Lurker Austria-Hungary game Bug Report
I've just finished my first play-through of the Great War mod as Austria-Hungary, and I must say I enjoyed the mod immensely and prefer it to WWII HOI.
That said, I encountered the following bugs that I have not seen in the bug report list.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: (Alliance Win vs Russia) Performs the known bug of ending the war for all parties. Strangely, Serbia and Montenegro re-appeared even though my Austria had annexed both of them. Not only did I lose the provinces, but both powers were still members of the Entente. In addition, after the 'armistice' my regiments are trapped in Russia. (Russia cancels military access immediately after the peace treaty is concluded). I got them out by loaning them to Russia and force-marching them to the border, but in a later duplicate of this problem in England, I simply could not retrieve my troops.
Treaty of Strausbourg: (Alliance Win vs France) Armistice begins, reinstating French boundaries and throwing huge numbers of Austrian, Italian and German troops into Strategic Reserve. France does not leave the Entente and immediately redeclares war. I scanned the file for France's defeat, and with my limited understanding of the event codes, noted there was no 'leaves alliance' line. (With their army destroyed, they are easily reoccupied, but fight on) The Treaty takes effect *during* the resumed war, giving various possessions to Germany and Italy. Also, France seems terribly aggressive - in my game, the Schlieffenplan failed in Belgium and the French were at the gates of Berlin when my Austrians took St Pete's.
Defeat of England/Defeat of the Entente: Even thought Italy remained with the Central Powers in my game, they are counted as defeated along with the Entente and are forced to give up territory, even as they gain possessions from France and England. Italy is also forced out of the Alliance (though they later rejoin). Also, a minor nit - my Austrians had taken Gibraltar, but it was awarded to Germany in the peace settlement. Probably a pain to modify, but it seems more just that if any Alliance power occupies a given area, perhaps *they* should obtain ownership of that area and not Germany.
Notes: The classification of all Pre-Dreadnoughts as the same class of ship really helps out the A-H navy. I know it's easy to make suggestions when you aren't the one who has to edit two hundred OOB's, but a lot of the Austrian Pre-Dreadnoughts were smaller than a heavy cruiser and never left port during the Great War. As it was, I had a whole fleet of Radetzsky-class PreDreadnoughts backing up my Tegetthoffs - not that I'm complaining, but that's considerably more powerful than Austria's navy should be without a lot of new building. In addition, I never saw an option to accept or refuse any treaties ending hostilies - the wars just end with no action on my part. It is possible that the Alliance Leader gets a dialogue box - in which case, ignore this bit - but I would like some input as to the treaty or treaties I have available. Just my humble opinion.
Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the mod and will be playing it over and over in the future, as all the Great Powers. Thanks so much to the team who made this happen.