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Sorry if it's stupid question: but how exactly do you upgrade your castles? "Never" build condition bothers me - and as I can't send my castellan to improve castle anywhere, I'm virtually clueless.
Sorry if it's stupid question: but how exactly do you upgrade your castles? "Never" build condition bothers me - and as I can't send my castellan to improve castle anywhere, I'm virtually clueless.

There is an option to built "improve castle". It costs a fortune, build time is a day or so. Once it's done, you can send your castellan in the respective province, and there's a chance of spawning the next level of castel.
Woah. The Blackfyres just took back the Throne and just destroyed any opposition. I'm playing as the Hightowers and my father got slain by the Lord of Crakehall, well, the Iron Throne sieged Crakehall during a Westerlands rebellion and castrated the guy who murdered my father. Also, I think the Florents of Brightwater went extinct. The Tarly's had a claim on them and pressed it. I can't find any claimants to Brightwater Keep anymore now, so I guess they all got executed.
I'm not sure that Robb Stark gets the Green Dreams event (or have a chance to) at some point in the game in ACOK. Is there any way to trigger it from the game console? I'd never used it. Could someone give me the code? I think there are evidences in the books to wonder if Robb had consciously or not those abilities.

PS: The GD/Greenseer trait is hereditary? (I think I saw in the Jon Stark-AAR in this forum that his son inherits that trait) And if you became a Greenseer are there events or something to gain pets (like Varamyr)?
Uh, Targaryens are crazy in the year 8000 scenario, while they still have dragons. I've been playing as Karstark and when they finally declared the Conquest War for the North, 3 dragon raiders were enough to take North is less than 3 years.
Funny thing is, they used dragons in EVERY battle and EVERY siege which means that North is now just a smoking pile of ashes. It's fun to see your 23k army get wiped by a 4k Targaryen regiment :rolleyes:

Great job with the update though!
Uh, Targaryens are crazy in the year 8000 scenario, while they still have dragons. I've been playing as Karstark and when they finally declared the Conquest War for the North, 3 dragon raiders were enough to take North is less than 3 years.
Funny thing is, they used dragons in EVERY battle and EVERY siege which means that North is now just a smoking pile of ashes. It's fun to see your 23k army get wiped by a 4k Targaryen regiment :rolleyes:

Great job with the update though!

Wait, the AI understood how to use Rhaenys' and Visenya's dragons? Usually the AI has no idea how to use unlanded character's dragons. And when you're Targaryen yourself the AI never does it.
May I suggest the removal of crown authority altogether, or at least the removal of Lower crown authority factions?

It gets a bit silly. After winning the Clash of Kings wars for Joffrey, Tywin Lannister immediately forms a faction to lower crown authority and declares war on Joffrey. In every single game >_> The concept of crown authority doesn't really fit the setting, it should be stuck on Minimal.
Wait, the AI understood how to use Rhaenys' and Visenya's dragons? Usually the AI has no idea how to use unlanded character's dragons. And when you're Targaryen yourself the AI never does it.

It certainly does in my Targ game. Playing as Aegon VI, I gave a flank of my army to Dany, and she proceeded to burn down King's Landing and Dragonstone ... but at least she used the dragons.

May I suggest the removal of crown authority altogether, or at least the removal of Lower crown authority factions?

It gets a bit silly. After winning the Clash of Kings wars for Joffrey, Tywin Lannister immediately forms a faction to lower crown authority and declares war on Joffrey. In every single game >_> The concept of crown authority doesn't really fit the setting, it should be stuck on Minimal.

Agreed. There might be some other crown laws, perhaps, like in TPatT where one can instate an inheritance fee and various types of laws regarding the common people.
The new forbidden to marry people of other religions that the New Gods introduced is ridiculous. Both for Vanilla, but certainly for this mod. In ASoS people of different religions marry all the time.
What? Anyone except Ironborn can marry anyone else. It makes sense that the Ironborn can't marry women of the green lands.
It seems Valyrians can't marry anyone who's not Valyrian, and while this makes sense I maybe overreacted. Have to check if Northeners can marry Southeners. I know the Old Gods brought ridiculous restrictions to marriage outside your religion.
It seems Valyrians can't marry anyone who's not Valyrian, and while this makes sense I maybe overreacted. Have to check if Northeners can marry Southeners. I know the Old Gods brought ridiculous restrictions to marriage outside your religion.

Yeah check it out again mate, I am marrying Starks to Lannisters and Dornish all the time.
Yeah check it out again mate, I am marrying Starks to Lannisters and Dornish all the time.
I think the game use the religion groups for marriages, not the religions alone.

Also, it would be cool if the Iron Throne can be destroyed. In my current game, an independance faction compose of the Iron Islands, the North, the Westerland, the Reach and Dorne won against the King.
I think the game use the religion groups for marriages, not the religions alone.

Also, it would be cool if the Iron Throne can be destroyed. In my current game, an independance faction compose of the Iron Islands, the North, the Westerland, the Reach and Dorne won against the King.

Well if there was no Iron Throne everyone would constantly be at war with no end in sight till one "family" controlled everything it would be a free for all.

And on a side note has anyone tried taking the iron throne as stannis during clash of kings? I did and everyone and there grandmother declared war on me after I took it...
Well if there was no Iron Throne everyone would constantly be at war with no end in sight till one "family" controlled everything it would be a free for all.

And on a side note has anyone tried taking the iron throne as stannis during clash of kings? I did and everyone and there grandmother declared war on me after I took it...
When the Iron Throne loose too many kingdoms, I think the whole concept of "One king, seven kingdom" should fail.
When the Iron Throne loose too many kingdoms, I think the whole concept of "One king, seven kingdom" should fail.

In a way you are correct. The Iron Throne was created by Dragons and held by Dragons. Everyone bowed to the Targaryens because they didn't have a choice,if they fought they would be toasted extra crispy. So all the Kingdoms excluding the Iron Isles grew use to the notion of being ruled by one Throne/King. It was better than all of Westeros being constantly in a state of civil war. The entire point of the Iron Throne is to maintain the peace of the kingdom and thus rule everyone. The Iron Throne is held together by those who are loyal to it, if everyone hated the Iron Throne and didn't want it to exist it wouldn't. It is as Varys the eunuch asked Tyrion. One man with a sword surrounded by 3 men a rich man,a priest of god,and the swordsman's lord. The richman would offer him all the gold he had if he would kill the other 2 and spare him,the priest would tell him god commands you to slay these two, while his lord would call his oaths and command him to kill the other 2. So who would walk away from this? It all depends on the swordsman and what he believes. Governments/kingdoms don't have power for power lies where people believe it is.

Best example I could give and what do you know it was from GOT :p
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