My proposal for the fix on the situation:MTT players,
With regard to the Peace, I must confess I’m a little afraid of the situation in the Middle East. I never ran this game as a GM. Mostly I hosted the sessions and posted info about the game. I allowed the players to run the game and enforce the rules. I never imposed my will, except with regard to fighting and foul language.
My point is this; I don’t want to go into EUII with the entire Middle East controlled by players. I had planned with other players to smash those realms that held massive chunks of land in those regions to create free realms. It was just fortuitous that Hungary attacked Poland and allowed us an opportunity to smash them quickly. I tell you, had Ear shown up it would have gone much the same route.
Now the choice is this. Do we load the save and force us to slog through hours fighting to decide the fate of the Middle East. Can’t we use this opportunity to discuss the matter amongst the players and try to come to a reasonable conclusion that we all can live with? Now the realms that are shown free in the MAP are not the only answer, just a suggestion. We have the week to discuss it.
Everyone has an interest in the outcome of this matter therefore your input is important. But, please refrain from snap decisions and dramatic statements. Remember this is a suggestion an opportunity to work out a problem before we have to play. Think about it, post your response and be open to compromise.
1.Keep the current kingdoms as is after solving the Hungary-Poland conflict.
2.Run some advertisement for the free KoJ (but only after conversion, once we can give at least an EU2 screenie for preview).
3.Invite people to locations like:
- Timurid Empire (involves later conversion to Mughal Empire)
- another Central Asia state, e.g. Uzbekh Horde
- One Indian state, but not Delhi if human Timurid present - Vyjanagar, Hyderabad, Bahmanid Empire, Benghal all seem small, but with sufficent potential
- 2 or 3 African states - Mali, Songhai, Kanem-Bornu Empire and either Ethiopia or some of its neighbours should be fit
- any other ROTW location if there are takers
4.All ROTW nations except maybe China get predefined alliances with AI of their liking.
5.All european posessions outside Europe get higher decentralisation by releasing vassals - say entire Hungarian Persia could consist of nations like Qara Koyunlu, Fars, M'usha'sha and finally Persia itself, who all would be Hungary's vassals. Same goes for Spanish, Italian, Burgundian, French North Africa.
It is important here that all vassals created in such way are bigger than one province, preferably 3+ provinces big, to not allow them to be quickly annexed by a rival.
6.ROTW nations get a gold, diplomat, missionary and merchant one-time boost in the game start (full 6 missionaries, diplomats and merchants, but not colonists as well as say +1000d).
We could also boost things as relations, troops, ships and other such not game-breaking things for ROTW, say +1 fortress in capital and all trade centers.
7.Finally we should seek to alleviate the research penalties for ROTW nations by giving them more contact (eliminating the isolation penalty), except probably for those of The New World.