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I have tried looking around but I can not find much on this subject, is there a way of removing the constant popups about people moving to and from Loyalist factions? I have seen the little alert option on the menu on the right but that does not seem to make a difference.

There should be a Message Settings if you hit Escape. Click on Intrigue and go to the bottom.


EDIT: On second thought, stay put. All she did was claim Summerhall, and not the IT.

Yes, she seriously did land about 20,000 Dothraki Screamers in Westeros to claim Summerhall, only to get immediately vassalized by Stannis.

Double edit: Now Aegon has invaded! Joffery just got fed to Daenerys' dragon, Tommen got killed by his regent, Joffery's son Robert II was killed somehow. Tyrion started a war to place Myrcella on the throne. WESTEROS IS DOOMED.

I don't even know what's going on anymore
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After-magewar de jure changes are changed? In aCoK bookmark as Robb, Vale and Reach joined me but only Vale is under de jure North. Reach is both de jure and de facto under Iron Throne.

Details of situation: Robb wed with Margaery before Margaery/Joffey event. I won ironborn invasion, Asha is dead and Theon is in my dungeons. Robert Arryn joined me against Jeoffrey after this victory. Stannis won the war before me. FAegon started his invasion against Stannis. I called Mace Tyrell after the siege of Red Keep. Mace have %0 participation and Robert have %2. Robert have problems with Harry the Heir supporters so he is not my vassal yet.
Just felt the need to share this...

Year 8062. The North has crumbled!


After the death of King Torrhen - who successful repelled the invasion of Aegon - various disputes broke out between the surviving legitimate sons of the old king, which in turn, eventually, triggered various independence wars from the other Northern lords. It started with Lord Eddard Blackstark - bastard son of King Torrhen - who pulled Winterfell from out of Stark hands and whose family remain to hold it now as an independent county (as well as Ice), and eventually the Starks lost all of their lands and the exiled former king was forced to flee to his uncle Lord Eddard's court in their old home of Winterfell, but alas only as a courtier. Now, the North is but a shadow of its former self, lords bickering amongst one another for little bits of power, desperately trying to cling onto old claims that are slipping from their fingers.


Maybe a new king will rise to unite the Northern counties again, but who can tell...
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does anyone know why harrenhal as capital+ potential dejure border change which change fate of westoeros not work????? D:
also i found an error in clash of kings scenario house florent at war with renly, but in book they pledge to renly and stannis is mocked of this fact.
also i found in reoberts reblleion i am rhaegar and daenyrs stormborn is 57424 years old and has only quick and attractive trait????
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Playing as the Kingdom of the Iron Isles, expanding is extremely hard with the new patch as it's impossible to marry outside of the realm because of infidel malus, and that makes it very hard to hold onto other realms, as they'll hate you for being infidel, and you can't marry their sons/daughters to ironborn to try to convert them.
Here is a bug. I got Sunset Invasion event, after that i got event about Aztec Invasion, Smallpox and Sweets from New World. Aztecs got North firstly then got The Rock. Now its their third invasion, this time of the Reach. They use 177k doomstack, this just ruined the game TT.
Here is a bug. I got Sunset Invasion event, after that i got event about Aztec Invasion, Smallpox and Sweets from New World. Aztecs got North firstly then got The Rock. Now its their third invasion, this time of the Reach. They use 177k doomstack, this just ruined the game TT.
Was Sunset invasion turned on?
A couple suggestions for Aegon's Conquest:

1. House Hoare should not be getting the normal 'Claim your ancestral home' event, as it references the extinction of House Hoare and the Burning of Harrenhal - their event should be localized differently

2. According to the lore, when the Targaryens arrived in Westeros Queen Sharra of the Vale offered her allegiance if Aegon would marry her and name King Ronnel his heir. While Aegon said no and the Vale eventually bent the knee regardless, it should be an option for Aegon to accept her offer in game
A couple suggestions for Aegon's Conquest:

1. House Hoare should not be getting the normal 'Claim your ancestral home' event, as it references the extinction of House Hoare and the Burning of Harrenhal - their event should be localized differently

2. According to the lore, when the Targaryens arrived in Westeros Queen Sharra of the Vale offered her allegiance if Aegon would marry her and name King Ronnel his heir. While Aegon said no and the Vale eventually bent the knee regardless, it should be an option for Aegon to accept her offer in game

i agree i think myself and others really love the options that could change the history of westoros, but also plausable!, hopefully more to come :D

Playing as the Iron Isles and I can't figure out why my levies are retraining at a snail pace. I lost some men last year in my game and I have my Master at arms helping retrain them along with building buffs. I am currently at 0/5443/9867 and it only went up by 100 men since last year. I am completely at a loss as to why they aren't retraining while my vassals retrain all the way in about a month. Help? :/ And my retinues are set at max.
A couple suggestions for Aegon's Conquest:
2. According to the lore, when the Targaryens arrived in Westeros Queen Sharra of the Vale offered her allegiance if Aegon would marry her and name King Ronnel his heir. While Aegon said no and the Vale eventually bent the knee regardless, it should be an option for Aegon to accept her offer in game
That would be so much out of character for the Targaryens that IMHO it would be a terrible choice even to just have a theoretical chance that this happens.
I thought I'd try to play as the Wildlings and all is good. I've taken all the provinces north of the wall and I'm now a king. Will there be some fun events or is the next step to start building castles to get more troops so I can invade the crows?

There's nothing. The Wildlings aren't really implemented in a meaningful way, as far as being able to horde up and storm south every now and then.
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