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At what time did you start as the Reynes?

I try to start as the Red Lion 250 AL, but it's near impossible for me to reclaim my sword, and take over Casterly Rock.
Blackfyre Rebellion bookmark, year 195.

The key is the special event army you have in Blackfyre Rebellion. It's rather doomed to fall (meaning that it can be won, but you won't benefit much from it nonetheless), so you'll be better with just stowing those troops for future uses, after you'll be forgiven by king, than actually fighting for Blackfyre. (but hey!, siegeing Castelry Rock & executing PAramount, leading Westerlands out of the war, is IMHO good input into war!, and it doesn't carry much casualties)

And speaking of canon inaccuracies - I have Bittersteel-king, protected by Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Brynden Rivers. I also have Blackfyre, imprisoned for aforementioned Bittersteel for like forever (I think because of his claims to throne). How amusing is that?
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I have a few questions/suggestions about this mod:

First, wouldn't gavelkind make more sense than primogeniture? I don't remember any instance in the books where any person held more than one castle or even kingdom(paramount) which happens quite a bit in the game. For instance, in my current game, the Iron Islands, Riverlands, and Westerlands are all held by one AI.

Second, is there any way to prevent kingdoms(paramounts) from breaking up into irregular bits all over the map. My OCD causes me physical pain when I see a bit of the Reach or Vale in the Westerlands, etc. Once again, in the books, it's been 8,000+ years of more or less defined borders if I recall correctly.

Here are just some of my suggestions from me:

Have varying degrees of crown law but all crown laws keep vassal inheritance within the realm. Also, I'm not sure how to do it, but I think limiting to only Gavelkind would keep things more along canon lines in my opinion so kingdoms, castles, and titles don't end up bunching up to one person. Perhaps an event could be added for when you inherit two kingdoms/lordships. For example, pretend i'm LP of the Westerlands and inherit the Reach. I get to choose to keep one. The other will be filled by either a relative, courtier, etc. If they are a relative, this could create a cadet branch of your dynasty with a permanent opinion boost between the two families.

Overall, this is a completely fantastic mod. I just feel like a few of the things I mentioned could be tweaked a bit in order to follow the books a little more closely. I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts on this. I'm by no means a programmer so I don't really know how realistic my ideas are.
Blackfyre Rebellion bookmark, year 195.

The key is the special event army you have in Blackfyre Rebellion. It's rather doomed to fall (meaning that it can be won, but you won't benefit much from it nonetheless), so you'll be better with just stowing those troops for future uses, after you'll be forgiven by king, than actually fighting for Blackfyre. (but hey!, siegeing Castelry Rock & executing PAramount, leading Westerlands out of the war, is IMHO good input into war!, and it doesn't carry much casualties)

And speaking of canon inaccuracies - I have Bittersteel-king, protected by Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Brynden Rivers. I also have Blackfyre, imprisoned for aforementioned Bittersteel for like forever (I think because of his claims to throne). How amusing is that?

So, you just took over Casterly Rock?

Or what did you do?

And how do you gain the 'Red lion' nickname anyway?

How exactly did you marry her by the way? The last scenario it refused to allow me to marry her.
How exactly did you marry her by the way? The last scenario it refused to allow me to marry her.

I invited her to my court first (which actually at the time was just a small lordship until I inherited the North from Robb), and then just had us married.

Also been meaning to ask, does Dany's infertility come from the stillbirth of Rhaego? Because her and Jon wed before she and Drogo wed.
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I used the ruler designer and used the trait to make myself a member of House Reyne. Is your dynasty tree supposed to be all messed up because of that? It just shows the portraits of my family vertically with nothing connecting them.
can anyone confirm that they made harrnehal capital after conquest with event which changed dejure map of westoeros?
Yes. Harrenhal and Bay of Claws switch to dejure Crownlands while Kingswood switch to dejure Stormlands (but Massey's Hook don't). Also, this make super ugly border at the south because of the duchy of Blackwater Bay.
Yes. Harrenhal and Bay of Claws switch to dejure Crownlands while Kingswood switch to dejure Stormlands (but Massey's Hook don't). Also, this make super ugly border at the south because of the duchy of Blackwater Bay.

If you pick Harrenhal as your capital... You can pick Oldtown and Dragonstone too, which also produce map changes. I've never seen the AI pick anything but King's Landing and convert to the Faith of the Seven as they should do. To be honest Harrenhal is a very powerful castle indeed if you pick it, as it'll give you a large crownlands, a stronger fortification, stop enemies sailing to you easily and make it easier for you to reach and slap down other LPs if they rebel. If you want to remain Valyrian, Harrenhal is the one to pick imo. Oldtown is probably a good pick if you don't conquer all the of Seven Kingdoms and need to weaken the Reach (because Brightwater, Westmarch, the Arbor and Oldtown are absorbed into the Crownlands and everything else but Crackclaw and Dragonstone are lost to neighbors) whereas Dragonstone is a kind of bizzare hardmode selection with not much going for it.
If you pick Harrenhal as your capital... You can pick Oldtown and Dragonstone too, which also produce map changes. I've never seen the AI pick anything but King's Landing and convert to the Faith of the Seven as they should do. To be honest Harrenhal is a very powerful castle indeed if you pick it, as it'll give you a large crownlands, a stronger fortification, stop enemies sailing to you easily and make it easier for you to reach and slap down other LPs if they rebel. If you want to remain Valyrian, Harrenhal is the one to pick imo. Oldtown is probably a good pick if you don't conquer all the of Seven Kingdoms and need to weaken the Reach (because Brightwater, Westmarch, the Arbor and Oldtown are absorbed into the Crownlands and everything else but Crackclaw and Dragonstone are lost to neighbors) whereas Dragonstone is a kind of bizzare hardmode selection with not much going for it.

Except for the role-playing, I suppose. "So yeah, I have gotten seven kingdoms, doesn't mean I can't take the Free Cities up on their offer of ruling over them, too."
Except for the role-playing, I suppose. "So yeah, I have gotten seven kingdoms, doesn't mean I can't take the Free Cities up on their offer of ruling over them, too."

Yeah, that'll probably become more relevant when Essos comes, seeing as one of the already mentioned events is conquering the Free Cities as Aegon.

Ruling both New Valyria and the Iron Throne would be absolutely insane. Megawars would kill millions each time. Having a large standing army waiting in Dragonstone to slap down any rebel would be pretty much essential.
Yeah, that'll probably become more relevant when Essos comes, seeing as one of the already mentioned events is conquering the Free Cities as Aegon.

Ruling both New Valyria and the Iron Throne would be absolutely insane. Megawars would kill millions each time. Having a large standing army waiting in Dragonstone to slap down any rebel would be pretty much essential.

What would be awesome would be if both empires were set on gavelkind. Dance of the Dragons between New Valyria and the Iron Throne, with huge dragon-battles over Dragonstone.
If you pick Harrenhal as your capital... You can pick Oldtown and Dragonstone too, which also produce map changes. I've never seen the AI pick anything but King's Landing and convert to the Faith of the Seven as they should do. To be honest Harrenhal is a very powerful castle indeed if you pick it, as it'll give you a large crownlands, a stronger fortification, stop enemies sailing to you easily and make it easier for you to reach and slap down other LPs if they rebel. If you want to remain Valyrian, Harrenhal is the one to pick imo. Oldtown is probably a good pick if you don't conquer all the of Seven Kingdoms and need to weaken the Reach (because Brightwater, Westmarch, the Arbor and Oldtown are absorbed into the Crownlands and everything else but Crackclaw and Dragonstone are lost to neighbors) whereas Dragonstone is a kind of bizzare hardmode selection with not much going for it.
If you choose Oldtown for capital, Dragonstone and Cracklaw stay in the Crownlands. However, everything north of Blackwater go the the Riverlands and everything south goes to the Stormlands.
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