Gwalcmai said:Updated. You wouldn't want to do Montenegro as well, would you? Or should those names be used too?
I think some people say Montenegrin language is different from the Serbo-Croat
Gwalcmai said:Updated. You wouldn't want to do Montenegro as well, would you? Or should those names be used too?
Dibo said:I think some people say Montenegrin language is different from the Serbo-Croat![]()
Gwalcmai said:OK, I added Finland then. Surprisingly, danish is still missing...The silence of the serbs is a bit strange also.
bhnkpl said:Have no fear I will butcher the Danish language.![]()
Infantry = infanteri
Cavalry = kavaleri
Guards Infantry = tyktflydende Infanteri ???
Attack Division = anfald division
Light Infantry = lettere infanteri
Marine Infantry = marint infanteri
Mountain Infantry = alpin infanteri
Militia/Levies = vælnede grupper???
Reservists = reserve
Trench Division = rende infanteri
Gwalcmai said:'Fanteria Chiara'?!?!? You used some auto-translate program, didn't you? Because, AFAIK, chiara is light as in clear, not light as in... well, light.
regret said:thats one way to do it i guess
bhnkpl said:You know you could help with tranlations instead of being a critic. Just a thought.
Gwalcmai said:But now that he mentions it, regret, what happened to the chinese names that we're missing?![]()