Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter Twenty-Nine : A New Doux
Vassals - Can't Live With Them And They're Kinda Hard To Kill
So, right after the wedding with his new wife the Despot Andronikos of Kamarupa decided he needed to figure out what to do with his three Duchies. He had to give one away and he knew just the one. The Duchy of Para-Lauhitya. Just like his Mother, the Queen, had given it away to her own husband.
He needed somebody to take it who would be harmless. Well, mostly harmless.
He invited a lowborn named Cowaske to his court. The man was a theologian and was good at handling money. He was also said to be trusting and just. He was unwed and was somewhat old. Just the man the Despot wanted. The man arrived on the 9th of February and was greeted with two titles. He became the Count of Goalpara and then the Doux of Para-Lauhitya. He was pleased but, like many men of power, seemed to want more.
The Despot wasn't too worried about that. The Doux was fifty-seven years old. He would not live long enough to become a powerful threat. In a way the Despot was very wrong.
The Despot did find it amusing that the Count Pusyamitra of Srihatta was now the Doux's problem.
In fact, in March of 787 AD the Count founded the "Increased Council Power In Para-Lauhitya" faction. The Despot wondered how his new Doux would handle this issue?
While this was happening one of his Barons, Birapala, imprisoned his own wife for no reason that any of his courtiers or agents could find. He just tossed the Baroness into jail.
In April the Count of Srihatta decided he was powerful enough to demand the Doux increase his Council's powers and started a war when his demands were refused.
On paper both of them controlled a County and should have started on equal footing when it came to wealth and soldiers. In reality the Doux had the advantage of receiving income from both counties. So he used his larger purse to hire four thousand hired swords to add to his own small levies.
The Despot was impressed. And alarmed. This Doux was smart and aggressive.
In late April the Despot received reports that both Trade Posts, the one in Haruppeswara and the one in Kundina, were finished. At this point the Despot's income was more than a 100 gold coins a year.
In June the Doux won his little war and imprisoned Count Pusyamitra.
At this point there were more than just the Despot who started to notice how powerful the new Doux was. In fact his old liege, Marzoban Dharmawarme of Kuci, started to plot the Doux's murder. It seemed the man thought of the Doux as he rival at this point. Maybe seeing a former vassal outdo him on all levels made him jealous? This was a plot the Despot pretended to ignore.
In late July his Sakellarios reported that his work in Kamatapur had increased the infrastructure and that he motivated the people to work even harder! That was nice but the Despot received even better news just after that report - the claim he wanted, the claim his Mother had wanted, was now his for a small amount of money! Of course he paid for it and started the countdown to war.
On the 27th of July, 787 AD, the Doux revoked the County of Srihatta from Pusyamitra the Lecher. This made him even more powerful than the Despot's dead father had been. On top of that the old man had gained two concubines. If they produced an heir...
The Doux had to go. The Despot sent down the Goldsmith, his Spy Master, to start scheming right under the Doux's nose and then sent out feelers to see who would help him with the plot. Three backers joined in the plot. All of his Religious Vassals! Even Bhikkhu Isaias joined after a small bribe.(1)
At this point his Protostrator reported that Commander Balavarman, once King of the Kingdom, had improved in his military skills. The Despot also was asked if he would pay for increased security to protect his own Royal person. He agreed.
In November, wishing to take his mind of the plot and to also increase positive relations with his vassals, he decided it was time to celebrate the season! The only one to refuse was the Baron who had jailed his wife for no reason. The Despot decided a humble (cheap) gift would be good enough for his wife.
At this point the Despot remembered that Georgios was still out in the field and sent him a message to come back to the Capital to perform daily duties within the Court.
The feast began on the 19th of November after all the preparations were finished. While the official records suggest the Queen was pleased with her gift the private papers of many of the vassals and servants suggest otherwise. When the darkest night came the guests feasted on rich foods and sweet wines. As the Court celebrated the lamps kept back the darkness and allowed the Despot, for one moment, to find a silent island in a ocean of politics. The Feast came to an end in December and was reported a great achievement.
The New Year for 788 AD came and went without any news on the plot. The only change was that the Spy Master brought the Despot a guard dog to help protect his Royal person.
The Doux, on the other hand, had no clue about what was happening behind the scenes of his court. In fact he tried to be the best Doux he could even to the point of converting one of Mayors under him to Buddhism.
The Despot also had his own duties to carry out while the plot bubbled away. In June the Despot filled an empty Commander position with Bhikkhu Isaias. Who was now very loyal but had no idea what end of a sword to hold onto.
In July the Despot even helped educate the Baron Salasthamba to be more charitable. Unlike his Mother he had no bad history with the family and was looking just to produce a good vassal.
Also, another Greek presented himself to the Despot and the Royal Court. The Despot knew how to handle Freeloaders from Greece. Within a half-an-hour the poor man was being escorted out of the Court by his new wife.
In August the Despot's private records shown he was approached by the Courtier Kakanvati the Unfaithful. Seems she fancied him. He turned her down without a second thought. Seems he found the idea of bedding down with her disturbing.(2)
In November he decided two plots were better than one and joined the plot by Marzoban Dharmawarme of Kuci. If one failed maybe the other would not?
Later that month two things happened that forced him to rethink his decisions. One, the Doux now had a heir in the form of a new born child from one of his concubines. Even if the man was killed NOW the titles would go to the son. Second, his own Queen announced she was heavy with child. So the Despot cancelled his own plot BUT continued to back the other one. If it worked he could never be blamed for it and if it failed he lost nothing on it.
After all, the Doux seemed to like his liege and there were ways to deal with the children of vassals. If the Despot's own child was a girl maybe they could be matched up.(3)
So, by November the 26th, of the year 788 AD, the Despot and his Queen were powerful, wealthy, and waiting for their first child. And the Despot waited for the right timing for the war to begin.
Author’s End Notes:
1. Bhikkhu Isaias's increased opinion of his liege, due to the bribe, also meant he was willing to pass on more of the taxes he collected. Which meant the bribe would end up paying for itself within a few years.
2. With her former lover, the Count, having been stripped of his title it could be she was looking for another "patron".
3. The Doux's son could become the next Despot to a NEW Queen. Making him a powerful husband and ally at the same time keeping him on a short leash.