It's kinda sad and funny how that was so misunderstood by the community members. Deliberately or by accident. Her point simply was that if you dont like their desing choices on what C:S2 will be, then the game isn't necessarily for you. Same way like Highrise city or Soviet workers & resources isn't for me. I don't like that sort of micromanagement with resources, so I don't play them anymore. I own both, but they are not for me.This is how many apologies now? And after an earlier half apology telling us this game might not be for us. It’s not for me. I don’t find it enjoyable. I bought ultimate so I’ll be getting lots of content I’m not going to use. I am not buying any other DLC and I’m not buying another paradox game.
Same applies to C:S2. If you like something else than what it offers, then it isn't for you. It won't have similar resource flows and management of those like HRC has. If you want that, game isn't for you. And any sensible person understands that. Only trolls keep twisting it the otherway.
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