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Okay. I think my ideas are not being interpreted correctly.

the Idea behind this is actually the opposite--that Germany can get EVEN MORE aggressive than they already are, and start going after Switzerland, Denmark the Low Countries, Italy or Poland at a time of their choosing.

Yes, Germany could show a peaceful streak. It should, however, be a rare occurence. I think it would hilarious to watch a game where Germany renounced EVERY ONE OF HER TERRITORIAL CLAIMS and sat peacefully while everyone else got bored and DOWed the Soviets. But that's a sure route to defeat--they will never have the VP to win, so they've just handed the Allies the game. That's what not expanding means, it means a thrown game, and you should be respectful that you just won the game for free.

This is the real piece of ahistory here, that Hitler could have been radically different in his foreign actions. He did, for sure, renounce some of those claims (South Tyrol, Lithuania, and Switzerland) that he definitely did not have to. You would not need to do this (but consider the impact of not doing so...) and could seize those territories for yourself if you wanted.

I think the USA will DOW the Soviets if Germany decides its content with its situation, and that Japan would be the flashpoint if Germany has done nothing. A peaceful Germany would not mean a tranquil game, just a tranquil Europe. But this is not that idea of what I had in mind.

The Idea is that the war could have an entirely different flashpoint, with entirely different players, on entirely different timeframes. The war could be started by the Geneva Crisis, or by a Union of Belgium and Germany, or Germany going after the South Tirol held by Italy. That's what I think would probably be the main effect is that you or the AI get to decide what gambles they want to take, instead of being set before hand.

You could even force a showdown over the Maginot Line from France, if you were crazy.

As for the Soviets, the lack of gains was the main reason they chose the Axis. However, standing with Poland would surely compromise Polands national integrity, and I can envision Stalin acquiring enough influence over Poland to wrestle it away from the Allies and into the Commintern.

For the trouble, the Soviets would get Poland, and anything they can grab in Germany proper. A partition of Germany, rather than Poland--but with the drawbacks of both being a very hard opponent and with the potential of gaining nothing if the Allies strike first. Versus the concrete gains from the Axis powers.

It is the choice that the Soviets should be allowed to make. Germany should drop everything if Stalin is standing behind Poland. Perhaps they go after Denmark instead of Poland. But forcing the Germans away from Poland gives the Soviets a different kind of buffer to protect themselves, and could only be a major diplomatic victory for the Allies and Commintern.
Just something else I meant to add.

The chance of Germany not getting aggressive would be nearly nil. While it would be very likely not to force a showdown with Italy, Austria and Czechloslovkia would be all but inevitable. Maybe a 2% chance of those things not happening, 5% at the highest.

Also, things like Germany going after Switzerland, Denmark or Lithuania would be more questionable--they could happen, or maybe not.

In any event, Germany goes to sleep and decides not to bother anyone should be an extreme longshot. I'd have no problem introducing a chance of the world going weird (those are already out there), but that would not be likely to happen.

The point is, as I said before, to make Germany EVEN MORE AGGRESSIVE then they already were.
If they events are done, make sure and remove the nontrigger = atwar thing, so if German is at an early war, the event could still trigger.
I see... I like your thinking.

Switzerland IMO is already covered: histroically Switzerland was neutral and as such her integrity was guarded by the rest of the world. If Germany DOWs the Swiss, she will have the USA (and possibly the USSR, depending on the year) on her back earlier than usual by virtue of the Guruantee of ind. that the Swiss have (from almost everyone); no event is needed.

I do not know much about Denmark and Lituania, would Germany have such "legitemate" (I use quotes for a reason) claims there? If so than there is a good idea there.

As for the M-R pact, alot of possiblilty:

Since the main part of the pact was a secret provision (i.e. division of Poland) the USSR could:

A) Refuse the pact on idealogical grounds
B) Agree to historical terms
C) Suggest a pact (game-breaking waste of time)
(obviosly A trhough C are in the game already)
D) Refuse and warn Germany to stay out of Poland (relations hit, no core gains, garuantee ind. of Poland [so that if war breaks out the USSR can DOW the Germans])
E) Go public with the Germans' proposal and warn the world of impending war (same as above)

If choice E the Allies then get an event along the lines of "Belive the Soviets?" with a yes or no options: if no than things go as usual (basic refusal scenario) if yes, then Germany is ordered to disarm or war begins (USSR, Mongolia, Tannu Tavu are offered to join the Allies, an event is made to this effect with the possiblity of SOV refusal).

On the other hand Germany is allowed (after Soviet Warning [D option] to persue other things, like Denmark and what not).

What interests me more though is how CORE will be handeling the SOV GDE situation. Some toughts are as follows:
1. If the USSR makes no pact then there is no Winter War, if so then the "GDE goes up by .1" event (at least one) is lost... that's a problem.
2. Soviet low GDE should be higher before the purge (around .4 or .5) than go down after the purge .2 (massive overhaul of the army leadership) and then increase as normal.
3. Soviet Cores in Finland should be kept; if the Winter War breaks out after the Refusal of the pact, the Germans should garuantee the Finns' ind., thereby putting the USSR into trouble with not only Finland, but also Germany (assuming that there was no trouble yet...).

I'm done... I think.
Asudulayev said:
Switzerland IMO is already covered: histroically Switzerland was neutral and as such her integrity was guarded by the rest of the world. If Germany DOWs the Swiss, she will have the USA (and possibly the USSR, depending on the year) on her back earlier than usual by virtue of the Guruantee of ind. that the Swiss have (from almost everyone); no event is needed..

Fair enough, Switzerland may well be the German Nation that gets away, but consider these facts:
1. Switzerland is largely German.
2. Hitler has declared that every German (he did do this!!) belongs in the borders of Germany.
3. Switzerland is not allied, and mostly their neutrality is simply a matter of respect for that country. No on wants to fight the Swiss, because they are more valuable alive than gone. On the other hand, who is going to fight a war to defend the Swiss? They certainly never intervene in other wars themselves--One would conclude that while it would be protested, I think you over-estimate other nations willingness to defend a nation that never has entered a war in defense of others for over 150 years by this point.
4. If the Germans are looking for a war (and they likely are) why not allow Switzerland to be the flashpoint?

Now, whether Switzerland is a target really should be at the discretion of the German player, not a boldly assumed no. I will tell you though, that Italy and France will get mad if Switzerland is annexed into the Reich (The Magnot Line circumvented--nothing less). But I'm confident that the "Germans within Germany" are national territories makes it only fair that the Swiss should be a point of interest.

Asudulayev said:
I do not know much about Denmark and Lituania, would Germany have such "legitemate" (I use quotes for a reason) claims there? If so than there is a good idea there...

Okay, as for Denmark: The southern piece of Denmark was taken from Germany after WW1. Demanding that piece back seems perfectly acceptable--I think this is either the southernmost piece of Denmark or the 2 Southernmost pieces.

Lithuania: There already is a Memel event, But Lithuania definitely had a considerable German population there (although it was evacuated as part of the M-R agreement). Perhaps going beyond Memel is questionable (although only as questionable as making Prague a national provence) but I think we can both agree that even if it was only Memel, Lithuania should still be included. Personally though, I can easily see Germany swallowing the whole thing, as they nearly did in the R-M pact (but Stalin craftily renegotiated that agreement to his own favor)

That answer your objections with that? Okay, moving on...

Asudulayev said:
A) Refuse the pact on idealogical grounds
B) Agree to historical terms
C) Suggest a pact (game-breaking waste of time)
(obviosly A trhough C are in the game already)
D) Refuse and warn Germany to stay out of Poland (relations hit, no core gains, garuantee ind. of Poland [so that if war breaks out the USSR can DOW the Germans])
E) Go public with the Germans' proposal and warn the world of impending war (same as above)

If choice E the Allies then get an event along the lines of "Belive the Soviets?" with a yes or no options: if no than things go as usual (basic refusal scenario) if yes, then Germany is ordered to disarm or war begins (USSR, Mongolia, Tannu Tavu are offered to join the Allies, an event is made to this effect with the possiblity of SOV refusal)..

I was actually thinking it through this way-
Master event: The Western Allies and the Fascists are both courting our help in Poland (longer description follows)
A: Side with the Allies.
B: Side with the Axis.
C: Stay out of the situation (Cuts out of Chain)

A: Sides with the Allies: This would be the question of what the Soviet Union wants of the Allies in return for this action:
A1: We do this in the name of the Polish Workers! (Nothing now, but a few future communist revelutions are possible)
A2: Poland and Eastern Germany must become part of our Sphere of Influence. (If accepted, Poland becomes a Soviet Puppet. Commintern Gains in Germany become the DDR)
A3: Our 1914 border back (means that the Soviets put Demands on all of Finland, the Baltic States, and R-Med Poland). Poland will protest this.
A4: Serious Political concessions for the Communist Party. (If accpeted, and it will not be likely, this sets off Communist Overthrows of many nations, including France)
A5: Backout/Cancel
B: Side with Axis:
B1: Unholy Alliance (Instant Win!)
B2: Agree with Pact.
B3: Press for additional concessions (The fun idea!) Soviets get a free hand in the Balkans and Turkey, plus all RM stuff.
B4: Back out.

THis would really flesh out the Soviet Unions options and make this diplomacy set the game--as it should, this determines who fights what.
On the other hand Germany is allowed (after Soviet Warning [D option] to persue other things, like Denmark and what not).
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Blue Max said:
Fair enough, Switzerland may well be the German Nation that gets away, but consider these facts:
1. Switzerland is largely German.
2. Hitler has declared that every German (he did do this!!) belongs in the borders of Germany.
3. Switzerland is not allied, and mostly their neutrality is simply a matter of respect for that country. No on wants to fight the Swiss, because they are more valuable alive than gone. On the other hand, who is going to fight a war to defend the Swiss? They certainly never intervene in other wars themselves--One would conclude that while it would be protested, I think you over-estimate other nations willingness to defend a nation that never has entered a war in defense of others for over 150 years by this point.
4. If the Germans are looking for a war (and they likely are) why not allow Switzerland to be the flashpoint?

Now, whether Switzerland is a target really should be at the discretion of the German player, not a boldly assumed no. I will tell you though, that Italy and France will get mad if Switzerland is annexed into the Reich (The Magnot Line circumvented--nothing less). But I'm confident that the "Germans within Germany" are national territories makes it only fair that the Swiss should be a point of interest.

I am not saying that Switzerland can't be a "flash point", what I am saying is that the only possible event that a player could need here would be some cores in Switzerland, since a DOW on Switzerland would give the rest of first world a Casus Belli against Germany, thus igniting war.

Also Switzerland is also partially French and even Italian (or so I hear), I think that rather than annexing Switzerland she should be divided among Germany, Italy, and Vichy (assuming it exists), there could be an M-R-esque pact 'twixt Germany and Italy where they divide Switzerland (i.e. an event that gives both countries cores there). However the actual DOWing of Switzerland by Germany does not need to be an event, just as Poland dragging the allies into war with the axis is not an event but covered by the fact that Poland joins the allies (Danzing or War is there for the AI IMO not the player).

Blue Max said:
I was actually thinking it through this way-
Master event: The Western Allies and the Fascists are both courting our help in Poland (longer description follows)
A: Side with the Allies.
B: Side with the Axis.
C: Stay out of the situation (Cuts out of Chain)

My "objection" here is this: was it really Stalin's interest to "side" with either side? The USSR really does not choose between the allies and the axis as much as she chooses to either help or screw over Poland, as shown by your even chain, "siding with the allies" opens a possibility of a Soviet dominated Poland which the allies surely object to, while history showed that "siding with the axis" led to German's final downfall.

The main point here is tht I agree with your event chain (thus far), but would like to see different titles for the choices.

Blue Max said:
A: Sides with the Allies: This would be the question of what the Soviet Union wants of the Allies in return for this action:
A1: We do this in the name of the Polish Workers! (Nothing now, but a few future communist revelutions are possible)
A2: Poland and Eastern Germany must become part of our Sphere of Influence. (If accepted, Poland becomes a Soviet Puppet. Commintern Gains in Germany become the DDR)
A3: Our 1914 border back (means that the Soviets put Demands on all of Finland, the Baltic States, and R-Med Poland). Poland will protest this.
A4: Serious Political concessions for the Communist Party. (If accpeted, and it will not be likely, this sets off Communist Overthrows of many nations, including France)
A5: Backout/Cancel

A1: Intersting, I like the Idea of the USSR being more internationalist, I sugegst this: After this happens and Germany invades Poland, the USSR funds a puppet government in the regions closest to her i.e. Eastern Poland and then Commie Poland DOWs the Axis with the USSR at her back: WAR starts in '39. Also, the Allies will be understandably upset and will not recondnize new Poland.

A2: Eh, well Poland should get a "we agree or not?" event that they should ALWAYS turn down, why would they trade Nazi overlords for Commie ones? More so the allies would not agree to aggrandize the Comintern, since that would lead to an early death of Hitler and a WWIII right after that, Churchil would have to be worse than Chamberlin...

A3: The USSR demands that the world recodnize her 1914 claims... some trouble here:
1. Poland has to give up Warsaw and move abck to Krakow (right at the Nazi border)...
2. In the '20s Lenin gave Finland her independence... if the USSR decided to claim the entire country it would look really wierd. The USSR would have to take a hit on the whole political left slider and probably a dissent hit (that's alot of cores with alot of Industry)... lets remeber that the Winter War was not about the annexation of Finland , but about Karelia...
3. Why would the allies or Poland agree to this sort of thing? Replacing Hitler with Stalin could not have been high in their agendas.

A4: What does this means exactly? Does the PolitBuro order all the communist parties of Europe to start fighting? If so then I do not know how realistic the possibility is...

A5: .... ... ... ... ...

Blue Max said:
B: Side with Axis:
B1: Unholy Alliance (Instant Win!)
B2: Agree with Pact.
B3: Press for additional concessions (The fun idea!) Soviets get a free hand in the Balkans and Turkey, plus all RM stuff.
B4: Back out.

B1: I only ask that the chances of this be very low (i.e. only possible in MP)
B2: Okay
B3: Well the Germans (and the Italians) have intersts in the Balkans and the Bosphorous strait is extremely important... so much so that it may be against the German's real intersts (that and Turkey may be the last straw for the Allies [if there is a Gaurantee of ind. for Turkey then the game already as thus covered]).
B4: ... ... ... ... ...

SOME thoughts: maybe the A4: decision should be moved into the "deal with axis" thing. As such, the USSR could push for (instead of Balkans and Turkey) 1914 borders with the Germans (Germany abandons Baltic States, Finland (the USSR gains all of Finland in Cores), Roumania (Bessarabia), and Germany gives up Warsaw to the USSR)... that's it...
B4: .... .... ..... ...............

Blue Max said:
THis would really flesh out the Soviet Unions options and make this diplomacy set the game--as it should, this determines who fights what.
On the other hand Germany is allowed (after Soviet Warning [D option] to persue other things, like Denmark and what not).

I agree, dipolomacy is very weak in the game... more so the USSR should be able to expand the Comintern to other countries (like ComChi, if the Soviets decide to crush the Japanese, and Republicn Spain, assuming that she wins the Civil War)
Lets try this again, since I've thought this over a little more:

Germany gets an event in 1937 that "ALL germans belong within the borders of Germany. Germany gets claims on:
-Danzig and Posen from Poland
-Sudentenland from Czechloslovkia
-Memel from Lithunania
-Holstein from Denmark
-South Tirol (Sudtirol) from Italy
-Austrian starting provinces (If Austria gains territory, these demands are not on those territories)
-Swiss Starting provinces (see Austria above)
-Luxembourg (how can they gain territory at all?)
Germany will have claims on its Colonies and Alsace-Lorraine, but these are different and would not be added in this event.

Demands on Poland would trigger "Danzig or War" chain, but if the poles give in, the Germans recieve only Danzig. However, the Poles would be much more likely to give up Posen afterward, due to their weak stance previously (another demand would be required)

Sudentenland: Treaty of Munich would be triggered by this demand. Four Months after the handover, there would be a Czechs annexed event.

Memel: Lithuania would almost always hand over Memel, but there would be a follow up event. Germany had longed made plans for the downfall of Lithunia, using them as a bargaining chip for first Poland and then the Soviet Union. Eight Months after Memel, the Germans should recieve a "Bloodless conquest--Lithunania accepts German troops" event that makes Lithuania national territories of Germany, on the grounds that the bloodless conquest would give Germany full use of their resources and IC, much like the Czechs.

Holstein: Denmark is likely to cave into German pressure alone, but the Allies do like Denmark and might intervene. Its possible that Denmark can become the flashpoint of WW2, and not Poland.

South Tirol: Italy will almost never concede South Tirol. Indeed, eventually Italy is going to join the Allies if that claim on Italy is kept. Germany would be wise to renounce this claim.

Switzerland: The Swiss are more German than French or Italian, so making them "German" seems a good fit. The Swiss will surely demand that Germany respect their borders, so the Germans are going to have to stage a Nazi Coup in Switzerland, and going to have to strongarm the country.

50% chance it works, as there was a large nazi party in that nation. But taking over Switzerland will severely darken Germany in the eyes of the world.
I think that the above German event should have choices:
A: Historical (histroical Polish, Sudet, Luxemburg, Alsace, etc.) (AI: 90 %)
B: Ahistroical (The rest of the claims that you mentioned) (AI: 10 %)
[a C choice for renunciation would be a huge game-killer]

Some thoughts:
Memel: I do not know if there should be an event that just gives Lithuania to Germany (making Germany ahistorically more powerful), if such an event does occur then it should have two choices:
A: We want Memel... !
B: We want all of Lithuania (Relations with the USSR Plummet, possibility of war, since this is before M-R)

I do not know if there should be an event as you envision it, I suggest the following:
1. That the coup function be fixed.
2. That an event be created that would create an Anchluss like event for Switzerland if and only if the Swiss become NS, this way the German may try and coup them or conquer them and puppet (also triggering the event, this is a way to avoid belligerence, that would come out of outright annexng them).
As for Swiss cores, I would suggest that this event have a provision to give the South Eastern part Switzerland to the Italians (as a measure to keep Mussolini happy). I would suggest that Geneva be niether a German nor Italian core (maybe a Vichy one).

Last thing perhaps we can rethink the German event; instead of having the Germans get all their cores at the same time, we can have a "Germany thinks that she can get away with murder" event if Poland gives up Danzig, in other words, if WWII does not start at Danzig, it starts at Holstein, if not there then when Germany goes after Luxembourg, and if not there then when Germany asks France for Alsace.
Thoughts behind the claims as I've mentioned them are:

1. Germany need not choose to do things in historical order or to the degree they choose to do this historically.
2. Germany would get a chance to renounce any of their claims, one at a time. They would be most likely to give up on South Tirol and Switzerland and only go for Memel, but they could do otherwise.
3. The idea is that there will be a war, even if the Germans decide to drop claims on Poland--just that Geneva starts the war.
4. Switzerland is mostly, but not completely German. The germans have no problem taking land that is part German and Part not German, or even more Non-German than German. That's historical. So, while giving the South Swiss Cantons to Italy might make them happy, it might happen that never happens.
5. The Renunciations would be on a case for case basis. You could renounce claims on Poland say, and still have them on Switzerland and Lithunania.
6. Demanding all of Luthuania is not definitely going to trigger war, but it might. But that's what Nazi Diplomacy from 1937-1940 was all about--taking risks in nations, hoping that they give up without a fight, and being ready for that fight when it comes. But the demands should be in place at once, because that principle "All germans belong inside Germany" was not a case by case declarion, it was a general principle that put claims on all of these territories. Whehter Germany decides to have them all, or part with some of them is a case matter.
7. Germany renouncing all claims is nearly impossible. Avoiding war is a shade more likely, but that would mean that Germany gets away with, at most, Two major grabs and one minor one (which is as far as Germany got historically) So Germany has renounced at least half of their claims (Switzerland, Denmark, Lithunania, Italy, Czechloslovkia, Poland, Austria, Luxembourg, Possible Low Countries claim). That's going to be very rare, at least as rare as the unholy alliance. And if it happens, Germany has thrown the game to the Allies. Not expanding as the Axis is a forfeit in the long term.
8. Switzerland will try to resist German thuggery as all of these nations would. But they are hobbled by their proximity to Germany and the large number of Nazis in their own nation. If Germany can send its flunkies and overthrow two Austrian Chancellors, I don't hold a lot of hope that the Swiss can fare much better. Historically, the Swiss relied on good relations with Germany to survive, but Germany need not treat the Swiss as anything other than dinner. If things went down, I have no doubts that Switzerland would be annexed to the German Reich as part of Germany--national territory.
However, the Poles would be much more likely to give up Posen afterward, due to their weak stance previously (another demand would be required)
In discussion on Polish forum on HoI2 towards the topic of German-Polish relations before the war they I made suggestions as to what it could look like after signing the deal.Germany(or rather Hitler) indeed before WW2 tried to get Poland into Axis camp, but failed, so such choices would be justified historical what-if.
Demands would be repeated with German success on Eastern Front.With taking of various Soviet cities a demand would be repeated for provinces of Poznan, Torun, Bydgoszcz,Czestochowa with taking of Leningrad, Kiev, Stalingrad, Moscow.
I proposed the name to be "Germany feels strong".With each time Germany would have option of demanding further province from Poland or declining to do so.A decline would result in dissent.Poland would have an option of accepting the demand-large dissent or rejecting it, with abandoning the alliance with Germany and Germany having the option to declare war with Poland.
If Germany would control all of these provinces as a result of these events then it would get an event to puppet Poland.
Another events for potential choice to incorporate Poland would be an event that makes German citizens of Poland demand to volunteer in German army-with the result of manpower loss for Poland and increase for Germany-small at the begining of war with France, larger with war with USSR.
Also in an event of such alliance occuring there should be some profits for Poland-a tech team suggesting German-Polish military cooperation could be justified(similiar thing was in HoI2) as well as investments in Polish infrastructure(in Eastern Poland-it happened during occupation also ).

Memel: I do not know if there should be an event that just gives Lithuania to Germany (making Germany ahistorically more powerful), if such an event does occur then it should have two choices:
A: We want Memel... !
B: We want all of Lithuania (Relations with the USSR Plummet, possibility of war, since this is before M-R)
Historically Hitler proposed Lithuania for Poland, if he would do so remains another thing.
I have gathered, from a very reliable source, information which allows me to assert that, by way of compensation and in order to draw Poland into their game, the National-Socialist leaders have hinted in their conversations with the Poles at the possibility of sharing in a partition of the Russian Ukraine.

In the same connection the Polish Military Attaché, when he received one of my collaborators yesterday, gave some significant indications on the great plans which even recently the leaders of the Third Reich had been hammering out, and in the realization of which they had hoped, until March 26, to enlist Polish complicity.

It is said that when Chancellor Hitler received M. Beck in Berchtesgaden, he had spread out before him a map of Europe corrected in his own hand. On this map Danzig and the Corridor were again attached to the Reich; as to Poland, she was to annex Lithuania and receive the port of Memel. (The interview of Berchtesgaden took place on January 5.) M. Beck is reported to have been astounded at this sight.
molobo said:
Historically Hitler proposed Lithuania for Poland, if he would do so remains another thing.

That's why I feel that Lithuania is merely a bargaining chip for Hitler, and he well might decide to keep it for himself. That deal should be considered though.

Graf Blotenburg said:
I love the work you'we done with HoI(1)-CORE! :cool: However, there was some wrong solutions in my opinion.

For an example all the different transportships wich can be build. What was the point? I think it over-complicate things more than it does good! 2 or 3 different transports would be enough.

The same goes partly with some of the technology stuff you put in. It became HUGE, and much time is being used in selecting (the right) technology. I hope you'll try to keep it simple, but better than it is now (Hoi2 1.1).

I'm looking forwar to CORE-Hoi2 because I'm sure it will be better than the original game! I hope you consider my suggestions for the CORE-HoI2.

Q: What happend to the Volkswagen-factory in the city of Wolfsburg (Wolfsburg-province (HoI2 1.1)? Was the factory too small to make a difference? Is the Industrial Capasity moved to Magdeburg for some reason, or what?
BTW: I could do some work for you if you want to!
Blue Max said:
-Holstein from Denmark

Holstein: Denmark is likely to cave into German pressure alone, but the Allies do like Denmark and might intervene. Its possible that Denmark can become the flashpoint of WW2, and not Poland.
I think it is completely unhistorical. Germany never claimed Northern Slesvig back, as it was populated by the ethnic Danes, not Germans. Even after the occupation of Denmark, Germany did not press any claims and never formally “transferred” this territory to the Third Reich (and they for sure could easily do this), like they did in many other territories (Alsace-Lorraine, Slovenia etc).
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Demands on Poland would trigger "Danzig or War" chain, but if the poles give in, the Germans recieve only Danzig. However, the Poles would be much more likely to give up Posen afterward, due to their weak stance previously (another demand would be required)
If you want to base your demands on German population Poznan wouldn't be a good choice.German minority there wasn't very large.

Another thing that bugs me in HoI2 is the M-R pact event for Poland.Its convenient for gameplay, but in real life Polish military did thought about the last stand in Lvov instead of surrendering to the Soviets there.
I remember in the original CORE that there was an event chain in which the UK could invade Ireland to secure the naval bases.
If you chose to do so you were penalised with a dissent hit. I was hoping that given the new slider settings one could instead adjust these. And perhaps upset the USA as well, perhaps making in more isolationist, thus less likely to join the war?
Antiochus V said:
I remember in the original CORE that there was an event chain in which the UK could invade Ireland to secure the naval bases.
If you chose to do so you were penalised with a dissent hit. I was hoping that given the new slider settings one could instead adjust these. And perhaps upset the USA as well, perhaps making in more isolationist, thus less likely to join the war?

The chain will be reowrked to account for all the nwe goodies in HoI2, don't worry.
Rethinking the Soviets Axis or Allies Choice:

A: Side with the Allies and Defend Poland
B: Side with the Axis get gains in Europe
C: Stay out of this affair.

A: Side with the Allies:
A1: Demand Western Technology and Resources for Siding with Poland.
A2: Demand Political Concessions for the Communist Party in Allied Nations. (The Allies will move somewhat towards the left, and Communist overthrows would become easier in Allied Nations. I think to make this fair, France should have a small chance of going communist and leaving the Allies and siding with the commintern if this option is selected--the third republic is none too strong)
A3: Help Polands Workers overthrow the Fascist Menace! (This option greatly increases the Soviet Unions relationship with many nations worldwide. Poland may well have a +100 modifier to their relation over this choice, moving from neutral to a good friend of the Soviet Union in one fell swoop. Due to this added respect, LWR governments should become a bit more common, giving the Soviets a few friends in the world, and redeeming them from Pariah status in the eyes of the World.)
A4: Back out.

B-Side with Axis
B1: Propose an Unholy Alliance (Instant Win!)
B2: Partition Poland with Germany
B3: Demand 1914 borders (That means all of Finland and a big chunk of Poland, and all Baltic States)
B4: Back Out

THere, that's what I'd love to see done--give some Soviet Diplomacy a real go at least on one occasion. And this game really needs diplomacy.
A3: Help Polands Workers overthrow the Fascist Menace! (This option greatly increases the Soviet Unions relationship with many nations worldwide. Poland may well have a +100 modifier to their relation over this choice, moving from neutral to a good friend of the Soviet Union in one fell swoop. Due to this added respect, LWR governments should become a bit more common, giving the Soviets a few friends in the world, and redeeming them from Pariah status in the eyes of the World.)
You seem enthusiastic for inventing events but It would be better if you would research some of historical choices that were possible. In regards to this one you failed badly. There was almost zero support for communism in pre-war Poland and all activists escaped to SU(most were executed), with the remaining ones either in detention camp or paid agents.Thus this particular event isn't based on historical possibility, but is rather a fantasy :)
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That is true, polish communism was dead, especially after the Soviet-Polish war, which was fairly outstanding in its affects on the course of polish history.