There are some AARs, link to one is in my sig, but briefly :
The game started with a burst of crusading : Norway took Finland and a small part of the Baltic coast, Poland got most of the Baltic, Castille finished its reconquista and then grabbed up the Iberian King titles, Hungary and Rus (then Novgorod) both expanded at the expense of the Russian pagans. Some complex maneuverings resulted in Flanders becoming a temporary vassal to Norway, following which they crusaded in North Africa until they could claim that kingdom and become independent. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was created in the First Crusade, with a Piast as its king; it is now a Big Orange Blob holding most of the Middle East. We briefly had a Croatia player, who unfortunately lost a war with Byz rather badly; as he was a newb, we made him Emperor instead. Around this time we lost our Hungary and Rus players, making Poland the sole Great Power in the Baltic and Eastern Europe; this was also the time of the Great Rising described in my AAR, which reduced Norway to a minor, dependent on foreign blades, for thirty years, and also the English kingdom went into a badboy death-spiral; both have now recovered.
The alliance blocks seem to be :
Poland, more or less alone as everybody is afraid of him.
Norway-England-Flanders, this may break up a little as Norway has recovered its strength and doesn't need English support so badly against Poland anymore, and also England and Flanders have competing interests in France.
Castille-Naples-Bavaria, the last is a vassal of Naples. Naples was at one point reduced to being a Castillean vassal, and Trav roleplays a fondly remembered connection even where actual interest might dictate something else. (The reason he was a vassal was that the Moslems were smashing him, and he is grateful to Castille for saving his butt.)
Byzantium all alone, he never says anything! But nobody wants to mess with him either, and besides he's rather isolated in the Eastern Med.
As you can see, Hungary would drop smack bang into the middle of the most interesting area : You would border Byz, Poland, and Bavaria, thus giving you a direct border with three of the alliance blocks, and also Norway would be a natural ally against Poland, giving you a connection to the fourth. On the other hand, of course, you'd have to watch out for Norwegian land grabs in Northern Germany, you don't want me becoming too powerful either.