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Playing as Aegon VI, married Daenerys (I have given Meereen to Hizdahr zo Loraq) and was able to have 2 children. Even if the changelog says that she's infertile, some events gave her fertility.

Well, I present you Daeron Targaryen (will be crowned as Daeron III) and his sister-wife Rhaella Targaryen. The Targaryen coin flip is an amazing event, especially when you have 2 times genius.
how did you get daenerys to stop being the queen of meeren and marry her?
Like I said, I put Hizdahr zo Loraq on the throne using the console commande "titleowner k_meereen 12600101". After this, I moved her to my court with "move 77041" (wait a day or two before this, otherwise you'll invite somebody else, I don't know why) and I was able to marry her (and gain one dragon by the way)

If you want to do this, do it after you're on the throne with no active war. Otherwise you'll gain the dragons and it would be far too easy.
Why cant you further upgrade Harrenhall like kings landing?

In the beginning it's fine.. but Kings Landing is the obvious better choice in the end. (not fort wise but province wise)

So I slayed one dragon (I'll go ahead and assume you need to slay three when fighting Daenerys) and after slaying the 2nd this happens. My only guess is the game somehow confuses your dragonslayer trait with dragon and then somehow attaches the dead dragon to you.
I saved mid-battle after slaying the 1st one and this has been happening every try so far.
Check if you really killed any dragon. It sometimes happens that the person you duelled with didn't have any dragon or this dragon is still alive.

Not like slaying dragon in Don Quixote way prevents getting dragon-slayer :)

Also: keep in mind that actual dragon-slaying events have pretty damn low probability of winning against dragons. I duelled dragon (before events started to work... strange?) about 10-20 times, and well... I were happy if I made it out alive. Master Warrior, Dragon-Slayer etc., do increase your chances of winning - but I think that you 'won' rather because those events don't work now rather because of mastery of Robb's arms.

Edit: Here I posted about similar case.
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I haven't downloaded the last update of the mod, just a question/suggestion...

How have you integrated the "Reform" religion feature of the Old Gods DLC?

I would suggest to make the Wildings "Old Gods (Unreformed)" while the Starks &co "Old Gods (Reformed)".
Check if you really killed any dragon. It sometimes happens that the person you duelled with didn't have any dragon or this dragon is still alive.
Edit: Here I posted about similar case.
My problem isn't losing to a dragon, my problem is suffering morale loss (and losing the battle/war) due to an event that says I lost my dragon (which I didn't have) that triggers immediately after I killed one.
My problem isn't losing to a dragon, my problem is suffering morale loss (and losing the battle/war) due to an event that says I lost my dragon (which I didn't have) that triggers immediately after I killed one.
To which I answer: are you sure that you killed a dragon? Because if Daenerys still has her, then you probably haven't.
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