No, this is not a fair compensation. When I bought Ultimate Edition, I did not purchase 3 content creator packs or 3 radio stations. The 39,99$ is your made up value of something that doesn't even exist. I do not want those. I want the content I paid for.We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation.
I feel insulted and scammed. It seems borderline illegal to sell something, then not deliver what was agreed as the object of the purchase, then change the content of what was purchased, and delay that content to uncertain future far from what was promised. It's insane to me a lot of people welcomes this as good news. It is not good, not for Ultimate Edition. The good news would be that you are refunding the Ultimate Edition, giving the unfortunate UE owners the option to buy the standard edition, or forget this ever happened.
When the UE appeared on Steam Store page, it promised certain content in a certain time frame, none of which was delivered (besides the day 1 SF pack) or delivered within the promised time (Beach Properties). Now the content changed (BP pack removed) and the other DLCs that are part of it are delayed to who knows when. I didn't puchase 3 content creator packs or 3 radio stations, I did not agree on getting this content I'm not interested in, but I'm forced this content because you changed the deal. I feel like poor Lando Calrissian when Darth Vader kept altering the deal.
This is a scam. In my country, false advertising and not delivering what you paid for is illegal. I doubt Steam will refund it, but I tried nevertheless. I will also contact the national business inspection bureau and report this scammy business practice.
I only take consolation in finally learning my last lesson; never purchase content that does not exist yet, and never preorder. It's a shame I had to learn that with my favorite game franchise.
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