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I think the game use the religion groups for marriages, not the religions alone.

Also, it would be cool if the Iron Throne can be destroyed. In my current game, an independance faction compose of the Iron Islands, the North, the Westerland, the Reach and Dorne won against the King.

The Iron Throne can be destroyed, same as any other title. You just need to own it and another title of empire-tier.
The Iron Throne should collapse if more than about 4 or 5 kingdoms declare independence. If Robb won independence as the North and pulled the Riverlands out with him, then the Arryns gained independence and the Iron Isles joined Robb to declare independence and take the Westerlands (this is what I did in my game), that should be enough to deprive the Iron Throne of legitimacy and break it up. The Iron Throne should get one last chance to restore itself, and if it doesn't the LPs should be encouraged to forge their own destiny again. It'd be nice to see some alternate titles crop up otherwise, so a King that's been battered that hard could end up ruling an Elective "Kingdom of the South" or became the Blackwater King after all the other LPs abandon them. If a Baratheon presides over the end of the united kingdom, they should proclaim themselves Storm Kings in imitation of the Durrandons. Personally I figure Dorne would be first overboard if the Iron Throne broke up that bad, as they'd probably see no point in supporting the Targaryens anymore (assuming they've completely failed) and go their own way. I can't imagine the Reach would care for much longer if they made up a good half of the Iron Throne's land area and were surrounded by independents.
hi all, i have a question, why can i do for download the last update of the mod? the mirror dont working for me! i try every day since the release. last time it worded well. that's normal ? it's a punnishment for supporting house targaryen? ^^

i will try try and try again, i think this is the only way but i juste ask
I deleted all factions. Makes the game better. I may add back in claimant factions, but even those are silly.
IMHO also makes playing this mod much more boring, as there's basically nothing to do as King of Iron Throne anymore - at least in most scenarios.

The Iron Throne should collapse if more than about 4 or 5 kingdoms declare independence. If Robb won independence as the North and pulled the Riverlands out with him, then the Arryns gained independence and the Iron Isles joined Robb to declare independence and take the Westerlands (this is what I did in my game), that should be enough to deprive the Iron Throne of legitimacy and break it up. The Iron Throne should get one last chance to restore itself, and if it doesn't the LPs should be encouraged to forge their own destiny again. It'd be nice to see some alternate titles crop up otherwise, so a King that's been battered that hard could end up ruling an Elective "Kingdom of the South" or became the Blackwater King after all the other LPs abandon them. If a Baratheon presides over the end of the united kingdom, they should proclaim themselves Storm Kings in imitation of the Durrandons. Personally I figure Dorne would be first overboard if the Iron Throne broke up that bad, as they'd probably see no point in supporting the Targaryens anymore (assuming they've completely failed) and go their own way. I can't imagine the Reach would care for much longer if they made up a good half of the Iron Throne's land area and were surrounded by independents.
+1. They still should retain Kingsguard, though - as relic of old times. Though then probably every independent kingdom would have their Kingsguard, as it became customary element of political landscape.

And well... I think some dissolution mechanics (factions?) with addition of ambition: "Restore Iron Throne" could be interesting.
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Well, I think that if the Iron Throne does not have a LP under it AND is in peace there should be a negative opinion modifier in a way to simulate this loss in legitimacy

It's very difficult to get EVERY LP out, but often it's down to the Crownlands and 2 more. The Royal Claim CB makes it very hard to get all of them out because the Crownlands can usually beat up an LP on its own if it picks a good moment (which it will). At very small size it could just flip to being the Blackwater Kingdom and lose that CB.
Does anyone know when Essos is going to be released? And is there anyway to keep track of it?

There is a sticky thread on the citadel called Essos Dev diary, I cant link you to it, but just google game of thrones ck2 and find the citadel forum.

Sorry mods for trying to post the link initially, completely forgot about the big "external links are not allowed" on the thread title. I am a retard.
So I started in the War of Conquest scenario as Aegon the Conquerer, and I never converted to the Faith of the Seven, instead choosing to remain Valyrian... and yet, the High Septon still exists. How do I abolish the organized religion of the Faith of the Seven and replace it with Valyrian? It seems like that is a much needed feature. I would suggest scripting this into the event where you choose to convert or remain Valyrian religion after conquering the Reach as Aegon... If you choose to remain Valyrian, you should burn the Starry Sept at Oldtown to the ground with your dragons and establish a new organized Valyrian religion... or something similar.

Also, the mod itself is very Faith-of-the-Seven-centric. Even for characters who are not Faith of the Seven (like my Valyrian Targaryen dynasty), the event text in the game mentions 'septons' and 'septas' quite a lot. I assume that with the new religious diversity of Essos in the upcoming additions, this will be fixed and the mod will no longer seem as if it's only meant to be played with Faith of the Seven characters.
Which casus belli you used?

Reclaim Ancestral Sword I expect. It'll be invalid unless the Iron Throne is in a megawar and the Drumms are fighting against the Iron Isles LP, as far as I can imagine. That's quite a rare set of conditions, as two layers of titles would have to be in a civil war.
Reclaim Ancestral Sword I expect. It'll be invalid unless the Iron Throne is in a megawar and the Drumms are fighting against the Iron Isles LP, as far as I can imagine. That's quite a rare set of conditions, as two layers of titles would have to be in a civil war.
Never lost my Ancient Sword, so don't know - but wouldn't it end if "casus belli no longer valid" -> Megawar ends or Drumms lose to Iron Isles?


edit: it's the MAN that I'm highlighting, not his wife. I made the wife commit suicide after he died, presumably while giving birth...in prison. :confused:
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