Desiderius/Dauferius' family. There are a a whole lot of other missing members of the family such as his grandchildren from his daughter Liutperga (currently only Theodo is in game) or a possible second(or third depending on Bernard Ansprand) son who was a member of the clergy.
I'll probably send Georgios Maniakes' family by night.
Liutperga - Wikipedia
Desideridi1 = {
name = "Bernard Ansprand" # Thought to be a brother or son of Adelchis
dynasty = 1044053 # Desideridi
religion = "orthodox"
culture = "bulgarian" #
father = 190347
mother = 190340
760.1.1 = {
birth = "760.1.1" # Unknown
1109.1.1 = {
death = "1109.1.1" # Unknown
Desideridi2 = {
name = "Ansa" # Suppo of Spoleto's wife was possibly a daughter of Adelchis
female = yes
dynasty = 1044053 # Desideridi
religion = "orthodox"
culture = "lombard" #
father = 190353
767.1.1 = {
birth = "767.1.1" # Unknown, her father Adelchis was born around 740
824.1.1 = {
death = "824.1.1" # Unknown
Desideridi3 = {
name = "Grimoald" # Son of Adelchis, possibly the Grimoald who married to Euanthia, sister of Emperor Konstantine VI' wife Maria
dynasty = 1044053 # Desideridi
religion = "orthodox"
culture = "lombard" #
father = 190353
768.1.1 = {
birth = "768.1.1" # Unknown, his father Adelchis was born around 740
789.1.1 = {
add_spouse = # Married to Eaunthia sometime between 788-795
828.1.1 = {
death = "830.1.1" # Unknown
Desideridi4 = {
name = "Romuald" #
dynasty = 1044053 # Desideridi
religion = "orthodox"
culture = "lombard" #
father = 190353
770.1.1 = {
birth = "770.1.1" # Unknown, his father Adelchis was born around 740
829.1.1 = {
death = "829.1.1" # Unknown
Desideridi5 = {
name = "Liutprand" #
dynasty = 1044053 # Desideridi
religion = "orthodox"
culture = "lombard" #
father =
772.1.1 = {
birth = "772.1.1" # Unknown, his father Adelchis was born around 740
830.1.1 = {
death = "830.1.1" # Unknown
I'll probably send Georgios Maniakes' family by night.