who refuse to accept Christian teaching. The cruelty Sigtrygg shows non-believers does make him popular in Rome, however.
Olaf Tre Rosor
Olaf is an experienced veteran of many Swedish campaigns. Olaf was also the knight to whom King Johan was squired as a youth. Though there may be knights in Sweden more skillful than Olaf in the arts of war (though only a handful, at best), none is more brave. Olaf's courage carried the day for Sweden on more than one occasion. Olaf has no hesitation about using deception and treachery, on or off the field of combat, against his enemies. He has something of a stern persona, and is certainly more comfortable on the field of battle rather than off, but he is still a competent and capable nobleman.
Marcus Eka
Marcus the Just, as he is popularly known, is a well-regarded and popular noble. The House of Eka has long championed the people and the tribal customs, and because of that has long been dear to the hearts of many Swedes. Eka is an uncompromisingly honest person, with little guile in his heart or mouth. He is a talented and influential noble, one who many young courtiers eagerly align themselves with.
Ake Fargalt
Ake was squired to a foolish knight in his youth. Though Ake has a considerable natural talent for military affairs, the knight who mentored him filled his head with strange notions and odd tactics that rarely seem to work out well. Only his natural strength seems to carry him through the misguided troubles his strategums place him in. Ake recognizes that something is amiss in his strageies, and his humble about his skills because of it. He cannot admit the error of his beloved mentor, however, so he decieves himself and others about what goes wrong. Ake also has absolutely no head for logistics, and has lost his army's supplies more than once.
The King's Cousins
Azur Hafriedsatten
Azur is a stern and suspicious fellow, unpopular with the nobility of Sweden for the harsh words he has for them about what he percieves as their laziness and indolence. Azur is almost an ascetic. He often fasts and refrains from intercourse, for he believes that doing so makes him a better soldier. Many doubt that his methods are beneficial Azur, but it is undeniable that he is one of the most outstanding military commanders in all of the north. Azur is a very subtle fellow, and also seems to have a talent for the management of estates. Other than his unpopularity among the ruling class of Sweden, Azur is the ideal nobleman.
Bo Kraam
Bo is often called the sneakiest man in Sweden. It is undeniable that none grasp the inner workings of the court better than Bo. The webs of intrigue he weaves are as daring as they are original. It is fortunate, then, that this clever man is a just and modest fellow, unyieldingly dedicated to King Johan of Sweden. One shudders to think what would happen if treachery were ever to enter into Bo's heart.
Nobles married to cousins of the King
Faste Lake
Faste is the greatest warrior of Sweden. His exploits on the battlefield are matched only by his exploits in the great halls. His love of alcohol is nearly legendary, and Faste is rarely sober. The drink does not leave faste a plesant fellow, for he often seems more ready to doubt the good will of others once he begins imbibing alcohol. Given how eager Sweden's enemies might be to see Faste dead, though, his suspcion of others might not be entirely unjustified. Faste has suffered with worms in the stomach since his youth, which some feel explains his gluttony and intemperance.
Ingemar Oxpanna
Ingemar was once a promising young student in the monistaries. Honest and willing to turn the other cheek, he was an ideal candidate for the priesthood. While Ingemar did recieve his tonsure, he lost interest in the teachings of the church at some point in his education. He is not so brazen as to doubt the truth taught by the Church, but neither does he care much for spreading the gospels. Ingemar prefers to spend his time in court, mingling with powerful people and foreign visitors.
Totil Pik
Totil is something of a joke in noble Swedish circles. He is a tested soldier of several wars, but he has failed the tests put before him more often than not. Totil doesn't really seem to have a talent for anything, though in his defense he is an exceptionally nice person. He is rather judgemental of others, and dislikes people who do not owe their loyalty to King Johan. Because of that, he manages to keep Johan's favor dispite his relative incompetence.