Is there a Garrison order that will make my troops defend for example mainland Europe from invasion by the Allies and take care of it completely If I give them enough troops? I'm trying to concentrate on another front.
This is just personal experience in single player, but when I make a garrison army to hold France, or some other tidy space, I select all the outer coastal areas and chose to defend ports only. I typically supply enough divisions to put two divisions per port if I suspect an invasion is coming. You may want to make it more if you want the garrison army to repel the invasion all by itself. I have noticed that with this many divisions, the garrison army will repel most AI invasions, before I can send any help. The garrison army will focus on holding the ports, taking them back, taking any land you have painted with your garrison command, to include redeploying and launching careless attacks at first, but eventually more coordinated as more divisions arrive. I am ok with this since the point is to pin down the enemy and let him run out of supplies. This has worked for me in China, France, India, and the Balkans. The AI does a decent job if it has enough troops.
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