To drop back a bit;
I am saddened that we never got the Henry and Henry double act having buddy movie-esque escapades around France trying to avoid capture. But then as they would doubtless agree is a life in France actually worth living?
On which note Somerset. Safe to say almost everyone will be better off now he is dead. I think I disagree with an earlier comment about a clash between his sense/self interest and his oath/honour/grievances. The impression he gives is of someone incredibly self centred, everything is about him. His oath is not framed in "being loyal to the King is a good thing" but about the impact of breaking it on Somerset personally. Same for his missing of Ned and desire to kill Warwick, it's not about Ned but about Somerset. Now he's gone you can look back and he's not that complex, he impulsive certainly but very consistent in never thinking about anyone but himself.
I can safely say that whatever terrible things happens to the young bastard Edward they will be insufficient. You can just tell he is an irredeemably awful human being, which is what you would expect given his parentage. Sad to see Henry continuing his trend of saying the right things far, far too late.Young Edward was naught but eleven but he stood as well to argue, “The lot of you are weak! Vous êtes des hommes faibles! Mon père...most of all! The man outside is a traitor that takes from me in every way! You would support maman or you should go away!”
Under his breath, King Henry scoffed, “You are not of my loins.”
I am saddened that we never got the Henry and Henry double act having buddy movie-esque escapades around France trying to avoid capture. But then as they would doubtless agree is a life in France actually worth living?
On which note Somerset. Safe to say almost everyone will be better off now he is dead. I think I disagree with an earlier comment about a clash between his sense/self interest and his oath/honour/grievances. The impression he gives is of someone incredibly self centred, everything is about him. His oath is not framed in "being loyal to the King is a good thing" but about the impact of breaking it on Somerset personally. Same for his missing of Ned and desire to kill Warwick, it's not about Ned but about Somerset. Now he's gone you can look back and he's not that complex, he impulsive certainly but very consistent in never thinking about anyone but himself.