Isn't a cyborg robot what the T-800 series in terminator was? Flesh over a metal endoskeleton....
That is a good point. So Stellaris has Terminator-like tech. Good to know. Also, the contingency crisis tries to utilize some of those as well in some of its events.
City planets very explicitly do not have either of those anymore.
There is a whole event popup that points it out and all.
These places must be horrid dystopias to live on, then. Chasms of concrete and steel, humidity condensing into moisture, slowly accumulating at the lower levels... For heavens sake, these places are GRIMDARK. No! I will not accept that! The Message only speaks about the unthinking laws of nature no olonger holding sway and the planet being encased in structures, but that does not mean we have no place for beauty, for parks, lakes, rivers. If you build an ecumenopolis over Earth, I am sure you would find a way to incorporate the victoria falls during the process of transforming the LANDscape into a CITYscape. The wheather may no longer be natural, the river Nile may no longer flood its banks (unless you want it to), but surely India would not erase the Ganges River? We would not destroy holy mountains? Then again, maybe we would. And the Grand Canyon would slowly fill with toxic sludge... Flavour, guys, flavour. It is all up to your imagination.
But now, just to be sure, I want to have an upgrade option to my city worlds, like a wheather simulation system, and green arcologies, than increase happyness of my pops and give me the feeling I did NOT just stuff them unto a hellish hive world. And I want the reverse options, for more grimdarkness.