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Weeeeell, it used to be a terrestrial planet, but they have the gaseous byproducts trait.

Things got a little out of hand.
That reminds me of a old joke:
"Is this a game of chance?"
"Not the way I play it!"

"But this is not a gas giant."
"It will be soon enough."

These guys don't like rap, apparently.
Once upon a black hole dreary, while I researched, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of fallen empire lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my space ship door.
“’Tis some Lithoid,” I muttered, “tapping at my space ship door—
Only this and nothing more.”
View attachment 524502
I brought back the Awoken, said they couldn't be in my empire, they settled next to the Xenophobe FE, their only planet got cracked... and they survived?
Hah! I'm firmly on the "Machines being restricted to the habitable world types is fine" side, but this does make me kind of wish they had some sort of official ability to survive world-devestating events better.
Awoken might not be a default empire. Or there might be a special case excluding them from the "Empire Death" Event.
Or maybe they have a Colony(ship) at work?
The Awoken are just buggy, honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if the event that creates an empire for them is just missing a "set_flag" line somewhere, and it means they exist in definition limbo with normal AI behaviour and diplomacy but don't actually get treated as an empire by all the game's systems.
Awoken might not be a default empire. Or there might be a special case excluding them from the "Empire Death" Event.
Or maybe they have a Colony(ship) at work?
The Awoken are just buggy, honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if the event that creates an empire for them is just missing a "set_flag" line somewhere, and it means they exist in definition limbo with normal AI behaviour and diplomacy but don't actually get treated as an empire by all the game's systems.
I've had many (mod-free) games where the Awoken ended up as a zero-pop zero-planet empire still contactable in Diplomacy.

They are a very very old event chain, and since they're pre-Synth-Dawnmaybe they did indeed have an empire death exception to stop wierd things happening when you're an empire whose only pops are basic robots or something.
It does give them an awesome background in the diplomacy screen!
"Do you wanna know how our Homeplanet got these scars?" - Heath Ledger Empire.
I spent the last couple weeks letting the endgame years on my current save tick by, hoping that something interesting would still happen in this run.

Well, it wasn't quite what I expected, but this was amusing to watch at least.


(I unlocked the L-Gates, got the Dessanu, but couldn't be arsed to attack them, being xenophile and all. Years later, the Unbidden spawned at the other end of the galaxy, directly neighboring another L-Gate, and captured the Terminal Egress. Immediately, Fun ensued for any other empire holding an L-Gate.)

  1. Unbidden fleet warping in through... aberrant portal?
  2. Guess i'll become perfect cell now (perfect cell-ui qui a faim)
  3. Aberrant, vehement, unbidden and the worm litterraly 2-4 jumps from each other

Guess i'll become perfect cell now (perfect cell-ui qui a faim)

Spiritualists are so zealous/gullible they'll flock (no pun intended) to anyone displaying that severed head, even if it's a hive mind of planet-killing sentient rocks. :p
Spiritualists are so zealous/gullible they'll flock (no pun intended) to anyone displaying that severed head, even if it's a hive mind of planet-killing sentient rocks. :p
Did you not listen? "Exactly as Foretold!"
"Some things you just have to take on faith."

I spent the last couple weeks letting the endgame years on my current save tick by, hoping that something interesting would still happen in this run.

Well, it wasn't quite what I expected, but this was amusing to watch at least.


(I unlocked the L-Gates, got the Dessanu, but couldn't be arsed to attack them, being xenophile and all. Years later, the Unbidden spawned at the other end of the galaxy, directly neighboring another L-Gate, and captured the Terminal Egress. Immediately, Fun ensued for any other empire holding an L-Gate.)
Just think if the unbidden had appeared there before anyone opened the L-Gates (or if nobody ever did):
"Dude. A galaxy full of stars. A Hyperlane network spanning hundreds of System. Dozens of Civilisations with Jumpdries. And you pick the 1 Cluster without any connection to the rest of it?"
"But there are a lot of Inhabited planets here..."
"Those are Nanites. I do not eat nanites. Do I look like a Nanigarian to you?"
Here is your new story pack idea: The Q-Cluster to the south west of the galaxy. Also, I am using that colossus for strictly civilian purposes. No need for sanctions or strongl worded letters.
Q Cluster.png
The Prikkiki-Ti spawned in my game and conquered the Earth Custodianship. They were quite big and I had to put all my specialists into alloy production to keep up with them/beat them.



  • Prikkiki Ti conquered Earth Custodianship.jpg
    Prikkiki Ti conquered Earth Custodianship.jpg
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The Prikkiki-Ti spawned in my game and conquered the Earth Custodianship. They were quite big and I had to put all my specialists into alloy production to keep up with them/beat them.

I can not quite see what is strange about it?

Never before has a simple construction ship made me laugh so hard.
The first 3 habitable planets I find, playing as humans (on Earth), are all the third rocks from the Sun.

Screenshot (662).png
Screenshot (663).png
Screenshot (664).png