Do I understand correctly that you want to know why 10 cNAV1 in a naval battle deal ~18HP damage to a sub3 per sortie while your calculation expects ~2?Can someone help me with my math a bit?
I got:
- Sub3:
- 36.2HP with doctrine
- cNav1s
- 15 dmg
- 7.5 targeting
- Wing of 10
- Actual damage per carrier sortie is 50% of sub3 HP
- 100% sortie efficiency (all various sources combined)
- Naval mission efficiency of 25%(?):
- Doctrine (15%)
- Admiral Skill (10%)
- Naval Aviation (expert):
- Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +6%
- Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +7%
- Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +8%
- Naval Strike (expert):
- Naval Bombing: +3%
- Naval Targeting: +3%
- Naval Agility: +3%
- 4 defence and 3 attack on respective admirals (no idea how much damage reduction that is for air... 20%? 5%?)
- No terrain/weather modifiers
Wiki states that damage is along the lines of:
[modified damage]*[amount of planes]
[amount of planes] is combination of:
Sortie Efficiency (assuming 100%)
and Naval Targeting (should be at 10% bonus)
resulting in: 1.1*7.5/10*30%=24.75% of planes hitting the target
(which is 2 or 3 - depending on how rounding works here)
[modified damage] is supposed to be a combination of:
[mandatory divisor] = 100
[carrier multiplier] = 6
[mission efficiency bonus] = 25%
[High Command Bonus] = 9(?)%
[Naval damage reduction multiplier] = 0.8(?)
which still results in something like 1 damage per plane... so, I suspect that I miss a lot of stuff in this second part (or Naval Targeting did not do its actual job).
I think your calculation of number of attacking planes looks correct (and planes are rounded to the closest number).
Just like naval targeting, naval attack is divided by 10, not 100.
The damage of carrier planes is increased to 500%, not by 500%. (I.e. your carrier multiplier should be 5 instead of 6)
The above should put the result in the right ballpark. Verifying the full rundown of calculations from start to finish is really beyond quick questions quick answers.
It doesn't matter in this case, but sortie efficiency determines how many carrier wings can take part in a naval battle. It does not scale the planes within individual wings.
- 4
- 1