For a brief moment I hoped that York would accept these terms and we would see the War of the Roses become a court room battle, Somerset brought before his peers and tried in the High Court of Parliament. The actual trial merely a proxy for a battle twixt Yorkist and the Court faction, with denunciations, legal trickery, stunning speeches and cunning cross-examinations producing devastating confessions. Margaret dragged to the stand and needled into confessing her treasonous harlotry and hatred of England. York unravelling on the stand as the pressure became too much.
But alas I realised that while I am a massive fan of AARs that utterly subvert expectations and pull the rug out of readers just before the big war, I am probably in a minority and so likely York will just reject this for some weak reason (probably around not dispersing his army till Somerset is arrested or similar) and it shall be actual fighting war. But the Legal War of the Roses shall remain with me as a marvellous idea that was too beautiful for this harsh and uncaring world.
But alas I realised that while I am a massive fan of AARs that utterly subvert expectations and pull the rug out of readers just before the big war, I am probably in a minority and so likely York will just reject this for some weak reason (probably around not dispersing his army till Somerset is arrested or similar) and it shall be actual fighting war. But the Legal War of the Roses shall remain with me as a marvellous idea that was too beautiful for this harsh and uncaring world.
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