Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter Two Hundred-Eighteen : Swords Are Crossed
A Historical Marker At The Battle Of the Three "Friends"(1)
We open this chapter in August, in the year 850 AD, with the Queen having to pick a new ambition for the Kingdom. She was not happy with the need to pick a new goal so quickly after the last one.
"This is embarrassing," grumbled the Queen. "We could not even last a year at peace before we went to war."
"Yes, my Queen," said the Magistros. "Not your fault but you do need to decide on what to do now."
"Groom an Heir I guess," remarked the Queen with a sigh. "Yes. Tell the Council I will work on having an Heir. If I can get my husband to even look at me"
"I am sure that, after the rebellion is crushed, you and your husband can work things out," commented the Magistros. "Now we also have news about the war."
"So early?" stated the Queen, looking surprised. "Surely our armies have barely started their journey to the rally point I selected in Medog?"
"Well, it seems that three enemy soldiers have appeared deep within our territory," said the Magistros showing the Queen a report. "We are not sure WHERE they came from as the Duchess has no holdings down there. But they seem to be trying to siege the local holdings."
"That's crazy!" exclaimed the Queen with a shaking of her head. "Well, they will not last long. They are in the way of one of our armies of levies."
The Queen handed the report back to the one-eyed Councilor. "Anything I should know or need to make a decision on?"
"No my Queen," responded the Magistros before leaving the throne room to leave the Queen with her thoughts.
A few days later he returned with a report on the Revolt.
"The Duchess is slightly ahead in the war," reported the Magistros. "As she holds her lands she is, kind of, winning."
"She will not be for long," grumbled the Queen. "Anything else?"
"Yes," said the Magistros, "the Doge of Lhasa has passed the Late Feudal Administration Law."
Later that month she got two reports. Prince Himerios had joined the Gavelkind Succession in Kamarupa Faction and then Bhikkhu Adrianos of Para-Lauhitya had FOUNDED the Increased Council Power in Kamarupa Faction.
"None of that makes sense," complained the Queen, "If Prince Himerios wants the thrones WHY split up the titles? And Adrianos isn't ON the Council!"
"I told you greed and power," said her Magistros. "Common sense has been tossed out the window."
Later the news from the first battle, the Battle of Tawang, was received. The enemy had been wiped out and the Queen's levies had continued north without even a rest break.
Shortly afterwards Prince Eusebios and Count Varzak both joined the Gavelkind Succession in Kamarupa Faction.
"I will have to do something about these movements after the war," grumbled the Queen to herself. "They are getting totally out of control."
She then was told of the death of Eustathia, who had died after eating something bad for her, and left two daughters of the Royal bloodline behind. More children in the Royal Court it seemed.
In September she got news that the Doux Herakleios, her stepfather, had founded a Gavelkind Succession in U-Tsang Faction.
"Even he plans to cause trouble, does he?" stated the Queen after reading the report. "How sad."
What she really wanted was news about the war. But the levies were marching north, through mountain passes and over barren landscapes, and it was slow going. Luckily there were no reports of any losses due to lack of food or water. There MAY be problems later when the smaller armies started to get together but that was for her to worry about when it happened.
Near the end of September the Duchess almost started a battle by marching south but decided not to when she realized she was outnumbered.
Shortly after that the Army of Prince Eusebios, with his flank Commanders Isaias and Symmachos, started north. He was MORE than happy to fight the enemy forces.
In October, while waiting for a battle to start, the Queen was told that Doux Herakleios had joined the Gavelkind Succession In The Kingdom Of Kham Faction.
The Magistro, on hearing the news, just said, "BAAAAAA!"
In November the Battle of Alamdo started as the Prince was able to engage the Duchess's forces. The traditional exchange of arrows was somewhat pitiful as there were not a lot of archers on the field.
But the Prince did have more than enough infantry and cavalry. The enemy's right flank in fact collapsed when Commander Symmachos charged into them with his mounted forces. It turned out the weakest and least skilled of the Queen's Commander was still more than a match for the enemy's right flank Commander.
Soon the enemy's center fell apart and the Duchess found herself the center of attention of the archers under the command of both the Prince and Commander Isaias.
At this point it was just a question of time before the enemy was forced to flee.
The next messenger did not bring a battle report but news from China. There was a change in Emperors as one died and a younger one took the Dragon Throne. Luckily the new Emperor Dong Xizong was of the same Dynasty and, therefore, the Peace Treaty was still valid.
In December the Battle of Alamdo had come to an end after a massive cavalry charge against the fleeing enemy forces.
The Prince reported he had only lost 13 men while the Duchess had lost 197 soldiers and was last seen fleeing into the territory of the Xia Revolt.
"And that was only a small part of our military forces," stated the Queen to her Royal Court. "It will take some time but we will win this war."
"Let us hope we win it soon," whispered the Magistros as he stood next to her throne. "Before one of the Factions becomes too powerful for us to handle."
So we close this chapter with two victories and a Duchess in retreat. Yet the threat of the Factions still hung over the Queen's head like a sword.
Author's End Notes:
1. A memorial marker was first placed there by the three families of the three soldiers who answered the call to assemble and were wiped out. It is said the three soldiers had become good friend from all the training they had done together and that their bodies had been found together as if they had tried to protect each other. The original marker has been replaced many times over the centuries by the local township and has become a tourist attention over the centuries.