Princes of Darkness, Version 1.2.2, Hot Fix for "Inquisition" Update, Change Log, March 8, 2021
- Being a hunter is now a valid criminal reason for a vampire faith to revoke titles, imprison and excute without incurring tyranny. - Sparc
- The house modifiers for ALL houses will now appear at 1375 bookmark. - Sparc
- Bloodgorged can now create more ghouls with a prisoner vampire. - Sparc
- Daughters, Kiasyd and Impundulu issues with inheriting disciplines. - Sparc
- Disable Patron Religious Head Duchies for 1230 bookmarks. - Sparc, Karde
- Caitiff custom bloodline decision does alter coat of arms potentially for dynasty and realm. - Sparc
- Make “The Dream” empire have a Tyrian Purple map color. - Sparc
- Egyptian/Nubian Alexandrites, Panehesy and Nefer-mer-Isis houses get Ancient Egyptian clothing. - Sparc
- revenant children will start with faith of their children, unless that is ignorance. - Sparc
- Ghoul and Revenant vassal contracts on Traditions contract get all the options that vampire vassals do, displayed. - Sparc
- Indulgences and Execommunication enabled for blood communion tenet. - Sparc
- Fixed the childer of Enoch and Irad in Custom Character Decision. - Sparc
- Frenzy event typos. - Sparc
- Fixed transmogrification of clubfeet and male genitals. - Sparc
- Include canon order legitimized bastards in an AI ordination event. - Kukul
- Fix Ask Pope option names being too long. - Kukul
- Make Meritocracy legacy track descriptions more explicit. - Kukul
- Fixed Rostislav’s Patron War bookmark name. - Sparc
- Tabitha can only accomplish her special decision once now. - Karde
- The Gantebein no longer wipe out their realms of vampires and ghouls after each war like other hunters. - Karde
- Correcting a case where education events could fire for dead childer. - Karde
- The wounded vampire goes into torpor event has been disabled. - Karde
- The bored vampire goes into torpor event has been shifted to target unlanded head of faith (to solve the issue of them being untargettable). - Wata
- The "Exit from torpor if you are landed" AI decision doesn't cost prestige anymore. - Karde
- Corrected the typo on find lair by prowess reward. - Karde
- Added more of Vic's corrections in loca. - Karde
- Great Persons stats have been scripted, resulting in overall better stats and less one sided. - Karde