I can't find any evidence that subjects ever had a restriction on expansion ideas. They definitely didn't have such a restriction in recent versions(see for example
the idea groups wiki page in its revision from before the 1.33 release). What often prevents subjects from taking it, is that they either need exploration ideas or be a colonial nation or border an uncolonized province(this part is also unchanged). The last one is the reason why Kazan can take it. And the base weight for the idea group is very low, so countries which don't have a positive modifier are unlikely to take it.
If you release a country, they use the historical_idea_groups from their file in the common/countries folder to determine the idea groups. AFAIK the AI preferences are then only used to push some groups to the end of the list. I think it has something to do with very low factors, but not all country information is know at that point and that's why exploration ideas are usually not pushed back despite the x0 for subjects.