Hi all, I'm Jamor and I'm the producer on Stellaris. I run the team's time and budget, the boring biz bit, while grekulf is the creative and design lead.
I publicly acknowledge there are AI and performance issues in the game right now.
I want you to know that maintaining things like AI and performance is a big and neverending struggle, especially on a game that is growing as large as Stellaris has. There's no one-button magic bullet solution that will fix it overnight. In some patches it is stronger, in others it lags behind. I have to follow my agreed release schedule and juggle the not-unlimited time and personnel I have to deliver that, but I can tell you that whatever I can possibly spare goes in to bug fixes and improvements. We're Paradox, we don't release a game and patch it twice and call it a day, we are in it for the full marathon. I was a PDX fan for a decade before I worked here (HOI 2 and onward) and maintaining that long term commitment is my personal guarantee to you, as a fellow fan.
The reason there's been no public news about fixes or improvements on AI and performance is simple: there are none yet. I'm not going to pull the wool over your eyes and promise something until it's done and dusted and in my hand to give. That's not my style. When we have it, you'll see it in a patch note. Until then I don't want to string people along with false optimism and empty promises.
About the process focused dev diaries: we don't want to go completely radio silent in those times before official announcements. Right now, we have our biggest max visibility PR event on the calendar coming up, PDXCon, and we naturally want to get the most eyes on us when we reveal our future plans. We need to get the word out with highest public impact so we can keep supporting this game and others, for ever. So, in moments like these, dev diaries and official communication will have to be about other things that won't spoil our planned reveal. Process stuff, an under the hood glimpse at how games are made, is interesting to some, but not all. If you don't dig it, just please bear with us for the official announcement and then you'll get a ton of in-depth feature DDs after that. The alternative is for us to just go completely quiet during those pre-announce high intensity dev periods, and I don't think anyone wants that.
We're here, we're working every day to make this thing better for you, our fans and supporters. We tell you as much as we can consistent with the needs of basic business security, and really prize our unusually close contact with our community, certainly unprecedented for a developer of our size. We want to keep that, so please be decent to my staff, and each other. Thanks for sticking with us through this journey, and there's much more to come.