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Feb 12, 2003
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Language specific units help needed

I need your help. These names should be translated into as many languages as possible in order to be incorporated in the models.csv file.
MODEL_0_0 Infantry
MODEL_1_0 Cavalry
MODEL_2_0 Guards Infantry
MODEL_2_1 Attack Division
MODEL_5_0 Light Infantry
MODEL_6_0 Marine Infantry
MODEL_7_0 Mountain Infantry
MODEL_8_0 Militia/Levies
MODEL_8_1 Reservists
MODEL_8_2 Trench Division

Post your translations either here or in the models.csv thread.

Thank you in advance.
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Well I'll start the ball rolling - in Japanese:

Infantry - 'Hoheitai'
Cavalry - 'Kiheitai'
Guards Infantry - 'Tokushu Hoheitai'
Attack Division - ?
Light Infantry - 'Keihohei'
Marine Infantry - 'Kaiheitai'
Mountain Infantry - 'Sangaku Hoheitai'
Militia/Levies - 'Zaigogun'
Reservists - 'Yobihei'
Trench Division - '?'

And to throw one in for added effect, a tank brigade is 'Sensha Ryodan' :)

Infantry = Infanteri
Cavalry = Kavalleri
Guards Infantry = Not sure about that one, livgardister?
Attack Division = Attackdivision
Light Infantry = Lätt infanteri
Marine Infantry = Marininfanteri
Mountain Infantry = Fjälljägare
Militia/Levies = landstorm (Not sure about what levies are, explain?)
Reservists = Reserver (If you mean reserves)
Trench Division = Skyttegravsdivision (Direct translation)

Then, dub every other unit type Ostjägare/fanskap and see how many swedish complaints you will get...
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Infantry : Infantaria
Cavalry : Cavalaria
Guards infantry : (hmmm, I'll make this up) Infantaria da Guarda
Attack Division : Divisão de ataque
Light Infantry : Caçadores (literally, it's Infantaria ligeira, but this is the historical name for Portugal. So, BRA should maybe use the latter)
Marine Infantry : Infantaria de Marinha for Brasil (the name Fuzileiros Navais is more recent, dating back to 1932 there). As for Portugal, I can't find the information, go with Fuzileiros Navais for the time being.
Militia/Levies : Milícia (or Milicianos)
Reservists : Reservistas
Trench Division : Divisão de trincheira
I'll take a stab at spanish, now. :)

Infantry : Infantería
Cavalry : Caballería
Guards Infantry : Guardias
Attack Division : División de ataque
Light Infantry : Infantería Ligera
Marine Infantry : Infantería de Marina
Militia/Levies : Milicianos
Reservists : Reservistas
Trench division : División de trinchera


Infantry: Fanteria
Cavalry : ....

Kidding. :)

Infantry = pasukan jalan kaki
Cavalry = pasukan berkuda
Guards Infantry = ???
Attack Division = ???
Light Infantry = ???
Marine Infantry = berkenaan dengan laut???
Mountain Infantry = pendaki gunung (Translates to Mountaineer)???
Militia/Levies = pasukan sipil yang dilatih militer
Reservists = pasukan penjaga bag belakang (Translates to Rear Guard)???
Trench Division = selebor roda sepada (Translates to Mud Guard)???

I'm pretty sure these are as close as possible. If someone wants to double check my spelling and grammar please do so.

Infantry = infanterie
Cavalry = cavalerie
Guards Infantry = gardă infanterie
Attack Division = atac divizie
Light Infantry = uşor infanterie
Marine Infantry = marin infanterie ???
Mountain Infantry = munte infanterie
Militia/Levies = miliţie
Reservists = rezervă ???
Division = divizie

Again please check to make sure of spelling and grammatical use. Let me know if something is out of place.
An attempt at German by a non-German speaker:

Infantry - Infanterie
Cavalry - Kavallerie
Guards Infantry - Garde
Attack Division - Stosstruppen
Light Infantry - Jäger
Marine Infantry - Marineinfanterie
Mountain Infantry - Gebirgsjäger
Militia/Levies - Landsturm
Reservists - Landwehr (or Reserve)
Trench Division - ?? Grabensdivision would be literal, but I've also seen a refernce to "Sector Divisions" (?Sektordivision)
greek names

attack division=merarhia epithesis(free translation)
light infantry=Elafri peziko
marine infantry=Pezonavtes
mountain infantry=Oreino peziko
militia/levies=ethnofroura(national guard)
reservists=efedria(actually reserve)
trench division=merarhia harakomaton(free translation)

In places that i wrote free translation its because such units never existed in Greece so its the closer term i could imagine.
For militia and reserve its difficult to make a difference in greece."ethnofroura"is the national guard therefore units with older men and equipment."efedria"means reserves but reserves are units not thrown in battle and not 2nd hand active troops always.
Anyway if i found something better i will let you know.
I can also give you Bulgarian names if you need.
Ops dokusto vidiah 4e si Bulgarin taka4e sorry,predpolagam 4e bulgarskite termini gi znaes.
British :D

Infantry - Infantry
Cavalry - Cavalry
Guards Infantry - Regular Army
Attack Division - 'Assault' Division
Light Infantry - Light Infantry*
Marine Infantry - Naval Infantry*
Mountain Infantry - Mountain Infantry*
Militia/Levies - Volunteers
Reservists - Territorial Army
Trench Division - New Army*

* Is a guess/my own interpretation

Infantry = Infanterie
Cavalry = Kavallerie
Guards Infantry = Schutz (literal) or Sonderverband or Schwere
Attack Division = Sturm or Vorstoß
Light Infantry = Leichte
Marine Infantry = Marine or Marine Sturm
Mountain Infantry = Gebirgs or Gebirgsjäger
Militia/Levies = Landwehr or Grenadier or Hilfswillige
Reservists = Ersatz or Reserve
Trench Division = Festung

For single division use 'division' for plural us 'divisionen'

Its kinda hard to translate these. There are different terms for similar units and vice versa.
StephenT said:
British :D

Infantry - Infantry
Cavalry - Cavalry
Guards Infantry - Regular Army
Attack Division - 'Assault' Division
Light Infantry - Light Infantry*
Marine Infantry - Naval Infantry*
Mountain Infantry - Mountain Infantry*
Militia/Levies - Volunteers
Reservists - Territorial Army
Trench Division - New Army*

* Is a guess/my own interpretation
Thanks ST! I got a good LOL from this post. British... :rofl: :D

How about US or Canada? :p :)
Implemented :)
Thank you guys :)
Keep them coming...
Doc said:
Thanks ST! I got a good LOL from this post. British... :rofl: :D

How about US or Canada? :p :)

I did consider making the British term for Attack Division "ANZAC/Canadian Division", but there were some equally good British units :)

For the US, Marines would, of course, be Marines; Reservists would be National Guard; Militia/Levies probably Militia; Trench Division - not sure; the rest as Britain.
French :

MODEL_0_0 Infanterie
MODEL_1_0 Cavalerie
MODEL_2_0 Garde
MODEL_2_1 Division d'assaut
MODEL_5_0 Infanterie Légère
MODEL_6_0 Infanterie de Marine
MODEL_7_0 Infanterie de Montagne
MODEL_8_0 Milice
MODEL_8_1 Division de Réserve
MODEL_8_2 Division du Génie
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Heh, I'll just slaughter italian for real, then.

Infantry : Fanteria
Cavalry : Cavalleria
Guards Division : Bersaglieri
Attack Division : Divisione di Attacco (?)
Light infantry : Fanteria leggera
Marine Infantry : Lagunari
Mountain Infantry : Alpini
Militia/Levies : Milizia
Reserves : Divisione della Riserva (Conscritti?)
Trench division : Divisione di Trincea

OK, let's see if this obvious trampling of their language draws out any italians. :)

Infantry = piyade
Cavalry = süvari
Guards Infantry = muhafız piyade
Attack Division = Atak piyade ???
Light Infantry = hafif piyade
Marine Infantry = deniz piyade
Mountain Infantry = dağ piyade
Militia/Levies = milis
Reservists = yedek asker
Trench Division = Siper kazmak ???

Infantry = gyalogos
Cavalry = lovasság
Guards Infantry = testőr gyalogos
Attack Division = roham hadosztály
Light Infantry = ???
Marine Infantry = tengerészgyalogos
Mountain Infantry = alpinista gyalogos
Militia/Levies = milicista
Reservists = védett ???
Trench Division = sorkatonaság (translates to Infantry of the line) ???