New contender for the most over-dramatic thing I've read all year. I'm not sure what you tried to achieve with this post."The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation."
Congratulations! After reading this paragraph from your little blurb, you have finally killed my passion for city building.
Seriously. I've lost my passion now. From the original SimCity to modern-day CS1 (Still not fixed), I've played city builders for more time than some people have been alive. This paragraph sealed it for me.
I'm not even going to focus any of the things that I have already seen from you. I'm 53, I know how The World works. I can see through carefully worded veils attempting to cover up lies/deceit/greed, etc. Over the decades, I have watched and learned.
Anyways, 2 points come about from this paragraph of yours:
1. You are offering refunds for the DLC (Which previously was finished, then not finished but you are working on it, then finished and released, and now you claim that it was rushed and made by other people?). So, why can't/couldn't you refund people that wanted a refund for the game after they first purchased it? I completely understand the 'can't separate DLC purchase from Ultimate Purchase' aspect. However, refunding the Ultimate Edition is EXACTLY the same thing as refunding a DLC. "Significant complexities for executing a partial refund" makes sense. But explain to people (without lying) how you can refund the full purchase of the DLC, but not the full game? I'd love to hear the explanation/reasoning on that one. You are refunding a digital transaction. BILLIONS of digital transactions are refunded yearly, but not for the video game industry! Nice.
2. You mention no compensation for the console users. Why? Yes, they had their money refunded because of how MS and Sony do business. Oh, wait. I just contradicted myself, didn't I? I suppose there IS an actual example of a video game refund happening because of a broken promise. Silly me. Anyways, what compensation is mentioned for them? None. Just because they already got their money back doesn't mean that they don't deserve future compensation. Obviously it does in your eyes.
I'm going to end this here. I don't want to waste any more of my time than I already have. Not once, in my entire Life did I ever believe that my passion for city building could die. NOT ONCE! Turns out, they just hadn't used enough bullets yet.
PS: My humblest apologies to the YouTubers that I have supported in the past. Unfortunately I cannot enjoy your content anymore, as it would only break my heart further. Thank You! all for all of your hard work and entertainment throughout the decades! I really appreciate everything that you have done for YOUR Community. (Overcharged Egg was my favourite!)
ImanIdgit (Uninstaller of every CO and Paradox title that I own. Owned, rather.)
Why would you let one botched release take away your enjoyment of many other games? Hell, you didn't even say It's the state of the game itself but one paragraph on a compensation policy (A generally well received one at that).
Say what you want about the game but It's a bit ridiculous to blame CO for 'killing your passion'. Plenty of other great games in the genre if you look hard enough, I suggest forget about CS2 and play another game instead of crying that you can't enjoy the genre anymore...
P.S. People could get a full refund at the time of release through each stores refund policy (2 hours play / 14 days for steam etc.). If they play 300 hours then decide they don't like it, then that is on them.
P.P.S. why would console players be owed compensation if they got a full refund?
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