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Hi there,

Since version 1.10 or so, many Muslim realms (duke or higher) use their dynasty coat of arms in place of the realm coat of arms.

Is there a way the AGOT mod could adopt this feature? It would then override the (sometimes rather contrived) generic coats of arms for the higher level titles. (Only for the ruler who has the highest title within his dynasty, everyone else in the dynasty keeps the generic COA)

We would see, e.g., the armies of the Iron Throne marching under the Targaryen banner when there's still Targaryens around,
the North under the pink banner, the Riverlands under the green Baelish banner etc. ...
and if you switch Stannis into a separate dynasty upon adopting R'hollor ("House Baratheon of Dragonstone" like in the books, or whatever) then his armies could march under a fiery stag banner, regardless of whether he's lord of Dragonstone, Lord of the Stormlands or King of the Iron Throne. It would help keep track of where he is in the ACOK/AFFC scenarios :)

Aesthetically that would be much more in tune with how things go in the books and the TV show. You'd also much quicker pick up if a prominent house lost its seat. I don't know if the game lets you configure it separately from the other Muslim / Arabic features like dynasty-names realms though.
I think it's a religion or culture based thing. I forget which. I think it'd require making the Faith of the Seven use the Muslim Graphical stuff, or the Andal cultures. I am not certain what effect this'd have to be honest.
There is a rather obscure setting in the religions.txt file called
"has_coa_on_barony_only" which is "no" for the Muslims and "yes" for everyone else. But I doubt it's the one since my Muslim Mali empire does not use dynasty-themed COAs/realm name. Only the Andalusian and Berber emirates in my realm use those.

And the setting "dynasty_title_names" with possible settings "yes" and "no" in cultures.txt is only defined for the Turks. I am confused how the game infers it for anyone else...
Hi there,

Since version 1.10 or so, many Muslim realms (duke or higher) use their dynasty coat of arms in place of the realm coat of arms.

Is there a way the AGOT mod could adopt this feature? It would then override the (sometimes rather contrived) generic coats of arms for the higher level titles. (Only for the ruler who has the highest title within his dynasty, everyone else in the dynasty keeps the generic COA)

We would see, e.g., the armies of the Iron Throne marching under the Targaryen banner when there's still Targaryens around,
the North under the pink banner, the Riverlands under the green Baelish banner etc. ...
and if you switch Stannis into a separate dynasty upon adopting R'hollor ("House Baratheon of Dragonstone" like in the books, or whatever) then his armies could march under a fiery stag banner, regardless of whether he's lord of Dragonstone, Lord of the Stormlands or King of the Iron Throne. It would help keep track of where he is in the ACOK/AFFC scenarios :)

Aesthetically that would be much more in tune with how things go in the books and the TV show. You'd also much quicker pick up if a prominent house lost its seat. I don't know if the game lets you configure it separately from the other Muslim / Arabic features like dynasty-names realms though.
Sounds like an awesome Idea, but if I´m remember correctly, this feature is bound to the moslem faith, which also means we would have no female heir´s, since succesion laws are hardcoded.
But they could work with the titular titles and maybe even utilize the dynasty traits. For example, if you sit on the Iron Throne with a character who has the "House Targaryen" trait, you would be able to create a titular empire title which uses the targaryen CoA as a banner. It would be shitload of work, like with the dynasty nicknames and since I´am not a modder myself, I´am not sure if this is possible, but it would be a great improvement.

BTW, I can´t wait for the addition of Essos and to be able to reform Old Valyria. Keep up the great work.
Sounds like an awesome Idea, but if I´m remember correctly, this feature is bound to the moslem faith, which also means we would have no female heir´s, since succesion laws are hardcoded.
But they could work with the titular titles and maybe even utilize the dynasty traits. For example, if you sit on the Iron Throne with a character who has the "House Targaryen" trait, you would be able to create a titular empire title which uses the targaryen CoA as a banner. It would be shitload of work, like with the dynasty nicknames and since I´am not a modder myself, I´am not sure if this is possible, but it would be a great improvement.
Well, it's not specifically tied to Muslims since some Muslim rulers don't use dynasty themes realm COAs or realm names. Like the Mandé Sultans of Mali I am currently playing.

Upon close inspection of vanilla's 00_cultures.txt file, though, I found the line "dynasty_title_names = yes" with which correlates with what I have observed about dynasty-themed names/COAs, since it's only set for the Arabic, Andalusian, Persian, Kurdish and Turkish cultures but not, e.g., the Mandé culture.

Presumably it COULD require, additionally, that you need to be Muslim. Which would be a pity for the reasons you said. Maybe we could implode on P'dox to un-link the religions and make it separate for realm-names and realm-COAs though??
Played a game for 40 minutes lastnight. Iron Isles again, Raided the North with 3 armies of 500 men and set about conquering with Balon's army which was about 15000 strong. Whenever Robb came close I would jump on my ships and run lol. Then Lord Balon was killed in single combat, Prince Theon soon followed him to the Drown God in single combat, and my last heir Baron was murdered by Asha.. That was a fairly interesting game haha make all my vassals love Theon he dies so they all go -100 against my son.
Upon close inspection of vanilla's 00_cultures.txt file, though, I found the line "dynasty_title_names = yes" with which correlates with what I have observed about dynasty-themed names/COAs, since it's only set for the Arabic, Andalusian, Persian, Kurdish and Turkish cultures but not, e.g., the Mandé culture.
That be the modifier that allows realms be named after the ruling dynasty. (Seljuk Sultanate instead of Sultanate of Persia)
has_coa_on_barony determines generating random (not dynastic!) COAs for count and above titles (used by muslims pre-1.10 on all levels).

The function you're looking for is AFAIK tied to 'dynasty_title_names = yes'. So to get ie reyne red lion on Westerlands COA, it would have to be 'Reyne Paramouncy'. I wonder if this could be worked around by disabling dynasty title names for all individual titles in landed_titles.txt, but enabling it in cultures.txt

I believe the events about dragons descending on the battlefield are bugged right now. I started my playthrough as Dorne. Reloaded two-three times, as Westerosi used dragons more effectively than they ever could in Dorne. Nonetheless:

I keep getting messages of people descending on the dragons, even when those people doesn't own dragons. Already gathered 1,5k prestige killing non-existent dragon. Only 'true' dragon-rider I faced so far was Aegon... and after the Dragon-Slayer event popped, I was informed:

(note, this isn't event after Aegon's, only Orys - as above)

but, moreover, Aegon's beast didn't die. Instead, game informed me that my (sic) dragon was killed by myself. I suppose I should be... Happy?

BTW: is there any possibility to make something akin to defensive pagan homeground bonus, only on cultural ground? Would make very good for modelling defensive focus of Dorne, as Targaeryens in earlier start date seem very fond of invading it.
I believe the events about dragons descending on the battlefield are bugged right now. I started my playthrough as Dorne. Reloaded two-three times, as Westerosi used dragons more effectively than they ever could in Dorne. Nonetheless:

I keep getting messages of people descending on the dragons, even when those people doesn't own dragons. Already gathered 1,5k prestige killing non-existent dragon. Only 'true' dragon-rider I faced so far was Aegon... and after the Dragon-Slayer event popped, I was informed:

(note, this isn't event after Aegon's, only Orys - as above)

but, moreover, Aegon's beast didn't die. Instead, game informed me that my (sic) dragon was killed by myself. I suppose I should be... Happy?

BTW: is there any possibility to make something akin to defensive pagan homeground bonus, only on cultural ground? Would make very good for modelling defensive focus of Dorne, as Targaeryens in earlier start date seem very fond of invading it.

I got a similar big playing as Torrhen rebelling against Aegon. I ended up fighting All three Targaryens in one battle and kept getting similar popups about all three dragons being slain... followed by it saying my own non-existent dragon was killed, and the original dragons were still alive, but Torrhen still got the dragon slayer trait afterwards.
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