Version 0.4.7
Main features:
- Updated mod for patch 1.111
- A new ruin/colonisation system, with ruins in Oldstones and Summerhall
- Mega wars are now universal to all empire level titles
- Canon diseases can now appear in provinces
- Feudal Elective Kingdoms held by a Drowned God follower will now have a Kingsmoot upon the King's death
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Characters can now contract Greyscale
- Adjusted the Knighthood mechanics somewhat, including making it possible for non-Faith followers to become knights under certain circumstances
- Provinces broken by Dragonfire in a siege will now be converted to ruins
- It is now possible to arrange a wedding ceremony for daughters who remain in your court
- Blackfyres now have a traditional claim on the Iron Throne
- Characters with a Dragon egg may now build Dragon pits
- Seasons now last a minimum of two years
- Members of the kingsguard can now be sent to the courts of other members of the royal family
- The Targaryen coin flip will no longer occur for a secret bastard whose real father and mother are not Targaryens
- Added a decision for female rulers in a regular marriage to a lowborn to make their marriage matrilineal
- The republic random events now use scaled wealth rather than a meaningless +/- 50 gold. Frequency of good/bad events now also depends on your ruler's
- Slaying someone who has yielded to you in a friendly duel will now increase your dishonour
- Grandparents now have priority in choosing a child's education if they are landed and the parents are not
- Added an ambition to Make the Eight
- Added a flavour event for Patricians to lose a ship to a Kraken.
- Added an interesting lunatic event
Character setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added the Butterwell Dragon Egg
- Added new information from The Dance of the Dragons preview
- Updates to much character history including: Stark, Tully, Grell, Marbrand, Lefford, Vance, Lannister, Tyrell, beesbury, Ryger, Hightower, Blackwood,
Manderly, Orkwood, Bolton, Westerlanders in the Conquest, Selmy, Tarly, Cafferen, Baratheon, Velaryon
- Minor Northern ancestor changes to go in line with the MUSH changes. Including House Dustin, Stark, Ryswell and (non-canon) changes in House Bolton to
boost their family numbers in couple mid-scenarios.
- Joffrey and his siblings now have Jaime set as their real father in the history files
- Adjusted ages for Stark members to fit in line with succession. Added afew extra Lannister's from Blood of the Dragon.
- Slight update of House Reyne and Hightower, starting family connections between the two (and others) on Blood of the Dragon lines
- Fixed House Shett family floater by adding a father to Damon Shett and his younger brother. Gave the heir of House Moore some children so the line
doesn't die out to quickly.
- Gave poor_warrior traits to two of the three Kettleblack brothers. Ormand (Kingsguard) has been given trained_warrior.
- Bloodraven no longer owns Darksister from the age of 5
- Changed Randyll Grafton's name to the Canon Marq Grafton (lord at the time of Roberts Rebellion).
- Somebody apparently thought Gregor needed Formidable Fighter. /What/. He's been brought back down to Trained where he belongs.
- Added portraits for Lynesse Hightower and Taena of Myr created by "MnK".
- King Aegon V is no longer both knight and squire
- Reduced Robert Strong's martial score
- Rhaegel's twins are now the same age
- Asha is no longer celibate, but now has a temporary fertility malus to stop the AI marrying her off immediately
- Characters with OR = { a matching personality trait, a matching job title, free time } can improve their education once per decade after they are 30 on a
10% bi yearly pulse. various_trait_events
- Corrected Jeyne Westerling's age
- Populated the Free Companies with canon characters where applicable
- Qyburn is now in the Brave Companions prior to being employed by Joffery
- Brown Ben Plumm is now in the Second Sons
- Gave Maynard Plumm a few conspicuous traits and had him go missing after the Whitewalls Tourney.
- Gave DNA to Argella Durrandon as her flumby fat appearance just wasn't cutting it for someone who was considered attractive.
- If Balon chooses to help Robb in ACoK it now starts an invasion of the Westerlands rather than the Iron Throne
- A character who has been raided can now use the vengeance CB against the raider, which will return all captured salt wives and swords
- On map reaving duels are now less likely
- The negative opinion from raiding now lasts 5 years rather than 6 months
- Reduced the gold gained from raiding
- Characters that wins a trial against the king will now lose their status as an exiled pretender
- Culled high valyrians now have all their gold removed, so their liege does not inherit it
- All murder/execution of kin in the polygamy events will now make a character a kinslayer
- Added an event that prompts a new independent AI dragon rider to invade something
- Characters will now only start adventures against close family if they dislike them. Adventurers will now also move court if a courtier of their target.
- Patricians are now more likely to choose steward/court education
- The AI will no longer castrate/blind/flay/drown prisoners if the prisoner is their enemy in a war and they can enforce demands against them
- Denounced bastards will now reside in their mother's court
- The parents, kin and spouse of a character who is blinded/castrated will now be very anry with their captor, and will also have just cause to imprison
the captor
- Rebels can no longer spawn against the Nightswatch
- Drowned God Lord Commanders are now switched to Old Gods to stop them raiding
- Added an opinion boost between Jon Snow and Mellisandre
- interaction events; #Niceguys wont visit a woman in prison as they dont like gRapes
- Patricians will no longer back a claimant faction that would result in the toppling of the Republic
- Made it more difficult to become chosen by rhllor
- Made it so that all the Skagosi are rebelling during the Blackfyre Rebellion bookmark
- Spymasters can no longer reveal the "Replace a Councillor" plots or get assassinated over them, since these plots aren't actually illegal.
Graphics and portraits:
- Replaced character window
- Remade council screen
- Many new trait/decision/plot icons
- Compressed many graphics to make file size smaller
- Added Dothraki portraits
- Added new portrait layer giving purple lips for Qarth warlocks
- Fixed some incorrect color index for Tyrosh and Valyrian portraits
- Changed religion screen background
- Many localisation improvements/fixes
- Removed the scripted capitals from many high lordships, to try and prevent the AI revoking titles irrationally
- Renamed High Lordship of Oldstones to Seagard
- Eustace Osgrey now supports Daemon Blackfyre during the Rebellion
- The Defiance of Duskendale happens in 8276.1.1
- The Lords of the Westerlands now remain neutral during the Reyne Rebellion
- Only relevant characters will now get informed of the King on the Iron Throne's coronation
- Non Faith of the Seven temples now use open-elective succession rather than gavelkind
- Summer Islanders now prefer Seniority succession and will form factions for it
- Only Westerosi characters or characters with a claim can now use the ambition to put their dynasty on the Iron Throne. The AI will now also use it.
- Optimised the house customiser events
- changed payne hall's terrain to goldroad and hawthorne's to oceanroad
- Durrandons can now get Baratheon stag themed nicknames
- Added some holy sites for some religions
- Added some random valyrian dynasties, names of which derived from valyrian language words
- Split the Essosi religions into more groups and reduced indfidel malus from 30 to 20
- Fixed broken history in The Three Sisters, also added a Sisterman culture for them
- Fixed a sword quest related CTD
- Fixed problem where it was possible to start an upgrade castle in a wildling province despite the upgrade not being possible
- Fixed Velaryon/Driftmark setup in AFFC
- Fixed the dragon battle events
- Fixed Gold of the West launching outside dejure Westerlands
- Fixed lover event impregnating characters if boh are males
- The Rose and the Lion event now checks if the Iron Throne is held by a male Lannister, this stops Margaery marrying people like Danaerys.
- If a king loses their last empire tier title to a dragon/ironborn invasion any vassals in revolt will no longer become independent
- It is no longer possible to hold multiple weddings for the same couple
- If the Summer Islander invasion fails their event forces will now be disbanded
- Adults can no longer be smothered to death in their cribs like a baby
- Fixed problem where a character would be informed their spouse is pregnant by another man, but when the child is born it would be their legit child
- If a member of the Kingsguard somehow becomes landed their titles will now be properly abdicated to a valid heir
- Fixed the Renly shadow baby now working if Stannis was already plotting to kill someone
- Event where you can try and hatch a dragon egg will no longer happen if you already have a dragon
- Fixed problem with Tower of Joy event where new kinsguard defenders wouldnt be selected properly if the initial ones died before the fight
- Fixed problem where Ironborn adventurers were getting stuck on islands due to having no fleet
- Fixed problem where a religion called priests_can_marry was appearing in the ledger
- Fixed problem with ask for legitimisation decision where the character's children would switch dynasty even if the spouse was of a higher rank
- Fixed vanilla rival event where you could imprison yourself for cheating at a tourney
- A ward will no longer ask to be a squire if already a knight
- Fixed a case of the Kingsguard title being stuck with a landed character and new members not being appointed
- Fixed Valyrian marriages of incest being referred to as Xwedodah Zoroastrian unions
- Fixed problem where if the King appoints his heir to the Kingsguard they can react to it and be upset with themself
- Fixed a CTD that could occur when a Maester is Lord Commander of the NW
- Fixed problem where sometimes the Kingsguard wasnt organised properly upon the selection of a new Lord Commander, which could result in more than 7
- It is no longer possible to become friends with yourself at weddings
- Fixed bug in event where you recognise virtues of good spymaster improving relations with the Maester rather than the spymaster
- Fixed problem where the Iron Throne would change to gavelkind succession after the Blackfyre Rebellion
- Taking a landed prisoner as a salt wife will now abdicate all their titles to their heir, rather than to their captor
- Reinstated vengeance opinions between Lannisters and Starks that were missing in ACoK
- Fixed problem where Feasts, Hunts and Fairs were sometimes impossible to hold
- Fixed problem where you could end up imprisoning yourself in the dungeon after winning a trial by combat
- Brides will no longer fall pregnant during a bedding if already pregnant
- Fixed problem where characters were always presenting poor cases in trials by court
- Fixed never ending quest bug
- Removed technology requirements for trade posts
- Getting champion, master of the blade, master of the bow, venerable elder fulfills gain honorary title ambition