is there a way to assign aircraft to air bases automatically? i thought i saw in a www dan do it but i cannot seem to find it.
Is there a way to set up army subgroups? I'm not totally sure what the proper terminology would be but here's an example:
As Germany i've conquered quite a bit of land and have made cavalry divisions with MP's in order to maintain order, about six 24-division stacks of them. Is there any way that I can set up a Field Marshal with overall command of all the occupation forces and only see his portrait along the bottom of the screen? I don't actively use those divisions and they only exist to keep order. Seeing all of the individual armies is kind of cluttering up the screen.
Is there a way to see VPs of a country without checking every single province?
I attacked Canada and it doesn't capitulate, because apparently it holds something worth, but I can't find that last damn VP.
Is there a way to set up army subgroups? I'm not totally sure what the proper terminology would be but here's an example:
As Germany i've conquered quite a bit of land and have made cavalry divisions with MP's in order to maintain order, about six 24-division stacks of them. Is there any way that I can set up a Field Marshal with overall command of all the occupation forces and only see his portrait along the bottom of the screen? I don't actively use those divisions and they only exist to keep order. Seeing all of the individual armies is kind of cluttering up the screen.
you can order them using fallback command and draw a line. They were trying their best to automate front control, but one encirclemnt fucks up entire ai front and it start strategiclt redeploying ot the breaktrough. Just stop using it and learn to micro.How can I prevent fronts from splitting? During my last game as Britain fighting Germany my one continuous border versus them was split into about 6 different fronts and there was no way to make it one continuous front. It makes it quite difficult and time consuming to organise units with this, you have to make individual plans for each front when all you really want is one.
EDIT: See here and here for an example of this.
I didn't know each province is worth 1vp, I can look no further, thank you. Having to move armies into Arctic or Sahara to get dozen missing VPs is.... interesting design choice.Now imagine looking for vp in russia. Best way I found is to use resource map and zoom out a little. it should be easier. Also know that every province is always worth 1 VP - those points on the map are only extra added value.
I'm playing my second game after the tutorial now and I wonder about something. I send planes as L&L to Franco in Spain as Germany, which apparently were delivered succesfully (the agreement is gone from the diplomacy screen and I lack the planes). But I have yet to see planes in action in the Civil War. It's 37 already, I sent the planes mid 36.
The AI may be a bit... slow. But if there was anything I learned from my Spain playthrough, is that infantry weapons are worth their weight in gold. I'd send those instead, if able. Especially if it kicks off in Feb '36 like I've seen a lot lately.
Yeah. I suppose that would have been the wiser choice. I was hoping for air experience. Instead the war is pretty much lost due to the weak nationalist infantry.
Wait, maybe I misunderstood you. Did you mean lend lease, as in shipping equipment, or volunteers? I wasn't aware that you could volunteer air wings. Lend lease earns no XP of any kind, regardless of usage.
You understood me correctly. L&L does give you XP if your equipment is used in a war (so says the tooltip). To my surprise, my planes finally came to use and I gained air xp that way. But I still don't know why that took the Spanish so long.
Fun fact: Now my side is on the offensive, and Italy sent new volunteers to our aid - 6 divisions! - just to guard Coruna. Far away from any of those dangerous republican boomsticks. Talk about clichés.
omg thank you so much!Support Attack:
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