Rest of the Amals and Anicii I've been working on, I think I've included all the Amals I could find but will check my notes at a later time. As for the Anicii there are many more members but I'm not including them due to two reasons, their connections to the ones I've already added are not known and they don't end up connecting with the Byzantine families as far as I could find.
I'll try and finish Anastasius' family tomorrow. After that, perhaps in addition to that I'll be posting 1-2 small families related to families of emperors through marriage and the Rendakios family. Within a week I'll hopefully post my take on the Martinakoi and Inger and if I find some more small families related to emperors and some of the Lombard, Frankish, Turkic, Norman mercenaries for 1066 start.
I'll try and finish Anastasius' family tomorrow. After that, perhaps in addition to that I'll be posting 1-2 small families related to families of emperors through marriage and the Rendakios family. Within a week I'll hopefully post my take on the Martinakoi and Inger and if I find some more small families related to emperors and some of the Lombard, Frankish, Turkic, Norman mercenaries for 1066 start.
## Anicii
Rufii1= {
name = "Volusiana" # Second wife of Petronius Maximus emperor of the West, daughter of Rufius Magnus Faustus Avienus
dynasty = # gens Rufii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
440.1.1 = {
birth = "440.1.1" # Unknown
506.1.1 = {
death = "506.1.1" # Unknown
Anicii34= {
name = "Maria" # daughter of emperor of the West Petronius Maximus and his second wife Volusiana
female = yes
dynasty = # gens Anicii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii22
mother = Rufii1
466.1.1 = {
birth = "466.1.1" # Unknown
519.1.1 = {
death = "519.1.1" # Unknown
Anicii35= {
name = "Volusian" # Consul of 503 and vir clarissimus, father of Anicius Maximus,
dynasty = # gens Anicii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii22 # His son is a descendant of Petronius Maximus
mother = Rufii1 #judging by his name and his son being a descendant of Petronius Maximus, he is perhaps the son of Volusiana, second wife of Petronius Maximus
460.1.1 = {
birth = "460.1.1" # Unknown, adult around 480
511.4.3 = {
death = "511.4.3" # Killed 3 april 511
Anicii36= {
name = "Liberius" # uncle of Anicius Maximus, perhaps identical to Liberius father of Venatius? If so he had two sons and a daughter
dynasty = # gens Anicii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii36 #
465.1.1 = {
birth = "465.1.1" # born around 465
554.1.1 = {
death = "554.1.1" # Died around 554
Anicii37= {
name = "Maria" # A member of the Anicii and the wife of Hypatius
female = yes
dynasty = # gens Anici
religion = arianism
culture = roman #
father = Anicii36 # Liberius had a daughter, I've moved her here
490.1.1 = {
birth = "490.1.1" #
532.1.1 = {
death = "532.1.1" #
Anicii38= {
name = "Venatius" # Consul of 507 together with Emperor Anastasius, son of Venatius
dynasty = # gens Anicii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii # His son is a descendant of
mother = #perhaps the son of Volusiana, second son of Petronius Maximus
486.1.1 = {
birth = "486.1.1" # Unknown
554.1.1 = {
death = "554.1.1" # Unknown
Anicii39= {
name = "Anicius Maximus" # Consul of 523, he is a descendant of emperor of the West Petronius Maximus
dynasty = # gens Anicii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii35
480.1.1 = {
birth = "480.1.1" # Unknown
535.1.1 = {
add_spouse = amal_new22 # Married to an Ostrogothic princess from the Amal family in 535
552.5.1 = {
death = "552.1.1" # Killed by Goths in 552
Anicii40= {
name = "Marcianus" # brother of Anicius Maximus
dynasty = # gens Anicii
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii35
489.1.1 = {
birth = "489.1.1" # Unknown
559.1.1 = {
death = "559.1.1" #
Anicii41= {
name = "Magna" # Daughter of Anicius Probus and wife of Paulus brother of Anastasius
female = yes
dynasty = # gens Anici
religion = catholic
culture = roman #
father = Anicii16 #
440.1.1 = {
birth = "440.1.1" #
473.1.1 = {
add_spouse = pompeius3
532.1.1 = {
death = "532.1.1" #
## Amal
amal_new8 = {
name = "Ansila" # Daughter of Aichulf
female = yes
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168760 #
275.1.1 = {
birth = "275.1.1" # unknown
329.1.1 = {
death = "329.1.1" # unknown
amal_new9 = {
name = "Eidulf" # Son of Aichulf
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168760 #
285.1.1 = {
birth = "285.1.1" # unknown
335.1.1 = {
death = "335.1.1" # unknown
amal_new10 = {
name = "Vithimiris" # King of Greuthingi in 375, he was not the son of his predecessor Ermanarich
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = amal_new9 #
318.1.1 = {
birth = "318.1.1" # unknown
376.1.1 = {
death = "376.1.1" # He may have died 376
amal_new11 = {
name = "Videric" # Son of Vithimiris
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = amal_new10 #
348.1.1 = {
birth = "348.1.1" # unknown
415.1.1 = {
death = "415.1.1" # unknown
amal_new12 = {
name = "Vadamerca" # Ostrogothic wife of Balamber, possibly daugher of Winithar he married after defeating him
female = yes
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168768 #
355.1.1 = {
birth = "355.1.1" # unknown
421.1.1 = {
death = "421.1.1" # Unknown, live in early 5th century
amal_new13 = {
name = "Giso" # cousin of Theoderic the Great, she married Feletherus king of the Rugii
female = yes
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168770 #
440.1.1 = {
birth = "440.1.1" # unknown
504.1.1 = {
death = "504.1.1" # unknown
amal_new14 = {
name = "Sigeric" # A member of the Amal family who became king of Visigoths for a week
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168763 # To connect with the family
380.1.1 = {
birth = "380.1.1" # unknown
415.9.1 = {
death = "415.9.1" # murdered late august or early september 415
amal_new15 = {
name = "Sarus" # brother of Sigeric
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168763 # To connect with the family
374.1.1 = {
birth = "285.1.1" # unknown
413.1.1 = {
death = "413.1.1" # Killed in 413
amal_new16 = {
name = "Trasimundus" # or Thrasimundus, a member of the Amal family mentioned in 505
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168776 # To connect with the family
475.1.1 = {
birth = "475.1.1" # unknown
545.1.1 = {
death = "545.1.1" # unknown
amal_new17 = {
name = "Aiodingus" # Uncle of Sidimund
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168771 # To connect with the family
420.1.1 = {
birth = "420.1.1" # unknown
485.1.1 = {
death = "485.1.1" # unknown
amal_new18 = {
name = "Sidimund" #
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168772 # To connect with the family
452.1.1 = {
birth = "452.1.1" # unknown, adult during Walamir's reign
495.1.1 = {
death = "495.1.1" # unknown, alive in 479
amal_new19 = {
name = "Andela" #
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168768 # To connect with the family
375.1.1 = {
birth = "348.1.1" # unknown
470.1.1 = {
death = "470.1.1" #
amal_new20 = {
name = "Andagis" # son of Andela
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = amal_new19 #
428.1.1 = {
birth = "428.1.1" # Participated in the battle of the Catalan fields in 451
499.1.1 = {
death = "499.1.1" # Unknown
amal_new21 = {
name = "Guntigis-Baza" # son of Andagis
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = amal_new20 #
470.1.1 = {
birth = "470.1.1" # unknown
535.1.1 = {
death = "535.1.1" # Historian Jordanes served under him
amal_new22 = {
name = "Ansila" # Unnamed Amal princess who was the wife of Anicius Maximus may have been a daughter of Theoderic
female = yes
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168775 #
510.1.1 = {
birth = "407.1.1" #
535.1.1 = {
add_spouse = Anicii39 #
550.1.1 = {
death = "550.1.1" # unknown
amal_new23 = {
name = "Amalafrida" # Unnamed daughter of Theoderic, wife of Tuluin
female = yes
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168775 #
483.1.1 = {
birth = "483.1.1" #
503.1.1 = {
add_spouse = amal_new24 #
550.1.1 = {
death = "550.1.1" # unknown
amal_new24 = {
name = "Tuluin" # Husband of one of Theoderic the Great's daughters, possibly he was an Amal himself
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = 168774 #
485.1.1 = {
birth = "348.1.1" # Adult in 504
503.1.1 = {
add_spouse = amal_new23 #
533.1.1 = {
death = "533.1.1" # unknown
amal_new25 = {
name = "Thiudimir" # Unnamed son of Tuluin
dynasty = 9617 #Amal
religion = arianism
culture = german #
father = amal_new24
mother = amal_new23
510.1.1 = {
birth = "510.1.1" # unknown
555.1.1 = {
death = "555.1.1" # unknown
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