Edit: me putting the sources couldn't allow me to post this, so it may seem what I'm saying is nonsense without any source but if anyone can inform me how to bypass this, I can post all the sources.
An interesting source, which, if I'm correct, was made by trusted officials and the people, can be viewed here on the Website.
Tlemcen had a whopping figure of 50,000! Andalusians migrated to it after the fall. Even if the number is exaggerated, Tlemcen has multiple sources describing it as an Andalusian city. Its architecture was almost identical to the Nasrids. Here, an article talks about the 50,000 Andalusians in Tlemcen and how Andalusian Tlemcen was. Multiple sources show many scholars traveling to Granada and describing it as similar to Tlemcen.
Many times, this is shown. Multiple poets and scholars from Tlemcen lived there, and one of the sultans even lived in Granada.