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MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233102
name = " The death of Friedrich IV. "

I don't think both options should give examty +1 stability change. Surely one is less stabilizing than the other. And anyway, maybe neither ought to increase stability. Stab doesn't normally go up when there's a new monarch, and there has been no decrease to justify an increase.

Also, if you increase the MIL and ADM score you ought to drop the DIP score in both cases, given that the monarch is now partly takin orders from elsewhere.

Great thoughts. I will delete the Stab hit for all options except the Adeligrat one, since that's a kinda non-Habsburg thing to do. Have now inserted the DIP thing. Nice idea, taa.

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233104
name = " The Ascendancy of Sigismund "

You might need to have an extra event in the STR file to lower the relations between them so that they cannot be DiploAnnexed before Sigismund gains the age of Majority.

Mmmm. That's a worry. Perhaps a really low DIP rating for the early Steiermark Habsburg monarchs as well?

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233106
name = " Bianca Visconti "

action_b = {
name = " No, she is as ugly as her father "
command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }
command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 24 } #to reflect the stupidity of the choice

Yes, but, remember I have this Lorraine event wherin Swabian can inherit Lorraine because Sigismund's son marries the Lorraine heiress. None of that would work in the Bianca model you propose, but it would if the player/ai rejects her. Also, I don't think you ought to double punish someone. If option B is a bad decision it will carry its own negatives.

No, I forgot about this. But we could work it into Phillip's events. Perhaps if he stays in Innsbruck he marries into Lorraine, and if he heads to Italy he marries into a Genoese noble? We were also talking about having an independant Tuscany (after the Reformation) become a colonising power... perhaps as a result of a Milanese/Toscana marriage???

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233109
name = "End of the Visconti in Milan" - Orleans

Does someone refusing marriage really give such a CB? Where does Sigismunds 'claim' come from?

Duuuh, as my daughter might say. He's pissed that someone has stolen his rich bride right from under his negotiations. I have reduced the length of the CB to 12 months however, to reflect that this is a momentary anger.

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233111
name = " Bianca and the Adeligrat "

command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 2 }

+2 seems a touch high ...

She is a legend. I intend to restructure the starting stats for Swabia to reflect it's Habsburg lineage, rather than the current Aberrated ultratech Swabia (INN = 8 !!!).

So they start at 4 or 5, and she brings a breath of italian renaiisance with her. +2 sounds ok.

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233112
name = "Bianca's court."

command = { type = trade value = 500 } #Reflecting Bianc'a work among the traders.

Surely that is already reflected in the massive +4 per month Sigismund's ADM gets from marrying her?

Fair comment. I will delete the trade bonus.

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233113
name = " An Italian Palace "

action_a = {
name = " costruisca il palazzo "
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 371 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 389 value = 2 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = infra value = 600 } # to reflect increased communication within duchy as a result of maintaining two capitals
action_b = {
name = " non "
command = { type = stability value = -1 }

I don't like the stab -1, personally. Also, you will need to include:

command = { type = capital = 389 }

This is just a twin capital thing. The true formal capital is still in Innsbruck, but during the winter she drags her lovers down to Milan. The -1 Stab reflects the fact that the populace don't get to address the court or the nobles for 6 months of the year. Maybe?

The formal move to Milan is part of the formal renaming of the nation, further down the file, event 233117.

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233115
name = " The death of Sigismund. "

Presumably this Phillip would be the guy that could inherit Lorraine through marriage ....

Excellent idea. See my thoughts above. When do you want the Lorraine marriage to occur? Note also that Sigimund has sold Alsace to Burgundy, and perhaps this might trigger something as well.

MattyG said:
event = {
id = 233117
trigger = {
owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } #Lombardia
control = { province = 389 data = -1 } #Lombardia
atwar = no
stability = 2
NOT = { exists = MLO }
religion = catholic
flag = visconti
event = 233113
NOT = {
owned = { province = 373data = -1 } #Baden
owned = { province = 372 data = -1 } #Wurttemburg
owned = { province = 374 data = -1 } #Alsace
random = no
country = SWA
name = " The italian heritage of Duke Phillip I "
desc = " Phillip I was as strong as his mother, and began immediately to exert his will over the court. At the loss of the german lands to the north, he realised that the only safe haven for Swabia now was among the extensive connections his mothher had built up in the italian peninsular. Swabia had ceased to exist, and Milan had to be created anew. "
date = { day = 20 month = august year = 1485 }
offset = 380
deathdate = { day = 12 month = january year = 1516 }

action_a = {
name = "Move to Milano"
command = { type = remove_countryculture which = german } #To change order of cultures
command = { type = country which = MLO }
command = { type = relation which = STR value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -100 }
command = { type = capital which = 389 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 371 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 389 value = 2 }
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = cash value = -200 }
command = { type = addcore which = 390 } #Mantua
command = { type = addcore which = 400 } #Siena
command = { type = addcore which = 401 } #Firenze
command = { type = addcore which = 402 } #Emilia
command = { type = addcore which = 372 } #Wurttemburg
command = { type = addcore which = 373 } #Alsace
command = { type = addcore which = 374 } #Baden
command = { type = addcore which = 327 } #Ostmarch
command = { type = addcore which = 351 } #Austria
command = { type = addcore which = 369 } #Steiermark
command = { type = addcore which = 367 } #Krain
command = { type = addcore which = 368 } #Istria
command = { type = add_countryculture which = german }
action_b = {
name = "Stay in Innsbruck"
command = { type = stability value = -1 }

Whoa, that's a LOT of cores to get. Also, you'll need to test the lose/add countryculture to see if it works. Might need to be two separate events. Or, because they become Milan, it might immediaely adopt only the Italian culture that Milan has, so the first line might be unnecessary But good thinking.

Bugger. All of the german provinces should read REMOVEcore. Also, the event and the original idea for this was Kaigon's. I only added the extra cores.
forgive me brother, fo I have sinned. it's been 4 weeks since my last submission...

Herewith findeth ye another chapter of Swabian 15th Century New World Order.

This small series describes the last of the potential swiss revolts, and the possible remergence of swiss culture. I say possible, because swiss culture is as much a political difference as anything, in addition to their specific language differences, and the way they put holes in their cheese. It's written so there are 3 ways of resolving the revolts, ranging from using force and asking the Burgundioans for help, alll the way through to peaceful negotiation. And also the Arsenal gets built only if Bianca is duchess, and the swiss are part of Swabia.

I have not yet looked at the linking Burgundy events, but hope to download NewWorldOrderBeta6.01 tonight and find where I can link in..

In the end, the aggressive route is the one more likely to lead to the creation of a separate Swiss state, while the peaceful route is more likely to result in the final and happy absorbtion of the alpen areas under Habsburg rule. In this case, swiss culture will be deemed to be a dead subject, and you won't hear any more from me on the subject.

# 444201 - 444249 The Swiss Revolts

event = {
id = 444201
trigger = {
OR {
owned = { province = 388 data = SWA } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = SWA } #Schwyz
OR {
bailiff = { province = 388 } #Bern
bailiff = { province = 1612 } #Schwyz
random = no
country = SWA
name = " More gambling debts "
desc = " Looking for more money to finance his growing debts due to his poor lifestyle choices, Sigismund was advised to increase the levy charged to the local nobles for their land. These levies were greater for the Swiss, because the majority of his advisors were from Swabia. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1440 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1443 }

action_a = {
name = " Increase the levy "
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = 2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = 2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 372 value = 1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 374 value = 1 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 10 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 10 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 372 value = 2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 374 value = 2 }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = " This could be dangerous, loan the money instead "
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = inflation value = 2 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444202 }

event = {
id = 444202
trigger = {
event = 444201
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The swiss petition"
desc = " After losing the Battle of Sembach in 1386, the swiss Contors surrendered fealty to the Habsburg dukes. By 1440 however, with the Swabisch tax collectors demanding higher revenues, the Contors from St Gallen to Waadt formally protested. It was a political revolt as much as financial, since their long term goals were self determination. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1444 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1447 }

action_a = {
name = "Reject their petition."
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 10 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 10 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444204 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444205 }
action_b = {
name = "Exact the levy, but increase representation."
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444203 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444205 }
action_c = {
name = "Lower some taxes and allow them representation."
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444203 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444204 }

event = {
id = 444203
trigger = {
event = 444202
random = no
country = SWA
name = "Swiss revolts"
desc = " A combination of high taxes and cruel policing had left the provinces of Bern and Schwyz in a state of agitation. The unplanned aggression against tax collectors eventually gave way to organised rebellion. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1448 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1451 }

action_a = {
name = "Stand firm and ready the troops."
command = { type = revolt which = 388 }
command = { type = revolt which = 388 }
command = { type = revolt which = 1612 }
command = { type = revolt which = 1612 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444207 }

event = {
id = 444204
trigger = {
event = 444202
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The swiss re-petition"
desc = " By 1446, taxation had grown to become an unbearable burden on the towns of Helvetia, despite the minor changes in self determination. A form of swiss nationalism propelled the Contors to demand more independence and lower taxes. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1448 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1451 }

action_a = {
name = "Reject their repetitive petition."
command = { type = revolt which = 388 }
command = { type = revolt which = 1612 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 5 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444207 }
action_b = {
name = "Remove some levies, and allow some self rule.."
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444206 }

event = {
id = 444205
trigger = {
event = 444202
random = no
country = SWA
name = "Swiss revolts"
desc = " By 1446, the spark ignited by the imposition of the new levies had started a progression to self rule that would be hard to stop. Sigismund realised he had to negotiate with the Contors but failed to quell the simmering riots for many years."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1448 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1451 }

action_a = {
name = "Negotiate with the Contors."
command = { type = stability value = 1 } #Swabisch nobles upset
action_b = {
name = "Don't negotiate with Terroists."
command = { type = stability value = 1 } #Swabisch nobles satified with tough line
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 5 }

event = {
id = 444206
trigger = {
OR {
event = 444203
event = 444204
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The swiss wars"
desc = " Swiss nationalist began to collect under strong religious and military leaders, and the unrest became more unsettling to areas outside of the alpine territories. Advisors to Frederick began to see that a difficult war was coming too quickly to prepare for, and they would be of need of assistance. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1452 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1455 }

action_a = {
name = "Take a hard line and ask for help from Phillip of Burgundy"
command = { type = revolt which = 388 }
command = { type = revolt which = 1612 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 5 }
command = { type = trigger which = 442191 } #Phillip the Bold requested to help
command = { type = trigger which = 442091 } #Phillip the Good requested to help
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444212 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444213 }
action_b = {
name = "Reject their petition and police the area with mercenaries"
command = { type = revolt which = 388 }
command = { type = revolt which = 1612 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 5 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = inflation value = 1 }
command = { type = INF which = 10000 value = -2 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444213 }

event = {
id = 444207
trigger = {
OR {
event = 444203
event = 444204
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The swiss wars"
desc = " Swiss nationalist began to collect under strong religious and military leaders, and the unrest became more unsettling to areas outside of the alpine territories. Advisors to Frederick began to see that a difficult war was coming too quickly to prepare for, and they would be of need of assistance. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1452 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1455 }

action_a = {
name = "Reject their petition and police the area with mercenaries"
command = { type = revolt which = 388 }
command = { type = revolt which = 1612 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 5 }
command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
command = { type = inflation value = 1 }
command = { type = INF which = 10000 value = -2 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444211 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444213 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444214 }
action_b = {
name = "Remove some levies, and allow some self rule"
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -1 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444211 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444212 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444214 }

event = {
id = 444208
trigger = {
event = 444205
random = no
country = SWA
name = "Swiss revolts"
desc = " By 1450, the spark ignited by the imposition of the new levies had started a progression to self rule that would be hard to stop. Sigismund had already lowere the levy to match that of the rest of his kingdom, but now realised he would have to replace his appointed nobles with local governors. An intelligent decision which might have prevented further bloodshed in the Alps, it was probably influenced by his new wife more than his swabisch advisors."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1452 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1456 }

action_a = {
name = "Remove the new levies, and allow some self rule."
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -1 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444211 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444212 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444214 }
action_a = {
name = "Remove all the unfair levies, and integrate."
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -2 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -2 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444211 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444212 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444213 }
and then...

event = {
id = 444211
trigger = {
OR {
event = 444206
event = 444207
OR {
owned = { province = 388 data = SWA } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = SWA } #Schwyz
random = no
country = SWA
name = "A Swiss Nation"
desc = " Eventually the Swiss were granted their autonomy, after several defeats of the Swabian army and it's Burgundian mercenaries. It became clear that the cost of policing the Alps was greater than ownership of the provinces was worth. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1456 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1459 }

action_a = {
name = "Allow them to leave the protector of the Emperor"
command = { type = independence which = HEL }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 388 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 1612 }
command = { type = removecore which = 388 }
command = { type = removecore which = 1612 }
command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 50 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444212 }
command = { type = trigger which = XXX101 } #A Swiss Nation

event = {
id = 444212
trigger = {
OR {
event = 444206
event = 444207
owned = { province = 388 data = SWA } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = SWA } #Schwyz
random = no
country = SWA
name = "A Swiss Nation"
desc = " Eventually the Swiss were granted vassalage, after several inconclusive battles between the swiss and the Swabian and Burgundian mercenaries. It became clear that the cost of policing the Alps was greater than ownership of the provinces was worth. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1456 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1459 }

action_a = {
name = "Allow them to leave the protection of the Duke"
command = { type = independence which = HEL }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 388 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 1612 }
command = { type = removecore which = 388 }
command = { type = removecore which = 1612 }
command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 50 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 444211 }
command = { type = trigger which = XXX102 } #A Swiss Nation

event = {
id = 444213
trigger = {
event = 444207
event = 444208
random = no
country = SWA
name = "A Swiss Nation"
desc = " The swiss autonomy issue seemed over before it had started, as a combination of greater self rule and Duchess Biana's diplomacy set the alpen regions of Swabia back onto a course of integration. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1456 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1459 }

action_a = {
name = "The Aargau remains the hereditary home of the Habsburgs."
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }

event = {
id = 444214
trigger = {
event = 444208
random = no
country = SWA
name = "A Swiss Nation"
desc = " The swiss autonomy issue seemed over before it had started, as a combination of greater self rule and Duchess Biana's diplomacy set the alpen regions of Swabia back onto a course of integration. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1456 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1459 }

action_a = {
name = "The Aargau remains the hereditary home of the Habsburgs."
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }

# Events for Helvetia, should it be created
event = {
id = XXX101 #Helvetia as Sovereign nation
trigger = { }
random = no
country = HEL
name = "A Swiss Nation"
desc = " Eventually the Swiss were granted their autonomy, after several victories over the Habsburgs. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1456 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1459 }

action_a = {
name = "We are Swiss"
command = { type = add_countryculture which = swiss }
command = { type = remove_countryculture which = german }
command = { type = provinceculture which = 388 value = swiss }
command = { type = provinceculture which = 1612 value = swiss }
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -2 } #back to normal levels
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -2 }

event = {
id = XXX102 #Helvetia as a Vassal
trigger = { }
random = no
country = HEL
name = "A Swiss Nation"
desc = " Eventually the Swiss were granted Vassalage, after several inconclusive battles with the Habsburgs. "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1456 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 1 month = november year = 1459 }

action_a = {
name = "We are Swiss"
command = { type = add_countryculture which = swiss }
command = { type = vassal which = SWA }
command = { type = remove_countryculture which = german }
command = { type = provinceculture which = 388 value = swiss }
command = { type = provinceculture which = 1612 value = swiss }
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -2 } #back to normal levels
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -2 }
and then the subsequent Arsenal...

# 444251 - 444299: The Arsenal of Freiburg

event = {
id = 449251
trigger = {
owned = { province = 388 data = -1 } #Bern
domestic = { type = innovative value = 7 }
countrysize = 5
event = 444214
event = 444202
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The Arsenal of Freiburg"
desc = "Swabia was the leading state in the area during the 15th Century. By 1461, Sigismund began to capitalise upon their riches afforded by the Silver mines of Tirol, and the military technologies learnt from hired Swiss mercenaries. In 1461 he built the first great arsenal in Europe"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1461 }
offset = 300
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1464 }
action_a = {
name = "Build the arsenal and all that comes with it"
command = { type = gainmanufactory which = 388 value = weapons }
command = { type = land value = 2000 }
command = { type = cash value = -400 }
action_b = {
name = "Only fund the arsenal"
command = { type = gainmanufactory which = 388 value = weapons }
command = { type = land value = 100 }
command = { type = cash value = -200 }
action_c = {
name = "We can't afford it"
command = { type = land value = 100 }
command = { type = sleepevent value = 449252 }

event = {
id = 444252
trigger = {
event = 444251 #The Arsenal was built
random = no
province = 388
name = "The fire of Freiburg in 1502"
desc = "In the early afternoon on the 19th of April in 1502, the arsenal of Freiburg exploded and a firestorm swallowed the nearby houses. The fire quickly went from house to house, from district to district. In the end, most of the city had burnt down together with 2000 of its inhabitants."
date = { day = 19 month = april year = 1502 }
offset = 0
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1503 }
action_a = {
name = "Citizens should learn to be careful"
command = { type = losemanufactory which = 388 }
command = { type = losebuilding which = 388 value = bailiff }
command = { type = population which = 388 value = -2000 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 388 value = -1 }
command = { type = infra value = -500 }
action_b = {
name = "Restore and rebuild the city and the arsenal"
command = { type = gainmanufactory which = 388 value = weapons } #If previously lost
command = { type = population which = 388 value = -2000 }
command = { type = cash value = -500 }
action_c = {
name = "Only restore and rebuild the city"
command = { type = losemanufactory which = 388 }
command = { type = population which = 388 value = -2000 }
command = { type = cash value = -100 }
action_d = {
name = "Only restore and rebuild the arsenal"
command = { type = gainmanufactory which = 388 value = weapons } #If previously lost
command = { type = losebuilding which = 388 value = bailiff }
command = { type = population which = 388 value = -2000 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 388 value = -1 }
command = { type = infra value = -500 }
command = { type = cash value = -400 }
Last edited:
I don't like the idea of Swiss nationalism, as it doesn't make any sense in the Abeverse. The Swiss weren't anything special culturally in 1419, and it's only after many centuries of political isolation from the rest of the German-speaking world that they developed a separate language, attitudes to war, etc. In fact it's debatable even today to talk of a Swiss 'nation', or even just a Swiss-German one, given how fiercely independent the cantons are.

Even the name Swiss is derived from one of the founding cantons, but if the Eidgenossenschaft is defeated, the name would only refer to Schwyz. If you want to give Swabia 'Alpine revolts' that's fine, but I think it would be mixing up Abe history and real history if we try to recreate Switzerland.
I moslty agree with Incompetant, although I cannot speak to the Swiss culture issue per se.

Better to have an event structure that is a little more generic in nature, representing poor admiistration by Sigismund and the resulting revolts in the mountains.

That said, you can still posit the development of a separate alpine-based nation. If it's possible to have Wessex and York, then it is possible to have a German-speaking duchy/collective in the mountains that sees itself as being different from those lowlanders, with their fancy ways and high taxes and lack of crampons as footwear.

Maybe the revolts lead in two directions. One is independence, though retaining German culture until the 1700s. Or semi-independence. The Swabians give up on the endless struggle against those mountan dwelling people and accept a sort of limited freedom (think of a free city the size of a province). This would equate with becoming a Swabian vassal and ally with events to ensure it is not Diploannex.

The other is that the contors are prepared to backdown as long as the hapsburgs grant them special laws pertaining to tax collection and chese. This equates to the provinces having their provincetax reduced by 4, lessing the income the Swabians derive and the manpower they can call upon. Events would need to be written in case another nation captures those provinces to present that deal to them also ("Maintain the Cantor Laws" or "Have a Lot of Revolts").

Also, bailiffs cannot be used as a trigger, sadly. Only 'owned" and "control" would work.

There's another reason why I don't think any Alpine revolts should be too harsh, and that's balance. In our world, Bern and Schwyz aren't distant appendages of a Vienna-centred empire: they form both the core and much of the tax base of the Habsburg's land. Early trouble here is only going to accelerate Swabia's conquest by Bavaria, which is not a good thing if we want it to be a major. Accordingly, I don't think the Habsburgs should have serious problems unless they choose to focus their attention elsewhere, eg Italy. The Reformation is another matter, but it may be the Habsburgs embrace some of the ideas of radicals like Zwingli or Calvin, because they're that much closer to the action. Alternatively they could follow the many people in the area (including a large minority of those we think of as Swiss!) in staying Catholic.

As for the local culture, I agree with MattyG that it would take a while to separate from German if it did at all, even with an independent state. (I don't like calling such a state 'Switzerland', as there's no reason to assume the tiny canton of Schwyz would form the nucleus of it; perhaps 'Alpenland', extending over Bern, Schwyz and Tirol?) We could give it a culture ('alpine'?), but I think there are a lot of worthier candidates elsewhere - indeed, Swabia itself could benefit from a culture, and as it's a major that would be a higher priority.

In terms of the history: it's true that the Eidgenossenschaft was formed well before 1419, and even before then the founder cantons had special status as 'reichsfrei', meaning they answered directly to the Emperor. But these three cantons actually only covered a small fraction of Schwyz province and none of Bern province, and it was only as a result of their victories over the Habsburgs and afterwards that they acquired so much territory and 'associates' (later full members) in the region. In Abe this doesn't happen, as the Habsburgs won in the 14th century. This would certainly result in some tension between Swabia and the Emperor, but we shouldn't forget that the disputed area is quite small, far less than one province in game terms.
Maybe we could think of this event cycle differently.

1. Let us say that those alpine province begin the game with an expanded 'reichsfrei' status, covering effectively both provinces. The arrangement with the Swabian duke/prince was established many years prior. We let the player know this in a January 1 event which lowers the province taxes but also gives a -1 permanent province_revoltrisk, the benefit of them having greater internal freedom, and a boost to trade and infra as another flow on effect of this more efficient and enlightened administrative system.

2. The cycle mikl has prepared instead applies only to a country that takes over those provinces. So it is instead the reverse. They are happy with the Hapsburgs of Swabia, but if the Savoyards, Burgundians or Bavarians take over, they will be presented with accepting the 'reichsfrei' status (or something similar), and refusing that will lead to increased taxes from the provinces (nice) but the cycle of revolts and rebellion. While it would seem obvious to chose action_b in that case, it is more complicated, because giving those provinces special status will mean a hit to centralization and frustration from other parts of the nation who do not appreciate the now-unfair tax burdens (read: increased revoltrisks in other provinces ... ).

MattyG said:
Maybe we could think of this event cycle differently.

1. Let us say that those alpine province begin the game with an expanded 'reichsfrei' status, covering effectively both provinces. The arrangement with the Swabian duke/prince was established many years prior. We let the player know this in a January 1 event which lowers the province taxes but also gives a -1 permanent province_revoltrisk, the benefit of them having greater internal freedom, and a boost to trade and infra as another flow on effect of this more efficient and enlightened administrative system.

2. The cycle mikl has prepared instead applies only to a country that takes over those provinces. So it is instead the reverse. They are happy with the Hapsburgs of Swabia, but if the Savoyards, Burgundians or Bavarians take over, they will be presented with accepting the 'reichsfrei' status (or something similar), and refusing that will lead to increased taxes from the provinces (nice) but the cycle of revolts and rebellion. While it would seem obvious to chose action_b in that case, it is more complicated, because giving those provinces special status will mean a hit to centralization and frustration from other parts of the nation who do not appreciate the now-unfair tax burdens (read: increased revoltrisks in other provinces ... ).


1. I think this is better.
2. They would rebel, perhaps, but no more than anyother province would rebel. And they would rebel as Habsburg germans, not Swiss.....

To be honest, even before I logged on this morning and read your input, I had already decided to pull the events I had so laboriously and joylessly worked on. I mean, Why swiss? Why exactly then? Who? Why?

However, there is a geographic reason why the swiss felt empowered enough and independent enough and rich eneough to protest, and geographic reasons why they eventually won. These geographic reasons don't just go away because we Machinate a different outcome. Their victory is inevitable, unless the resources poured into thier submission is expansive, and Swabia is NOT the full Habsburg family.

But in Machination we can postulate that in the 1386 Battle of Sembach, the Habsburgs and various other HRE families came together to crush them. Game over.

So we play without the swiss, and it's culture, not because it makes sense, but because it makes a sense, and is an interesting Machination. And we drop the events I wrote, or reuse them for some other nation.

I will rewrite a breif description of Incompetent/MattyG's Reichsfrei idea instead. Love it.
mikl said:
1. I think this is better.
2. They would rebel, perhaps, but no more than anyother province would rebel. And they would rebel as Habsburg germans, not Swiss.....

To be honest, even before I logged on this morning and read your input, I had already decided to pull the events I had so laboriously and joylessly worked on. I mean, Why swiss? Why exactly then? Who? Why?

However, there is a geographic reason why the swiss felt empowered enough and independent enough and rich eneough to protest, and geographic reasons why they eventually won. These geographic reasons don't just go away because we Machinate a different outcome. Their victory is inevitable, unless the resources poured into thier submission is expansive, and Swabia is NOT the full Habsburg family.

But in Machination we can postulate that in the 1386 Battle of Sembach, the Habsburgs and various other HRE families came together to crush them. Game over.

So we play without the swiss, and it's culture, not because it makes sense, but because it makes a sense, and is an interesting Machination. And we drop the events I wrote, or reuse them for some other nation.

I will rewrite a breif description of Incompetent/MattyG's Reichsfrei idea instead. Love it.

See, I think they would be more revolt-friendly than other regions for two reasons. First, because as you say, their geography makes it possible for them. Secondly, because of their traditional level of relative freedom we could postulate.

We have also developed a similar idea with the bedouin. Fiercely independent and with a geography to assist in their aspirations. It's a series of events in the Caliphate file.

I think this is one of the elements I like about our mod, the way we can look at a part of the world and build in some stories that are region-based, rather than nation based.

And, by structuring the events properly, we express the culture in the game, whilst bypassing the use of an official game culture.
MattyG said:
See, I think they would be more revolt-friendly than other regions for two reasons. First, because as you say, their geography makes it possible for them. Secondly, because of their traditional level of relative freedom we could postulate.

More revolt friendly, but not as Swiss. Ok. Happy.
mikl said:
More revolt friendly, but not as Swiss. Ok. Happy.

But we can also still have a Cheese event, keyed to a province.

Only real cheese from Switzerland doesn't have holes in it. On Kraft Swiss cheese has holes in it Emmental and Gruyere are solid and without holes.

Maybe a clock event? Or a chocolate event? Can we get William tell in thee somehow?
MattyG said:
But we can also still have a Cheese event, keyed to a province.

Only real cheese from Switzerland doesn't have holes in it. On Kraft Swiss cheese has holes in it Emmental and Gruyere are solid and without holes.

Maybe a clock event? Or a chocolate event? Can we get William tell in thee somehow?

There is a holey Swiss cheese, but I can't remember it's name. Mostly I think of Jarlsberg, but that's Norwegian. Or in Machination, Scottish. Unless Frieksnet gets his way, Kalmar cheese. Or unless Incompetent stops him with a crusade, then it becomes Teutonic cheese. or again unless I revise some events and it becomes hanseatic cheese.

Seriously though, one thing I liked about the Swiss Roll events, was my link to the Freiburg Arsenal. Swabia in this Machinated Aberration aren't so Innovative, and don't automatically get an Arsenal. This develops out of maintaining Bern and Schwyz as part of their empire, and the swiss mercenaries who form part of it. So rather than a Swiss revolt series, I will write a series a Swiss Mercenary events, which lead them to become elite units. I will use your elite units event code for this. Then provided the enough elite units appear over time, (progressively getting better...) then the Arsenal is built, as they become a standard feature of the Swabian army.
mikl said:
There is a holey Swiss cheese, but I can't remember it's name. Mostly I think of Jarlsberg, but that's Norwegian. Or in Machination, Scottish. Unless Frieksnet gets his way, Kalmar cheese. Or unless Incompetent stops him with a crusade, then it becomes Teutonic cheese. or again unless I revise some events and it becomes hanseatic cheese.

Seriously though, one thing I liked about the Swiss Roll events, was my link to the Freiburg Arsenal. Swabia in this Machinated Aberration aren't so Innovative, and don't automatically get an Arsenal. This develops out of maintaining Bern and Schwyz as part of their empire, and the swiss mercenaries who form part of it. So rather than a Swiss revolt series, I will write a series a Swiss Mercenary events, which lead them to become elite units. I will use your elite units event code for this. Then provided the enough elite units appear over time, (progressively getting better...) then the Arsenal is built, as they become a standard feature of the Swabian army.

Cool. So, have the 'special status' event trigger very early on. In it the player makes the choice:

A: Accept the Special Status

Cost: Reduced province taxes for the two provinces, hit to Centralization, revoltrisks in the other Swabian properties for a few years. Maybe also trouble with the Emperor.

Benefit: Lowered province_revolt risk, eventual Arsenal and elite units, no risk of the provinces revolting.

B. Refuse Special Status

Cost: Revolts (eventually) in those two provinces, or else a permanent +2 province_revoltrisk; Chance they will actually side with the Emperor (read, Bavaria) in the coming crisis of the HRE (remember that ... ). No trouble with the Emperor.

Benefit: Tax levels stay the same. We're talking at least 4 points here.

Swiss mercenaries, for Swabia. These events run every 20 years, until 1600, by which time the swabisch generals will have been deemed to have finally learnt a thing or two, and Land Tech goes up another tick, provided they've built the Arsenal.

event = {
id = 444201
trigger = {
OR {
owned = { province = 388 data = -1 } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = -1 } #Schwyz
atwar = yes
event 444201
random = yes
country = SWA
name = "Swiss Reisläufer"
desc = "The integration of the swiss peoples into the swabian culture since the Battle of Sembach had far reaching benefits. The war against the Contors had made the Habsburgs realise that there were new ways of fighting. The Swiss pikemen and foot soldiers (Reisläufer) became highly sought after."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1420 }
offset = 0
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1440 }
action_a = {
name = "Hire them"
command = { type = treasury value = -100 }
command = { type = land value = 50 }
command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 5000 }
command = { type = wakeleader which = 33141 }
action_b = {
name = "Buy their advice and training"
command = { type = treasury value = -10 }
command = { type = land value = 50 }
command = { type = wakeleader which = 33141 }

And then the leader....

historicalleader = {
id = { type = 6 id = 33141 }
startdate = {
year = 1420
deathdate = {
year = 1440
name = "Swiss Reisläufer"
category = general
rank = 2
movement = 2
fire = 3
shock = 2
siege = 0
dormant = yes
MattyG said:
Cool. So, have the 'special status' event trigger very early on. In it the player makes the choice:

A: Accept the Special Status

Cost: Reduced province taxes for the two provinces, hit to Centralization, revoltrisks in the other Swabian properties for a few years. Maybe also trouble with the Emperor.

Benefit: Lowered province_revolt risk, eventual Arsenal and elite units, no risk of the provinces revolting.

B. Refuse Special Status

Cost: Revolts (eventually) in those two provinces, or else a permanent +2 province_revoltrisk; Chance they will actually side with the Emperor (read, Bavaria) in the coming crisis of the HRE (remember that ... ). No trouble with the Emperor.

Benefit: Tax levels stay the same. We're talking at least 4 points here.

Oh, we have that typing-at-the-same-time thing going.

Yep, like the idea, but I wonder whether they would really have increased revolt risk under option B. Our Insolitus here is that the swiss were subjugated 40 years ago (= 2 generations) and really are as much a part of the Habsburgs as Tirol. The hereditary home of the Habsburg is deep in Schwyz, apparently.

Under A I doubt whether the Emperor would care about internal administration, and by the time the reformation fires, and the HRE crisis, the swiss would be soooooo integrated, you might as well call them swabisch.

But otherwise I love it. Thank you.
Like this?

event = {
id = 444201
trigger = {
OR {
owned = { province = 388 data = -1 } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = -1 } #Schwyz
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The Swiss Contors"
desc = " In the two generations since the Battle of Sembach the integration of the protesting Contors into the swabisch court was still facing cultural difficulties, and niggling protests were always present. The tax collectors in the Alps were rough, and the local governors were swabisch, and these conditions together meant that there would always be some friction between the alps and the Habsburgs. Friedrich resolved to end the problem by giving up some income from levies from the swiss, in return for a guarantee of limited self government. "
date = { day = 1 month = july year = 1419 }

action_a = {
name = "Offer Reichsfrei status"
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -4 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -4 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = -5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = -5 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
command = { type = setflag which = reichsfrei }

action_b = {
name = "This will cost us too much"
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 388 value = 5 }
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1612 value = 5 }
command = { type = wakeleader which = 33141 }

event = {
id = 444211
trigger = {
flag = reichsfrei
flag = bianca
OR {
owned = { province = 388 data = -1 } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = -1 } #Schwyz
domestic = { type = centralization value = 7 }
random = no
country = SWA
name = "The swiss belong"
desc = " The effect of lower tax burden and the diplomatic skills of the Duchess meant that for better or for worse, the realm was on a an equal cultural and economic footing. Duchess Bianca managed to convince the Contors of the swiss Alps to pay an equal tax to the other provinces of Swabia. "
date = { day = 1 month = july year = 1480 }
offset = 300
deathdate = { day = 30 month = june year = 1485 }

action_a = {
name = "at last"
command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = 2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = 2 }
command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = 1 }
command = { type = removeflag which = reichsfrei }

event = {
id = 444251
trigger = {
OR {
owned = { province = 388 data = -1 } #Bern
owned = { province = 1612 data = -1 } #Schwyz
atwar = yes
flag = reichsfrei
event 444251
random = yes
country = SWA
name = "Swiss Reisläufer"
desc = "The integration of the swiss peoples into the swabian culture since the Battle of Sembach had far reaching benefits. The war against the Contors had made the Habsburgs realise that there were new ways of fighting. The Swiss pikemen and foot soldiers (Reisläufer) became highly sought after."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1420 }
offset = 0
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1440 }
action_a = {
name = "Hire them"
command = { type = treasury value = -100 }
command = { type = land value = 50 }
command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 5000 }
command = { type = wakeleader which = 33141 }
action_b = {
name = "Buy their advice and training"
command = { type = treasury value = -10 }
command = { type = land value = 50 }
command = { type = wakeleader which = 33141 }