Oh dear...we had France in the bag and now it's going to slip through our fingers. That army is also now leaderless and looking for a commander or a cause...not good either way.
It may not. Not in the way that France is so weak. But yes, we do need a new leader there in the event something comes up.
He has no real allies or family aside from his wealth and loyalty to York.
Even if the yorkists win, I suspect he will be the lamb that gets sacrificed for peace.
Yes, but that wealth can go a long way.
Talbot is dead! This might make whoever gets the continental possessions a kingmaker - and they won't be inclined to support the Queen...
Am I the only one getting the vibes that Ned and Harry love each other and are in denial about it (justifiably, given that this is Medieval England, and homosexuality is a sin, but still)?
You are not imaging it. As I was doing research, there was a rumor to that effect (though in later years) and I decided to include it. It's been kind of interesting to write and I hope I am writing it fairly. It is surely not meant to be prurient. In many ways, I want it to set up what will happen later with their relationship.
That vibe, already hinted at a few times, is getting stronger, from Edward anyway. Gaydar beeping!
Is name is Henry Beaufort. Warwick killed his father and should prepare to die! I wonder if Warwick has six fingers? But Beaufort may need the Brute Squad to get at him.
Definitely not imagining it. It’s there, but Ned seems more interested …
Love a Princess Bride reference!
On the other, it seemed fairly natural enough not unlike boarding school mates and the like. And Ned especially is a rather equal opportunity fellow, seems to me. Boys just wanna have fun.
Somerset is too stubborn. Like good ol' York.
The young man wants vengeance. Coin won't cover it.
I am hoping against hope for the OTL outcome. Because of two persons, Margaret Beaufort deserves at least her fate as she seems to be the best person and Richard III hopefully, we will not receive any better fate.
Hmmm...you may not get your wish.
Or you might. Or...well, it'll take a while to get there anyway.
To all - So on the death of Talbot. That was an in-game action. Seems a shame I had him for longer than RL but could not use him (as he is a great leader in game.) I did hire a new Leader - the Leicester I mentioned in the post. So now we have a truly fictional one to work with.
On the other, I was waiting for someone to mention it. As
@Bullfilter suggested, it has been hinted at quite a few times. I never want to over do it or make light of their situation. To me, it adds yet another level to their relationship. Perhaps bittersweet even but I don't want to spoil anything. It was a different angle to take but still fits within what we know of their characters. Like I said, I hope it works and in no way seems like a cheap subplot. It is certainly not meant as such.
Finally, I just want to thank again all of those that supported this work in the recent YaYas. There is so much great work done here, so to find a good showing is very gratifying. I never run these to win but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate being remembered. And hey...even Richard got a victory!
Next update comes tomorrow. Thanks for reading and giving comment, folks!