And here it is, all the Boilas I could find. There are some fictional characters to make some of the connections but there are as few as there can be. I noticed after posting Eusthatios Boilas' two daughters were married by 1059 and the names of their husbands were mentioned but I forgot adding them, can add them later.
I may make small changes such as making Bardas/Varda and Konstantinos brothers instead of father and son. Konstantinos is said to be the confident or a brother of Romanos Lekapanos and considering Bardas didn't get a harsh punishment for his rebellion, I think it's possible that they are related. Considering it is known to whom Romanos' daughters were married and Romanos' father only became important sometime into Basil's reign, I suggest making this connection through a sister of Romanos Lekapenos, making her a mother to Varda/Bardas Boilas.
I may make small changes such as making Bardas/Varda and Konstantinos brothers instead of father and son. Konstantinos is said to be the confident or a brother of Romanos Lekapanos and considering Bardas didn't get a harsh punishment for his rebellion, I think it's possible that they are related. Considering it is known to whom Romanos' daughters were married and Romanos' father only became important sometime into Basil's reign, I suggest making this connection through a sister of Romanos Lekapenos, making her a mother to Varda/Bardas Boilas.
Boilas1= {
name = "Tarasiy" # Fictional father to Myritzikios to connect with the other Boilas
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "iconoclast"
culture = bolghar #
725.1.1 = {
birth = "720.1.1" #
777.1.1 = {
death = "777.1.1" #
Boilas2= {
name = "Myritzikios" # Father of St. Ioannikios
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "iconoclast"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas1
742.1.1 = {
birth = "742.1.1" # Unknown
761.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas3 # Unknown
797.1.1 = {
death = "897.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas3= {
name = "Anastaso" # Mother of St. Ioannikios
religion = "iconoclast"
culture = greek #
744.1.1 = {
birth = "735.1.1" # Unknown
761.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas2 # Unknown
799.1.1 = {
death = "799.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas4= {
name = "Ioannikios" # Saint Ioannikios
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox" # Converted to orthodoxy around 790
culture = bulgarian #
trait = devoted
father = Boilas2
mother = Boilas3
762.1.1 = {
birth = "762.1.1" # Born around 762
846.11.3 = {
death = "846.11.3" # Died 3 or 4 november 846
Boilas5= {
name = "Myrto" # Unnamed sister of St. Ioannikios
female = yes
dynasty =
religion = "iconoclast" # Converted to orthodoxy around 790
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas2
mother = Boilas3
775.1.1 = {
birth = "775.1.1" # Unknown
791.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas2 # Unknown
855.1.1 = {
death = "855.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas6= {
name = "Hierotheos" # Unnamed brother in law of St. Ioannikos
religion = "iconoclast" # Converted to orthodoxy around 790
culture = bulgarian #
trait = blind # When he refused to convert, Ioannikos supposedly blinded him by prayer
771.1.1 = {
birth = "771.1.1" # Unknown
791.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas2 # Unknown
827.1.1 = {
death = "827.1.1" # Died 820-829
Boilas7= {
name = "Konstantinos" # Konstantinos Boilas, one of the patricians that supported Empress Eirene in 799
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian # His family name suggests Bulgarian origin
father = Boilas1 # To connect him with the other Boilas
760.1.1 = {
birth = "760.1.1" # Unknown
801.1.1 = {
death = "801.1.1" # Died before 801
Boilas8= {
name = "Petros" # Peter the Patrician whose father was a Konstantinos, a Patrician during the reign of Konstantin VI
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas7 # Considering he becomes a monk along with Ioannikios Boilas, his father Konstantinos could be Konstantinos Boilas
783.1.1 = {
birth = "783.1.1" # Born during the joint reign of Eirene and her son Konstantine VI
854.7.1 = {
death = "854.7.1" # Died 1 july 754
Boilas9= {
name = "Konstantinos" # Unnamed son, Peter the Patrician had at least one son
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas8 #
801.1.1 = {
birth = "801.1.1" # Born around 800
850.1.1 = {
death = "850.1.1" # Unknown, but died before his father
Boilas10= {
name = "Petros" # Fictional father to Eudokia to connect her with her relative St. Ioannikios
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas9 #
833.1.1 = {
birth = "833.1.1" #
899.1.1 = {
death = "899.1.1" #
Boilas11= {
name = "Eudokia" # Mother of St. Paul of Latros and a relative of St. Ioannikios
female = yes
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas11 #
872.1.1 = {
birth = "872.1.1" # Unknown
888.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas12
870.1.1 = {
death = "870.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas12= {
name = "Antiochos" # Komes Ploimos Antiochos, father of St. Paul of Latros
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian # Considering he is a member of the navy he could be a "Sklabesianoi"
870.1.1 = {
birth = "870.1.1" # Unknown
888.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas11
912.4.15 = {
death = "912.4.15" # Died due to his injuries taken in a naval battle against Cretans at Chios, so possibly Battle of Chios
Boilas13= {
name = "Basileios" # Elder brother of Saint Paulus
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
trait = devoted # his mother tried to marry him against his will and he fled to a monastery on his wedding day
father = Boilas12
mother = Boilas11
892.1.1 = {
birth = "892.1.1" # Unknown
945.1.1 = {
death = "945.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas14= {
name = "Paulos" # St. Paul of Latros
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas12
mother = Boilas11
901.1.1 = {
birth = "901.1.1" # Probably born around 900
956.1.1 = {
death = "956.1.1" # Died 955 or 956
Boilas15= {
name = "Konstantinos" # Fictional father to Bardas Boilas to connect with other Boilas
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas10
856.1.1 = {
birth = "856.1.1" # Unknown
915.1.1 = {
death = "915.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas16= {
name = "Varda" # Bardas Boilas, Strategos of Chaldos in 923/924
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
trait = devoted # Was shorn and became a monk after his rebellion in 923/924 failed
father = Boilas15
884.1.1 = {
birth = "884.1.1" # Unknown
945.1.1 = {
death = "945.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas17= {
name = "Konstantinos" # Konstantinos Boilas, relative or confidant of Emperor Romanos I Lakapenos
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas16 # Relation to him not known
900.1.1 = {
birth = "900.1.1" # Unknown, adult in 925
959.1.1 = {
death = "959.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas18= {
name = "Petronas" # Katepano of Nicopolis in 939
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas16 # Relation to him not known
909.1.1 = {
birth = "909.1.1" # Unknown
971.1.1 = {
death = "971.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas19= {
name = "Romanos" # Unnamed father of Eustathios
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas18 # To connect him with previous Boilas
950.1.1 = {
birth = "950.1.1" # Unknown
1011.1.1 = {
death = "1011.1.1" # Unknown, died while Eustathios was an infant
Boilas20= {
name = "Petronas" # Eustathios had several brothers whose names weren't mentioned and he barely remembered
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas19 #
980.1.1 = {
birth = "980.1.1" # Unknown
1010.1.1 = {
death = "1010.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas21= {
name = "Romanos" # Romanos Boilas Konstantine Monomachos' friend who conspired against him but forgiven
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas20 # Connection to other Boilas not known
1015.1.1 = {
birth = "1015.1.1" # Unknown
1066.1.1 = {
death = "1066.1.1" # Unknown, was forgiven in 1051/1052
Boilas22= {
name = "Michael" # Eustathios had several brothers whose names weren't mentioned and he barely remembered
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas19 #
990.1.1 = {
birth = "990.1.1" # Unknown
1040.1.1 = {
death = "1040.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas23= {
name = "Eustathios" # Eustathios Boilas, possibly involved in the conspiracy of Romanos Boilas
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas19
1010.1.1 = {
birth = "1010.1.1" # Unknown, his daughters were married by 1059
1035.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas24
1070.1.1 = {
death = "1070.1.1" # Unknown, drew up his will in 1059 while he was in Edessa, later settled in Iberian Theme.
Boilas24= {
name = "Anna " # wife of Eustathios Boilas
female = yes
religion = "orthodox"
culture = greek #
1015.1.1 = {
birth = "1015.1.1" # Unknown
1035.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Boilas23
1054.1.1 = {
death = "1054.1.1" # Died before 1059
Boilas25= {
name = "Eirene" # Daughter of Eustathios Boilas
dynasty = # Boilas
female = yes
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas23
mother = Boilas24
1041.1.1 = {
birth = "1041.1.1" # Unknown, married by 1059
1105.1.1 = {
death = "1105.1.1" # Unknown
Boilas26= {
name = "Maria" # Daughter of Eustathios Boilas
dynasty = # Boilas
female = yes
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas23
mother = Boilas24
1043.1.1 = {
birth = "1043.1.1" # unknown, married by 1059
1108.1.1 = {
death = "1108.1.1" # Died 1051-1052 aged 3
Boilas27= {
name = "Romanos" # Romanos Boilas son of Eustathios
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas23
mother = Boilas24
1049.1.1 = {
birth = "1049.1.1" # Born before 1051
1052.1.1 = {
death = "1052.1.1" # Died 1051-1052 aged 3
Boilas28= {
name = "Petronas" # Fictional
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas22
1021.1.1 = {
birth = "1021.1.1" #
1066.1.1 = {
death = "1066.1.1" #
Boilas29= {
name = "Michael" # Michael Boilas, Sebastos in mid late 11th century
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas28
1050.1.1 = {
birth = "1050.1.1" # Unknown
1111.1.1 = {
death = "1111.1.1" # Unknown,
Boilas30= {
name = "Manuel" # Manuel Boilas, a member in 11th/12th century
dynasty = # Boilas
religion = "orthodox"
culture = bulgarian #
father = Boilas28 #
1055.1.1 = {
birth = "1050.1.1" # Unknown
1115.1.1 = {
death = "1115.1.1" # Unknown,
- 1