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edit: making it bigger
Technically, there's possibility to be pregnant up to year 44, I believe - so she could become pregnant at age 44. And I don't remember if it's still possible to become pregnant through events after this age.

And checked reclaiming valyrian swords. Doesn't work for me too.
Technically, there's possibility to be pregnant up to year 44, I believe - so she could become pregnant at age 44. And I don't remember if it's still possible to become pregnant through events after this age.

And checked reclaiming valyrian swords. Doesn't work for me too.
Edited the post - it's the man Im highlighting, not the woman!
Never lost my Ancient Sword, so don't know - but wouldn't it end if "casus belli no longer valid" -> Megawar ends or Drumms lose to Iron Isles?

There are quite a few starts with ancestral swords in the hands of another house. Red Rain, Blackfyre and Ice (Widows Wail/Oathkeeper) all have the wrong owner at some point. If Brightroar or Dark Sister was rediscovered, I expect the Lannisters and Targaryens could claim them too. I also know of a theory that Nightfall (held by House Harlaw in all bookmarks) is the ancestral sword of House Tarth, which could lead to a potential or already existing cb for them.
There are quite a few starts with ancestral swords in the hands of another house. Red Rain, Blackfyre and Ice (Widows Wail/Oathkeeper) all have the wrong owner at some point. If Brightroar or Dark Sister was rediscovered, I expect the Lannisters and Targaryens could claim them too. I also know of a theory that Nightfall (held by House Harlaw in all bookmarks) is the ancestral sword of House Tarth, which could lead to a potential or already existing cb for them.

Really? That's interesting, any proof to the theory?
i remember u guys saying that theres a new event where u can make harrenhal your capital when u conquer westeros, but i dnt seem to be getting it?, or did i get my details wrong? thx.
Tested this already. And:
- as Lords of Castamere, Reynes can declare CB on independent (from Iron Isles) Old Wyk during megawar. However, war ends instantly every time I declare it.
- after becoming Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands, things work correctly.

Anyway, I think there should be option to plead for the return of hostage. I started in Blackfyre Rebellion and after its fall I were granted absolution. It was merciful, but my son was taken hostage & given horrible teachers I couldn't object to. It was OK prior to this point...

HOWEVER, once the claimant war installs Bittersteel on the throne of Westeros, „hostage” situation becomes quite nonsensical, as it makes no sense for Bittersteel to incur any penalties to supporters of Blackfyre. And I'd really love to plead for the return to hostage - because I always fought on the same side!
Really? That's interesting, any proof to the theory?

The pommel of the blade is said to be of Moonstone, the symbolism of the blade seems to be similar to that of Tarth, the Old Ways of the Iron Islanders would suggest the Harlaws stole their blade, and Tarth seems like a reasonable place to travel in order to get it. If I make the 7300 scenario I've been planning, Nightfall will be in the hands of Tarth just to shake things up (and Brightroar will be held by House Lannister, yay).

Tested this already. And:
- as Lords of Castamere, Reynes can declare CB on independent (from Iron Isles) Old Wyk during megawar. However, war ends instantly every time I declare it.
- after becoming Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands, things work correctly.

Last time I played Reyne I got my sword before I took over the Westerlands (by hiring a mercenary fleet that spawned in Lannisport and loading my men on that). Try attacking Old Wyk when its rebelling against the Iron Isles but the Iron Isles is still a vassal of the Iron Throne.
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Will try.

It was the last straw when my idiot of a grandson, set to eventually inherit the Iron Throne, starting a plot to lower the crown authority. *facepalm*
Problem with disabling factions to lower crown authority is IMHO that game doesn't exactly have other ways to model lowering Crown Authority. And well... After the reign of Daeron the Good Crown Authority went down rather drastically.
Brightroar would be the perfect sword for the valyrian quest! With the valyrian sword there is no feeling.

Once you get it you can customise the sword. I have a feeling that Gerion Lannister, King Tommen II Lannister and Brightroar will be explored in more detail later in the series, and should be left aside for now. A Lannister reforged sword designed to replace Brightroar wouldn't hurt though - give it a similar graphic and name and make it exclusive to House Lannister, but make it clear it is not Brightroar.
Once you get it you can customise the sword. I have a feeling that Gerion Lannister, King Tommen II Lannister and Brightroar will be explored in more detail later in the series, and should be left aside for now. A Lannister reforged sword designed to replace Brightroar wouldn't hurt though - give it a similar graphic and name and make it exclusive to House Lannister, but make it clear it is not Brightroar.
I believe that Brightroar is available as valyrian sword from chain at earlier start date. I am pretty sure I got it from Valyrian quest chain in game starting 7999.

By decision. Anyone holding a generic sword should have one to reforge it for 200 gold, and then they get a list of potential swords. About half seem really odd, but there are some good ones. I chose one with a light red background called Kingmaker because I was playing House Arryn and managed to turn the tide of the North rebellion in Robb Starks favour before swearing fealty to him and being freed from the Iron Throne myself - thereby making me the Kingmaker of the North.
The name Blackstark for a cadet branch of the Starks founded by Jon Snow is suited though.
Tested this already. And:
- as Lords of Castamere, Reynes can declare CB on independent (from Iron Isles) Old Wyk during megawar. However, war ends instantly every time I declare it.
- after becoming Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands, things work correctly.

Anyway, I think there should be option to plead for the return of hostage. I started in Blackfyre Rebellion and after its fall I were granted absolution. It was merciful, but my son was taken hostage & given horrible teachers I couldn't object to. It was OK prior to this point...

HOWEVER, once the claimant war installs Bittersteel on the throne of Westeros, „hostage” situation becomes quite nonsensical, as it makes no sense for Bittersteel to incur any penalties to supporters of Blackfyre. And I'd really love to plead for the return to hostage - because I always fought on the same side!

At what time did you start as the Reynes?

I try to start as the Red Lion 250 AL, but it's near impossible for me to reclaim my sword, and take over Casterly Rock.
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