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Totally primitive.png

Yeah, totally primitive. Get some sleep Cordales, you are drunk.
Oh, ok. I didn't want to finish this event chain anyway.


Shouldn't FE systems be excluded as valid candidates for early game events?
Oh, ok. I didn't want to finish this event chain anyway.

View attachment 492274

Shouldn't FE systems be excluded as valid candidates for early game events?

Well what you could do is declare war on them, surrender immediately, then you have 10 years of border access because of the truce. Just make sure you can afford the cost of surrendering. If you're a pacifist you can just insult them until they declare on you.
View attachment 492271
Yeah, totally primitive. Get some sleep Cordales, you are drunk.
Amazing! I guess those Ancient Alien types were right- all those thousand-year-old cities we dig up must have been built by societies just as advanced as ours, because we live on Earth now with this technology level, and that means we've always had this level of technology!

The Archives were clearly settled more recently than the millions-year-old ruins :p
Amazing! I guess those Ancient Alien types were right- all those thousand-year-old cities we dig up must have been built by societies just as advanced as ours, because we live on Earth now with this technology level, and that means we've always had this level of technology!

The Archives were clearly settled more recently than the millions-year-old ruins :p
  • Aren't Keepers of Knowledge millions of years old in the first place?
  • And Archives is their most important planet with the lilled to brim with super high tech goodies, including the unique Archives themselves.
  • The Achives is a resource rich Gaia world, is could hardly be less of a "desert with no resources" that the description is describing.
  • And over these millions of years the Keepers kept the these Bone Temples and never even touched them, them some science ship passes over and detects and excavates them over a couple of years.
This was so haunting. I assume a glitch or simply damn scary?:eek:



It is a bug.
It happens in black hole Systems, at the right zoomlevel, when a Science Ship scanner beam is on.

60% to get no clues
0% to get 1 clue
-50% to get 2 clues
-80% to finish a chapter
You don't need any math skills to get lvl 1.

View attachment 492254
The Core of the issue is that you got a level 1 scientist with not bonus traits.
But I think every try the scientist should get XP. So eventually he will level up and get improoved chances.

This is what happens when you research "polar garisons" (which gives you 1 soldier job per 25 pops) from precursor tech as a machine empire.
Yes, that's worker jobs.
Yes, machine empires cannot have workers.
Yes, this is kinda gamebreaking because it also breaks your resettlement screen as you cannot see any unemployed drones anymore due to those soldier jobs you can never fill.
Dude you need to chill, you can't do all the work alone
Yeah, I didn't want to settle here anyway. Hostile fauna AND flora?
Hell no!


You should colonize it anyway and name it "Australia".
You should colonize it anyway and name it "Australia".
You beat me too it!
I mean Savanna (wich incldues large rocks), Hostile Flora and Hostile Fauna? Can it be any more obvious?