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Hey guys, do we need Old Gods to play the most recent GoT mod? I'd like to know. Haven't played the actual Crusader Kings in ages, just always play the GoT mods.

From the first post: The Old Gods: Enables the concubine system for Drowned God followers (Pre-DLC system will be used if not enabled). Also adds much flavour, including beserkers, adventurers, new rebels and runestones. Raiding is available for drowned god and wildlings even without this DLC.
I got a similar big playing as Torrhen rebelling against Aegon. I ended up fighting All three Targaryens in one battle and kept getting similar popups about all three dragons being slain... followed by it saying my own non-existent dragon was killed, and the original dragons were still alive, but Torrhen still got the dragon slayer trait afterwards.
Also, playing as Aegon I remember putting down rebellion of Rollingford. Afterwards, lord of Rollingford requested trial by combat - and when I looked at his character screen, I saw 'Dragon-slayer' trait. I didn't have clue about which dragon he killed, but I didn't pay attention at this time. But now I suspect that AI is getting 'fictional' dragon's-slaying events too.
Hi, is it possible to change the religion of a child when playing as him ? I've been trying to choose zealous as educators but it does not seem to work, any idea ?
For cultural conversion of a child, gregarious+diligent traits in the tutor make it more likely. I would expect it is similar with religious conversion.
I just tried the 8000 bookmark as Aegon and after I won I was only offered the original 3 capital locations. Harrenhal wasn't burnt and I had conquered every kingdom except for Dorne. Does anybody know what the problem is? I reloaded and did it again and I got the same result, so it wasn't a random bug.

Anybody? I'm curious if there is some kind of fix I can do for this.
For cultural conversion of a child, gregarious+diligent traits in the tutor make it more likely. I would expect it is similar with religious conversion.

Yep in the normal game it's true, but since they disabled the " demand religious conversion " button, I wonder if they didn't simply delete the possibility of converting. I tried it with 2 or 3 children educated by zealous people, it never worked :/
Yep in the normal game it's true, but since they disabled the " demand religious conversion " button, I wonder if they didn't simply delete the possibility of converting. I tried it with 2 or 3 children educated by zealous people, it never worked :/

Well I had my Old Gods son converted to Faith of the Seven when I sent him to be tutored by a Kingsguard member, so it's possible.
Anyone else having issues with Maester's? Mine passed away and now I have no way to replace him..

EDIT: Ahh never mind, apparently Sellsword cultures don't count as regular lords.
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I tumbled a woman twice and she had two children two months away from each other. Also what determines if you can give a child a cadet dynasty?
So, I just started playing this mod and all I can say is this is great. However, I am wondering how to do a few things.... Can you banish someone to the nights watch and have him take the black without him committing any crime. There is no banish button in my diplomacy. Ive tried imprisoning, but all they have is exile and it sends them to another court. Also, I tried to personally interact with the nights watch and it did not have anything also there is no transferring vassalage. Also, how do you send a daughter to the silent sisters? If anyone could tell me how I would be most appreciative.. Thank you!
Am I the only one who have problems with the "Investigate legitimacy" plot? I was playing as Randyll Tarly in the Crowned Stag scenario. My heir Samwell inherits the holdings of House Florent. He marries, get some kids. Then when I wasn't paying attention, he was suddenly of a new dynasty. Some of his kids are still Tarly's. This is the problem. His dynasty will most likely die out, since he has heirs already. Only kids born after his dynastic change will be of the new dynasty.
This does not really make sense, as if he is a bastard, his kids cannot be of his fathers line anyway.
So I won the Clash of Kings scenario as Robb Stark, imprisoned every Lannister at Kings Landing and beat the Iron Islanders back killing both Theon and their King and installed Renly on the throne because I found Stannis to be dangerously zealous with his crazy fire religion.

What now?

Renly is just going to keep trying to reabsorb the North repeatedly... Do I have anything else to look forward to?
So I won the Clash of Kings scenario as Robb Stark, imprisoned every Lannister at Kings Landing and beat the Iron Islanders back killing both Theon and their King and installed Renly on the throne because I found Stannis to be dangerously zealous with his crazy fire religion.

What now?

Renly is just going to keep trying to reabsorb the North repeatedly... Do I have anything else to look forward to?

There is at least 2 invasion events that i know of, but other than that, once you have finished the scenario events I think its "just" the regular game of CKII in a GoT world
Did the after siege events (capture the leader and / or his family, take no prisoners) not make it to the update?
I never get these events anymore.

That's how I won the war. I just rushed past all the enemy armies and took Kings Landing and through Cersei, Tyrion, Joeffry and a whole bunch of Lannisters in prison... War over...
That's how I won the war. I just rushed past all the enemy armies and took Kings Landing and through Cersei, Tyrion, Joeffry and a whole bunch of Lannisters in prison... War over...

Good news there.
I took the twins with Jon Stark, but nothing happened. Even more frustrating, the ruling Freys location was "ruling from the Twins". All I wanted was a dungeon full of Freys to geed to Ghost 1 by 1 ;)
I just had the best game as House Targaryen. I started as Daeron the Young Dragon and he had a bunch of kids: Rhaekar, Viserys, Vaekar, and Aerys. Aerys became a Kingsguard knight at 14, had an affair with a courtier at 17, which Daeron overlooked and the bastard was named Aenys. Daeron dies of a winter illness, leaving Rhaekar as king. Vaekar marries the LP of the Westerlands and his son Vaekar II inherits that. Viserys tames the dragon of Driftmark and becomes a Dragon Rider. Aerys the Kingsguard Knight tries to usurp his brothers crown, and in the ensuing war slays two of his sworn brothers before being captured and sent to the Wall.

Rhaekar during the war gets a knock on the head and needs a regent. Viserys happens to be that regent and starts a war for the crown, landing 28,000 men at Dragonstone where Prince Daeron II, heir to the Throne lives. Daeron and his son get burned alive leaving Daemon's daughter to reign there, and becomes a lunatic after witnessing her brother and father get burned to death by Viserys' dragon. Ser Aros Blackmont, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard captures Viserys in battle and Viserys is sent to the Wall with his brother Aerys.

Daemon II would have been a great ruler but his uncle killed him, causing Rhaekar's second son Vaermon to inherit. It was amazing.
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