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Both airwings and TFs stop generating XP while accident rate stays the same.
Guess they also try to consume whatever meagre fuel comes their way, right? Like new fuel is generated at the beginning of the day, it's instantly consumed by thirsty TFs / AWs pushing up their stats for a tick and then they return back into hibernation the next tick. Right?
Does airwing get damage when its location airfield is strategically bombed? Is it possible to reduce my enemy`s airforce by using strategic bombing in such way?
I haven`t found any info about this on wiki...
Does airwing get damage when its location airfield is strategically bombed? Is it possible to reduce my enemy`s airforce by using strategic bombing in such way?
I haven`t found any info about this on wiki...
In principle yes, in practice no. This old post is still valid as far as I can tell:
In principle, this mechanic is already in the game and it used to be functional. When an airbase gets strat bombed, there is a probability (BASE_STRATEGIC_BOMBING_HIT_PLANE_CHANCE) of wings without active missions getting damaged, 50% . The damage scale (how many planes are lost per damaged HP on the airbase) was nerfed however in patch 1.4:

Despite what the changelog says, the scale (BASE_STRATEGIC_BOMBING_HIT_PLANE_DAMAGE_FACTOR) was changed from 50 to 0.2, so reduced to 1/250th. When an airbase now loses X HP from strat bombing,
there is a 50% probability for each grounded wing to lose round(X * 0.2 / 100) planes. As a building can never lose more than 100 HP at once (and even that takes fantastical amounts of bombers), the number of destroyed planes is always rounded down to zero. With the old value, a plane was destroyed for every 2 HP damaged.
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In principle yes, in practice no. This old post is still valid as far as I can tell:
What would you suggest should be a correct define value? If anything, I personally would rather increase it to the brim, given the state AA stacking grants a 90% damage reduction (with tech).
What would you suggest should be a correct define value? If anything, I personally would rather increase it to the brim, given the state AA stacking grants a 90% damage reduction (with tech).
The define got changed way back before bomber whack-a-mole got addressed in various ways. Something at or slightly below the original value of 50 should be okay imho.
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It says that, for example, that the cavalry leader trait is gained when "Cavalry, motorized and mechanized ratio > 40%". That means > 40% of the divisions he commands, or within the divisions he commands?
40% of the divisions have to be cavalry dovisions, as determined by which battalion has the most total weight in the template.
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Under Officer Corps => Army Command => Spirit of the Army => Quick Improvisation:
  1. What does 'Commander Ability Cost' actually do?
  2. How does this compare to 'Professional Officer Corps'?
That reduces Command Power cost for things like Forced Attack or Staff Office Plan etc.

Both picks are viable in my opinion, the Professional Officer Corps being somewhat better early on when you need to unlock doctrines asap. Once those are (mostly) done and/or XP is no longer an issue, Quick Improvisation becomes basically an upgrade option.
What exactly does "Subversive Activities Cost" modifier?
On wiki I found only that it modifies cost of "Stage a coup" diplomatic action, but with LAR this moved to Espionage operations. So this modifier is useless with LAR?
What exactly does "Subversive Activities Cost" modifier?
On wiki I found only that it modifies cost of "Stage a coup" diplomatic action, but with LAR this moved to Espionage operations. So this modifier is useless with LAR?

If you're talking about the "Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%" modifier that comes with a Prince of Terror advisor, I believe it also makes it take 30% longer and 30% more PP for a foreign nation to justify a war goal on you.

Still extremely limited use case, but it's mostly just annoying when the AI picks one of these advisors.
What exactly does "Subversive Activities Cost" modifier?
On wiki I found only that it modifies cost of "Stage a coup" diplomatic action, but with LAR this moved to Espionage operations. So this modifier is useless with LAR?
it reduces wargoal justification time and cost. which in a longer speedrun (form nation categories) is nice to have, but in normal gameplay is just meh at best.
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