• We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement.
One of the few communications/things done at least half-way acceptably. Only took what, an entire development cycle + 6 months. Now to actually *show* players you're not just placating. Quality control, and *decent* assets in the pack - advertised in a non-deceptive manner.
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This is the right attitude from now on.
Now we need more mods to show up like the traffic lights that for me are essential (which were in Thunderstorm mods) and the core game being balanced and fixed.
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While I am choosing to withhold enthusiasm, I have to say that a message like this has been sorely needed and is appreciated. As an ultimate edition buyer I am satisfied with the remedy provided that the content offered in compromise is of the same or better quality and scope as comparable CS1 creator packs and radio stations.

What's left now is to take the feedback of the advisory panel, make the requested changes, and restore the series to its former glory. That will take time, and I will be hoping for a positive outcome for everyone involved, but please understand my reservation of enthusiasm after such a prolonged misadventure.

Generally speaking, I am growing tired of giving developers and publishers redemption arcs. This trend of creating problems to solve and then expecting a round of applause for doing so is concerning, and I am no longer in the position where I am willing to offer third chances. You get one of these mishaps, but no more. If a Paradox or CO release goes this poorly again, I will be boycotting both organizations permanently. This kind of thing cannot be allowed to become the norm in the gaming industry and I'm afraid that it is. Do it right the first time. That should not be too much to ask.
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One thing I was thinking about. I gather you have a good idea on performance and what parts of the current game are impacting it. Can we get an idea on what issues you are struggling with?
The example I can think of is the follower option for the cims. After I completed the achievement (which takes a LONG time with a 200k city, don't do that) I did not bother with following cims again. How much of the performance is this taking up? If it's taking up 5% (random number I really have no clue), then can we consider cutting it from the game, or maybe even adding a toggle option. Can we dial back parts of the simulation to improve performance? Can we trim the fat from the game. With the option to toggle parts of the simulation that gives us a way to enhance performance. Kind of like graphic settings where we can increase our GPU performance to our liking. That way we can play the game as we like it, but have warnings that the options may impact performance.
Is this a viable thing? I have no idea on programming the game.
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This is a great first step forward and it gives me hope that we may see some action on long term major bugs such as the issues with transit vehicles becoming stuck.
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Lots of words with promises that lead nowhere given in the last 6 months. I hope this isnt PR spin, I really do. Deliver on Words please.

Also, why do we now have a new "Cities Skylines Official" account, replacing the dead silent co_avanya and co_martsu Colossal Order accounts. This new account, users cant view the message history to easily see official responses given to the community? Its been disabled, any other user account on these forums has this enabled by default, why?

Almost nobody cares about Radio Stations, get rid of this paid content idea, its not wanted. The community has voiced this enough, listen.

These members of the community your selecting to liase with, will unfortunately be those online content creators that also signed NDA's in the past when CS2 was pre-release and gave non-negative pre-release reviews of the game. They have a conflict of interest to displease you, because having a good relationship with CO/PDX enables them to get future first-hand info/access to generate views for their content. How about selecting some actual players that dont have a conflict of interest in saying what you dont want to hear? The truth may suck, but at least it leads to decisions that make the game more attractive for new players.

Oh look, the number of lifetime comments under my username, vs the thumbs up from the community. Looks like people agree with me often. I dont want the job because Ive given up with the game, but find people with a good ratio. The community agrees with what they are saying. They are the people you want to liase with.
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This is the first good thing I've heard from this company since before release. I was honestly ready to completely give up on this game and its devs, but seems like a honest effort is being made here.
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Dear Cities fans,

We see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed after the release of Cities: Skylines II and the recent release of Beach Properties. We asked for your patience and support, and you’ve shown those. In return, we let you down. We thought we could make up for the shortcomings of the game in a timeframe that was unrealistic, and rushed out a DLC that should not have been published in its current form. For all this, we are truly sorry. When we’ve made statements like this one before, it’s included a pledge to keep making improvements, and while we are working on these updates, they haven’t happened at a speed or magnitude that is acceptable, and it pains us that we've now lost the trust of many of you. We want to do better.

The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation.

Looking ahead, we also want to make immediate and meaningful changes in the way we approach the game’s development and our communication with you. Firstly, this means a complete focus on improving the base game and modding tools, and secondly, we want to better involve you, the community, as we choose our priorities going forward. We will focus on additional free patches and game updates in the coming months before Colossal Order spends time on new paid content, resulting in a move of the Bridges and Ports Expansion to 2025. In addition, the aforementioned Creator Packs are being produced independently, and will not take any focus away from the work on improving the game. To make sure we focus on the right things, we’re putting together an advisory meeting, where a small group of player representatives, together with Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive, will discuss the development plan for this year. The people in this group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many people as possible. The teams from Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive will provide them with full transparency and answer any questions and critiques voiced. Our hope is that together with you, our community, we can make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past and bring this game into a bright future.

We also want to address the pending Console release. As you know, our plan was to release in Spring of this year. We have been hesitant to communicate an actual release window because of the uncertainty we are facing, and to not make further promises we might not be able to keep. We have been struggling to get Cities: Skylines II to the necessary level of optimization for a console release, but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate, and then a release build targeted for October. Before we have seen and evaluated the progress made in these builds however, we will not be able to confirm the release date, and even then, some uncertainty always remains. Our ambition is to deliver the experience that you all deserved at launch, but it will take time. It’s important to note that the team working on the console release operates separately from our PC development team, so it will be progressing without splitting our focus or time.

In closing, we want to reaffirm our dedication to making Cities: Skylines II the best city builder it can be. We appreciate your support and feedback, and hope we can regain your trust going forward. It’s our responsibility to earn it, and we hope these actions are a first step in the right direction.
We are deeply grateful for your continued passion for our game. Please stay tuned for further updates on the game and the refund process, and thank you for being a part of our community.

Mariina Hallikainen
CEO, Colossal Order

Mattias Lilja
Deputy CEO, Paradox Interactive

We have created an FAQ Page with information on how your refunds will be processed and further information about release timelines.
Development and coding is hard and tedious work. Especially interactive content, that should have a consistent and intended function when activated, I imagine is hard work. Then on top of that, turning that function into visual and audible content.

I am just imagining what this all feels like to create. So you guys have my admiration. The transparency is greatly appreciated. And I'm down for the climb.
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"The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation."

Congratulations! After reading this paragraph from your little blurb, you have finally killed my passion for city building.

Seriously. I've lost my passion now. From the original SimCity to modern-day CS1 (Still not fixed), I've played city builders for more time than some people have been alive. This paragraph sealed it for me.

I'm not even going to focus any of the things that I have already seen from you. I'm 53, I know how The World works. I can see through carefully worded veils attempting to cover up lies/deceit/greed, etc. Over the decades, I have watched and learned.

Anyways, 2 points come about from this paragraph of yours:

1. You are offering refunds for the DLC (Which previously was finished, then not finished but you are working on it, then finished and released, and now you claim that it was rushed and made by other people?). So, why can't/couldn't you refund people that wanted a refund for the game after they first purchased it? I completely understand the 'can't separate DLC purchase from Ultimate Purchase' aspect. However, refunding the Ultimate Edition is EXACTLY the same thing as refunding a DLC. "Significant complexities for executing a partial refund" makes sense. But explain to people (without lying) how you can refund the full purchase of the DLC, but not the full game? I'd love to hear the explanation/reasoning on that one. You are refunding a digital transaction. BILLIONS of digital transactions are refunded yearly, but not for the video game industry! Nice.

2. You mention no compensation for the console users. Why? Yes, they had their money refunded because of how MS and Sony do business. Oh, wait. I just contradicted myself, didn't I? I suppose there IS an actual example of a video game refund happening because of a broken promise. Silly me. Anyways, what compensation is mentioned for them? None. Just because they already got their money back doesn't mean that they don't deserve future compensation. Obviously it does in your eyes.

I'm going to end this here. I don't want to waste any more of my time than I already have. Not once, in my entire Life did I ever believe that my passion for city building could die. NOT ONCE! Turns out, they just hadn't used enough bullets yet.

PS: My humblest apologies to the YouTubers that I have supported in the past. Unfortunately I cannot enjoy your content anymore, as it would only break my heart further. Thank You! all for all of your hard work and entertainment throughout the decades! I really appreciate everything that you have done for YOUR Community. (Overcharged Egg was my favourite!)

ImanIdgit (Uninstaller of every CO and Paradox title that I own. Owned, rather.)
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You may not be heard on these forums.

You will always be heard with your wallet.

Remember to support developers who do the right thing, and respect their community.
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"The people in this group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many people as possible."

Be careful at fulfilling the wishes of content creators (aka YouTubers), it could end in a failed response to the silent community, that actually plays the game.

There are a lot of suggestions in this forum and a ton of bug reports.

Probably the announcement is hard to swallow for some people, but I think that set realistic goals and that is positive overall. cheers.
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Does this mean we can expect PDX to take a more involved role in quality control, management, and communication? This would be a very welcome change.
To me that tranlates to Paradox having taken supreme command.
Quality control should have always been in Paradox's hands as well and hopefully this will extend now to managing the affairs. About the communication strategy we will have to see, but the wording already does sound differently, so there is hope.
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I think a very fair update by CO to fix stuff before releasing more stuff and create a bigger mess ...

As a console player happy for the update on this as wel although not holding my breath yet.
Few questions I hope we get an reply to, is because of whats being going on with CS2, do console players get
- extra features within the game, like of propline tool, move it, anarchy, better lane control on roads. Those things they have as mods on the PC version, which we can't have, build in? Surely certain things must be posible!
- And because of the long wait for a console release, is there any incentive for these players?

Glad CS teams have now listened to all us Cities fans, better late than never... admitting the release was a shambolic one, you surely tempted faith and believe from that
one community that made CS1 the greatest game EVER!! Going forward and doing better do us right... with free fixes for PC and an awesome console version, reward us with fixes and listening ears to help solve your issues... as than I believe CS2 will be as great and ever better as CS1...
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This is a first step towards what could be a slow recovery, also because there is still a lot of work to do and absolutely adding the Mod Assets as soon as possible, but at least taking responsibility and trying to clarify and be more detailed these are positive signs in the times, let's hope all these words are followed by deeds...

As a small immediate suggestion, I could say that one of the content creator packs should be dedicated to integrating the "beach properties pack" to actually make it what it was supposed to be, with sand beaches, equipped beaches, umbrellas, recreational activities, real and more varied beach houses , dedicated shops, etc...

Also, can we have some more news about content creator regions pack?
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