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I thought I'd try to play as the Wildlings and all is good. I've taken all the provinces north of the wall and I'm now a king. Will there be some fun events or is the next step to start building castles to get more troops so I can invade the crows?
I was just playing as Balon Greyjoy and set my ambition to aquire valyrian steel sword and what followed was the most amazing event chain ever, i was speechless and it only made me love this mod even more. Now i was wondering if you could add more reforge options for the sword. And maybe make some reforging options specific for certain houses ( i really want a valyrian steel whip for the greyjoys named The God's Tentacle") Just a thought and please keep up the good work.
I was just playing as Balon Greyjoy and set my ambition to aquire valyrian steel sword and what followed was the most amazing event chain ever, i was speechless and it only made me love this mod even more. Now i was wondering if you could add more reforge options for the sword. And maybe make some reforging options specific for certain houses ( i really want a valyrian steel whip for the greyjoys named The God's Tentacle") Just a thought and please keep up the good work.
I was thinknig of adding some custom valyrian swords for some houses. If you have other names ideas, I take. Especially for Redwyne.
In a previous playthrough, I destroyed Tywin's host at Harrenhall and killed Tywin, killing the enemy at 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. This left me with hardly enough men to harass the rest of the Lannister's and Tyrell's, not to mention Joffrey's forces, so after reinstalling today I tried to divide-and-conquer and otherwise harass the invading forces, but this proved impossible as I simply could not keep one step ahead of the massive Lannister host that inevitably hunted me, so I restarted and took my host to Moat Cailin. I started to think very highly of this strategy as I watched Tyrell, Lannister, and Joffrey hosts suffering severe attrition from besieging keeps and suffering from supply penalties. The Lannister host suffered 50% attrition after taking five keeps or so, and once their strength fell to 18K they marched north under Tywin to meet my host, but before I could crush his men and march south to retake the Riverlands (Riverrun had yet to fall), I lost.

I don't think it is realistic for the north to lose simply because much of the Riverlands are lost. Realistically, Moat Cailin could fall and the north would still resist if a strong central figure still held the kingdom of the north (Robb, Eddard, Bolton, et cetera).

I'm also at a loss as to how I should prosecute the war. The Greyjoy's can't be ignored as they sack the north, and meeting the Lannister's in battle can at best result in the destruction of one massive host at the cost of half of my own, which leaves the Tyrell's unmolested and free to march north and crush my host and end the war. This assumes that Joffrey's host marches on the Vale. I would wait for Stannis to create a sufficient diversion, but it seems that I can't afford to wait that long.
House Greyjoy - Drowned God's Reach
"This whip is made of long and thin valyrian steel."
+4 martial, (some type of combat modifier)

Baratheon - Dragonslayer
"The two handed warhammer of Robert Baratheon."
+5 martial, -1 diplomacy
hire boats and take pyke first thing. then sweep in and capture tywin, ransom him and buy lots of mercs. then fight whoever is king
stannis, joffrey etc you will have fresh mercs and they will have half army from fighting eachother
In anycase i just want the options to reforge the sword into one of those, the stats or bonuses dont really matter
Is this whip somewhat canon?

Because I don't see any merit otherwise. Whips aren't generally made in metal (unless you mention very specific kind), aren't dueling weapon and are terrible waste of resource - unless you just want to whip your salt wive in some very luxurious way.

(And I am pretty certain Robert Baraethon warhammer weren't made of valyrian steel.)
In a previous playthrough, I destroyed Tywin's host at Harrenhall and killed Tywin, killing the enemy at 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. This left me with hardly enough men to harass the rest of the Lannister's and Tyrell's, not to mention Joffrey's forces, so after reinstalling today I tried to divide-and-conquer and otherwise harass the invading forces, but this proved impossible as I simply could not keep one step ahead of the massive Lannister host that inevitably hunted me, so I restarted and took my host to Moat Cailin. I started to think very highly of this strategy as I watched Tyrell, Lannister, and Joffrey hosts suffering severe attrition from besieging keeps and suffering from supply penalties. The Lannister host suffered 50% attrition after taking five keeps or so, and once their strength fell to 18K they marched north under Tywin to meet my host, but before I could crush his men and march south to retake the Riverlands (Riverrun had yet to fall), I lost.

I don't think it is realistic for the north to lose simply because much of the Riverlands are lost. Realistically, Moat Cailin could fall and the north would still resist if a strong central figure still held the kingdom of the north (Robb, Eddard, Bolton, et cetera).

I'm also at a loss as to how I should prosecute the war. The Greyjoy's can't be ignored as they sack the north, and meeting the Lannister's in battle can at best result in the destruction of one massive host at the cost of half of my own, which leaves the Tyrell's unmolested and free to march north and crush my host and end the war. This assumes that Joffrey's host marches on the Vale. I would wait for Stannis to create a sufficient diversion, but it seems that I can't afford to wait that long.
I did basically the same thing you did but it worked out for me. Having crushed Tywin Lannister's army, I realised there was still a massive Tyrell army coming for me and that the Greyjoys were playing merry hell in my backyard. I retreated with my 18k men and left the Tyrells to their own devices. While they were suffering massive attrition and taking castles very slowly, I divided my forces and crushed the Greyjoy armies in all corners of the North until they relented.

At this point- and I have no idea what was going on down south outside the Riverlands- I got the pop-up saying that the war wasn't even against the Lannisters anymore. Turned out Stannis had married Danerys and driven Joffrey out. I never found out what happened to the Tyrell army, but the Seven Kingdoms lived in peace from then on.
and if anything, the Ironborn would use a Valyrian Steel Axe.
I have tried looking around but I can not find much on this subject, is there a way of removing the constant popups about people moving to and from Loyalist factions? I have seen the little alert option on the menu on the right but that does not seem to make a difference.
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