Would there be any Asian areas [ie Deccan] that could also have a Savanna-like terrain?
To be honest, I'm not very familliar with Indian history (to put it lightly. A true statement would be: I have no idea), and only very little about its geography, so I can't really say.
I plan the Savanna to be slightly more friendly terrain than the Drylands or the Steppe, and sort of local version of the 2 or the Plains - with potential for some sort of locally typical buildings etc.
As unfamilliar with India as I am, I can only ask - would Savanna really fit there better than Drylands, Plains or Steppe?
-Incredible! Savannah could do with a Pursuit value bonus to represent the decisiveness of the rout.
Just nitpicking but it is Savannah with with an H.
Good idea about pursuit. I will check it in the files how it works and what are the possibilities. It's the perfect direction of an idea!
As for the spelling - as far as I am aware, English allows both versions as equally good, and since I generally prefer not to put the ending -h in Arabic, Hebrew and other words where they are not really pronounced, I prefer this sort of spelling. Savanna without -h would only be wrong if we spoke about the US city of Savannah. But not about terrain in Africa.
-Also, Songhai has Qaw and Sorko counties under it which lead to ahistorical revolts, would be nice if the counties were converted to Songhai since Qaw and Sorko are kinda castes in Songhai society.
Just as already replied above by
@Black7Emperor7, the Songhai people didn't yet exist in the 11th century and even less so in the 9th. Yes, when the Songhai identity was created, the Sorko and Gaw have transformed into castes, but as far as my research suggests, before that they were 2 different people.
The cultural revolts etc. are a problem I do admit that... and in the future I'd like to add some content which would better simulate the historical process of forming the Songhai culture. I am pretty sure that it's also what was intended in the vanilla - that the Songhai would be a melting-pot culture for the Sorko+Gaw/Qaw, but the melting-pot haven't really happened for some reason. If vanilla won't fix it (hope it will), I will do so in my mod.
I think there could also be added a decision for the Sorko and Gaw/Qaw people in Kawkaw duchy to accept/create Songhai culture.... and I would love to eventually do some sort of caste system mechanic for the Songhai and Soninke societies. But that would more probably be for another mod, which would be built on top of this, which is primarily just simple/minimalistic map+basic culture stuff mod. But I can't deny I wouldn't like to do this sort of things.
-Also, Songhai has Qaw and Sorko counties under it which lead to ahistorical revolts, would be nice if the counties were converted to Songhai since Qaw and Sorko are kinda castes in Songhai society.
-Are you thinking of adjusting the Development values and Technology unlocks in the region, it is about cultures after all. I will humbly suggest some candidates.
°Basically all the nodes of the Trans-saharan trade route in the Savanah or on the Niger should get a bump: Jenné, Timbuktu, Mali, Kumbi-Saleh and so on.
°A cultural tech that unlocks House Seniority could serve as a placeholder for lateral succession
Yes, this will be under consideration. But I must say that I'm not very dissatisfied with the current state of vanilla.
Note that Timbuktu's fame doesn't really belong to the game's time period... and in popular narratives it is grossly overpowered. Places like Jenné(or Jenné-Jeno), Kumbi Saleh, Awdaghust and Gao were far more important than Timbuktu in CK time period (Timbuktu was
founded 200 years after the 1066 bookmark).
As for the other cities, they certainly were very developped, but I keep them checked with the levels of development of the Middle East, Andalusia, Maghreb and Western Europe. I deffinitely don't plan to make them inaccurately more developed than places like Kairouan, Fez, Cordoba, Anatolian coastal towns, Alexandria etc.
Maybe these would deserve some boost too(especially compared to India, but as I said above, I have no idea about Indian history, so I can't really compare that), but despite the high civilization level of those cities, I think it would be incorrect to have them more developed than the most advanced places in the world. Despite its political and social crisis, 11th century Egypt was indisputably more developed than those cities.
Some overhaul of cultural techs will be part of this mod in the future, but my plan is:
1) set up the map and cultures
2) check the ballance, adjust province histories (add buildings where necessary etc.)
3) adjust cultural innovations and this sort of stuff.
At the moment this mod is still in early phase 1.
I've enjoyed reading about this mod. I look forward to playing it after I finish my current campaign.
In a related/unrelated note, here's a wonderful soundtrack by the incredible Catalan composer, Jordi Savall, that's relevant to the work y'all are doing.
Ibn Battuta, The Traveler of Islam
Wow! This is amazing. It really made my day when I saw it yesterday evening. Was listening to it and I can't thank you enough for sharing it.
I plan to do some youtube video simulations to show the differences between this mod and the vanilla like I did with CK2 version of this mod.... and thanks to you I now have soundtrack for those videos.
I totally love it!!!