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If it gives breakthrough, panzer expert could be useful, but if it doesn't, then the trait seems kind of worthless, doesn't it?

in a 67% tank, 33% mech division, pz expert gives 6.7% def/brk, whereas combined arms gives 5%.

...I think I've asked questions in this vein before. Clear as mud.
even if you had, that doesn't mean much, as the answer to the second question has changed. prior to nsb, things were different.

Is there some sort of quick reference somewhere I can use to check whether the game's "defence" means "defence+breakthrough" or "defence only"? The same tooltip seems to mean different things in different places.

I assume the old answer was "it's either 100% or 0% and depends on division type" (which was decided by battalion weight)?

I always picked the combined arms expert promotion because I assumed the trait was "defence only"...
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Is there some sort of quick reference somewhere I can use to check whether the game's "defence" means "defence+breakthrough" or "defence only"? The same tooltip seems to mean different things in different places.
A helpful distinction here is between battalions and divisions. Battalion stats mostly get changed through technology and doctrine. Their modifications go into the stat calculations of the division directly. Consequently, the modifiers map to the specific stat, i.e. defense and breakthrough have separate modifiers.

Division "defense" modifiers like the general's defense skill, the defense part of his unit specific traits, military advisors and many others apply on top of the divisions stats once actual combat occurs. They apply to the units "defensive" stat during that combat, which can be either defense or breakthrough.

There should only be very few exceptions to this. The only one I can think of right now is terrain adjusters, where the defense part applies to the defender and the attack part to the attacker.
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So, how does equipment priority work?

I was under the impression that the low/med/high equipment priority buttons override everything, but I witnessed my tanks-in-training (low) getting tanks but my tanks-in-field (med) not getting tank replenishments for the longest time (30+ days) despite the buttons set otherwise...

My game's settings, for what it's worth:
Upgrades - high priority
Replenishments - medium priority
New trainees - low priority

Tank template: elite units.
Tanks in field - in full supply, not in any sort of combat.

Only when I put replenishments to high priority did my in-the-field tanks get _any_ new tanks.

Was it because my tanks' training could not proceed without new equipment (the lines were coloured light yellow)? Can the game somehow decide to bump up the priority sometimes? Really weird if it can.

This is what my idea of equipment priority system is currently but apparently it's wrong. I'm also aware that a division in combat cannot receive equipment or manpower replenishments.

(I also thought that divisions that are railroading cannot receive equipment but then I witnessed otherwise. Or was it convoying? I forgot.)
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As a BIG believer in defense-in-depth, a USSR, I'll build up my front lines with 3 x27 width XXs, and have single XXs behind the line 1, 2, and 3 tile back (building entrenchments); so if I'm forced back, I've got prepared positions to fall back upon .

Questions : When my units fall back, do they 'inherent' the prior defenses ?, and when can that smaller unit (s) 'back out' to begin re-trenching a few tiles back ??
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So, how does equipment priority work?

I was under the impression that the low/med/high equipment priority buttons override everything, but I witnessed my tanks-in-training (low) getting tanks but my tanks-in-field (med) not getting tank replenishments for the longest time (30+ days) despite the buttons set otherwise...
Each of the deployment items produces an internal priority between 0 and 1 and the priority setting adds 0, 1, or 2 on top of that. If a training line can't proceed, that does raise its internal priority. And if there are many, many reinforcement requests, the tank reinforcement could approach zero internal priority. Perhaps they could meet at exactly 1.0, but it would be an extreme edge case.
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A quickie on the new balance of occupation policies:

What is the new sweet spot of them - i mean a policy that still grows compliance (a bit) without increasing the resistance?

If there is any at all. If there were none - the whole mechanic would have turned into an unnerving micro-harassment against players in HoI3 style. Not to speak of AI that obviously isn't capable of handling occupation at all in the current state.
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I've just started messing with flame tank support companies and have noticed that I can design a slow version for use with leg infantry divisions and a fast version for use with motorized divisions, but I can't choose which to use with each type of division. Am I missing something?
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What is the new sweet spot of them - i mean a policy that still grows compliance (a bit) without increasing the resistance?
I've always used the one with -50% garrison damage (right after Civ Oversight IIRC) and hardly see a reason to bother with anything else. It keeps things in check and indeed allows compliance grow.
That said, I play nations with limited capacity of dealing with resistance, so other laws per se might be not that bad at all.
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I've just started messing with flame tank support companies and have noticed that I can design a slow version for use with leg infantry divisions and a fast version for use with motorized divisions, but I can't choose which to use with each type of division. Am I missing something?
It should be in the options for the formation template itself, to allow or disallow a particular type of equipment.
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I've always used the one with -50% garrison damage (right after Civ Oversight IIRC) and hardly see a reason to bother with anything else. It keeps things in check and indeed allows compliance grow.
That said, I play nations with limited capacity of dealing with resistance, so other laws per se might be not that bad at all.
Thank you - i will try on this.
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It should be in the options for the formation template itself, to allow or disallow a particular type of equipment.
For line equipment, yes, but not for support companies (as far as I know). Even though I created two variants and had them both active, when I added flame tanks to my support companies it didn't ask which one I wanted. Am I missing something?
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For line equipment, yes, but not for support companies (as far as I know). Even though I created two variants and had them both active, when I added flame tanks to my support companies it didn't ask which one I wanted. Am I missing something?
Were they both actually produced/in the stockpile? You might be missing one of the drop-down ticks to expand the list of available equipment.
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What are new ship refitting rules? All I'm doing right now is slapping a radar onto SHBBs, and each NIC takes 1 Chromium and 1 Steel for this. This sums up and gonna consume a lot of precious metal over the two months this upgrade gonna take.

Makes no sense to me, it never taxed refitting this way.
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You have to pay the strategic resource cost of every new and replacement module compared to the previous design. Are you sure you didn't add a super heavy battery?
Absolutely, re-checked that multiple times.

New modules would have made sense, that's what I've got used to.

The production tooltip also says I'm paying whopping 7306 IC for this and contradicts the comparison window, where the price is far more sane (1806). That's just nuts, but thankfully it lies and refitting time matches expectations (1806/32.5 = 55 days).

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Absolutely, re-checked that multiple times.

New modules would have made sense, that's what I've got used to.
I just made a mostly naked SHBB and a refit that put radar on it. It didn't cost any chromium or steel to refit, though it did cost (5500/5+190)*1.25=1612.5 IC.
Adding a second gun to the SHBB made any refit cost an extra steel, and when I put 5 guns and a bunch of secondaries on it, the radar refit made it cost both steel and chromium. Not sure why.
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@C0RAX can you please clarify how it's supposed to work and where the extra material cost comes from in such cases? I've got a screenshot attached a couple of posts down the thread.

A fully fitted ship all of a sudden consumes chromium and steel for radar addition. This doesn't smell right.

I also don't quite see the reasoning to tax 1806 IC for installing a 190 IC radar into the empty slot, but that's a different story. I know we both have very different views when it comes to how naval matters should be designed.

edit: This tooltip might also help:
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