Is there no way to update a ship class? I don't want to create a new class of ship. I just want to alter my existing design. But every time I try to change something on the design it changes the name and creates an entirely new class.
A "class" is really just what you name it. Just create the new template, and give it the same name as the old class, but then give is a version, like Renown Class MkII, or YorktownB, or whatever. You need to do this so you can selectively apply the old template (class) and the new template (new class), and still have access to both templates during your incremental upgrade process.
Is it possible to carve up Greece the way it was historically? With Italians, Germans, and Bulgarians occupying it in different parts?
If you can get all 3 nations to take over the exact provinces during the battle, sure, you can make it look like that. Or if you are the controller, you can give/award the state(s) to any ally. But I'm sure dividing it state by state, will not make it historical. And nevertheless, the country that controls the largest % of the state (VPs are weighed heavily in this), is the sole beneficiary of the state's resources. So in the end, it just doesn't matter.
I'm really annoyed with the naval battles. I just lost 8 submarines in a single battle. This shouldn't even be possible. That is not realistic at all. There must have been 30 submarines involved in that battle which is ridiculous. That's not how submarine warfare works. Do I have to manually split my entire submarine fleet into 100 different small groups for them to behave in a realistic historical way or what? All of my subs were on Low Risk engagement and were fully trained to Regular.
8 Subs, sure its possible - From WIKI and The Battle of the Atlantic....
"The turning point was the battle centred on slow convoy
ONS 5 (April–May 1943). Made up of 43 merchantmen escorted by 16 warships, it was attacked by a pack of 30 U-boats. Although 13 merchant ships were lost, six U-boats were sunk by the escorts or Allied aircraft. Despite a storm which scattered the convoy, the merchantmen reached the protection of land-based air cover, causing Dönitz to call off the attack. Two weeks later,
SC 130 saw at least three U-boats destroyed and at least one U-boat damaged for no losses. Faced with disaster, Dönitz called off operations in the North Atlantic, saying, "We had lost the Battle of the Atlantic".
[63] "
Looks like you've lost the Battle of the Atlantic - or, if you are NOT in Dönitz's situation where no tech or production increases were available to rebalance the fight, then you need to research and build newer and better subs. You can't win the war on '36 subs. '40 Subs, snorkel, and an Admiral with limited visibility trait and seawolf/torp traits, will make a HUGE difference. Also, keep subs away from coastlines, as they will be Nav Bombed to death, even by the AI.